Whats the Fishing like there being a PvP realm... Am I gonna get raped trying to get my hat?
Hey all, I'm gonna roll a toon over here. My f2p community on ghostlands is nill. I can roll healz!! Let me know what class u guys would like to see!
I'm interested
Yea I got a drood to 20 already and got a hpali dprist and rshammy in the pipe. Gonna get em all to 20 and make final "main" decision. All my toons have "healz" in their name. Psthealz is the drood! Got f2paddon running now too!
I am going to join this server love doing duels and bgs i have a p2p account also and i am hoping i can get help gearing my new ret pally i am making on this server thanks
I just rolled a Human Huntard, looking forward to hangin and bangin with you folks... I have the F2P addon, but feel free to friend me if you see me around. Name is Kuebal.
Haven't seen you yet, but I hope everybody is eating you well!
Also we ran a couple 5 mans yesterday. A Really really close game vs some APers, in which we got insanely lucky and won. GGs
How is the cross realm situation on vashj?
Sorry, I do not completely understand? I see higher levels xrealming more, and I havent seen 20s xrealming to Vashj tbh.
Id like to get agm and farm chests so Im looking for a realm that is connected to empty ones but also has a few f2ps on it.