Utilizing oQueue for 24 PUGs. (get the most out of your battlegrounds)

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What's oQueue?

A new add-on came out recently to contend with all the botters running rampant at end-game. It's called oQueue.

It's an in-game social mesh that sends battletags to a central B-Net user and networks other players sending B-Tags to it. Using technology similar to what the popular F2P addon uses to network P2P users with one another across servers and battle groups.

Players can host groups and you can queue in for waiting lists for these groups. So if we start utilizing this add-on we won't need to trade battle-tags in games or through message boards anymore, we can simply network through the oQueue interface. This means always having a 5-man 24 group, and the add-on even has an advanced interface for queueing 10-15 mans. You can even check the stats and gear of your team mates before you queue, if you feel someone isn't geared enough to run with your group. BUT DON'T USE THIS AS A LFG or ADVERTISING YOURSELF, otherwise the add-on gets congested with useless BS and you'll get banned from the add-on. If there isn't a premade for your bracket running, simply start your own premade and wait for players to join you.

This add-on is legit and does not break any of Blizzard's TOS.

Facebook Page: (for quickest updates and Q&A)

Add-on Homepage:
oQueue - social mesh networking for wow

Add-on through Curse:
oQueue - PvP - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse

Start queueing today!

Using oQueue

When you start the add-on, simply pull up the "find premade" window in the oQueue options window, submit battle tag, and find mesh. Once you click find mesh for a while, other players will automatically accept your battle tag sent from the central B-Net user and you will start to build a social network in your Battle.net friends list. Once this is done a list of premades will appear in the "find premade" window, when subsequent premades are formed you will be alerted in chat.

I hit "find mesh" and it said "That person is already your friend". Am I doing something wrong?
It means that the Score Keeper (central B-Net user) has sent your battle.net tag to everyone in the database, and they will accept your friend request automatically when they log-in. When the Scorekeeper gets new battle.net tags, you can hit "find mesh" again until you've requested all b.net tags. Always use "find mesh" when you log in or in between queues because you never know when more battle.net tags will be available to you, and you can expand your network.

  • It may take several hours to build your initial network using oQueue, Don't get discouraged, just keep hitting "find mesh" when you log in and in between queues to build your oQueue network.
  • As far as I know there are no 24's currently using oQueue. It will take a while to build a 20-24 bracket player base. I ask of and suggest you start your own pre-mades when playing, even if you don't think there are other players on.
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Sanctuary been using Oq for month + already. Works great but we are going to Wargames to promote guild activity. Ally vs horde Sanctuary fun. Now that more people have rolled toons on both factions.

good info post though for thoses who didn't know.
Sanctuary been using Oq for month + already. Works great but we are going to Wargames to promote guild activity. Ally vs horde Sanctuary fun. Now that more people have rolled toons on both factions.

good info post though for thoses who didn't know.

Yeah, That's mainly why I put it out there because for a while You and Sanctuary were the driving force of a P2P 24 community (and for that I solute you.) and I wanted to get news of this add-on out because it doesn't necessarily have to be the case and I haven't seen it circulating on the forums.

While we're on the subject I'd like to personally thank you for all your behind the scenes work in the 24 community.
I respect cripz views it's his opinion. We are currently welcoming more f2p on Alex. We don't mind Queing with them. In fairness it's f2ps bracket. It's because of them it's as active as it is.
The increasing number of opposing teams sporting five 24's probably means the end of fun BG's in this bracket. Five 24's on either side makes for a horrible game. Perhaps five 24's vs five 24's might be OK, but that rarely happens. Normally it's five 24's who camp for 19 minutes. This is supposed to be a social game, but oQueue and premades ruin it imo.

The perfect WSG is nineteen 20's and my 24. If the number of 24's on either side is greater than one more than the other, it's likely a route and no fun for anyone. Rather take chances on the individual queue.
I'm curious about this addon and the bracket. I'm hesitant to use it because there is zero enjoyment for me in a 4x24 group who steamrolls 10 F2P games before encountering a single P2P.

If it were to be used P2P v P2P, that is more intriguing.
Are people using this? Has been reported for a sticky. Would you like that?
Hopefully no too many twenty four groups will use oQueue for farming graveyards, that could be quite the disaster.
I must say oQueue is a handy add-on to have, and as somebody who has had a fair share of experience with the add-on, just felt I should warn anybody new to it; sometimes it can take a while to sort out, especially if you're new to it.
This isn't meaning to put anybody off using it, just letting you know
OQueue has been used end game for months. It is used more on the Horde side but is gaining more popularity on the Alliance. It isn't a foolproof way to get your (2) five man teams into the same BG, but it is a nice tool. A bit better than AV enabler.
now if we could only get something of the same scale with f2ps and not just single realm premades. It would be could if f2ps could easily organize pugmades on the fly.
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