Utilizing oQueue for 24 PUGs. (get the most out of your battlegrounds)

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Isn't La'Haryl that pest kid that everyone hated in F2P? Will I think his name was? If so, didn't you get banned from this website twice? It's a little weird seeing you say "Shane/Yde will deal with them" when they dealt with you, and here you are.

If that's not you, then ignore me - that's just what I was told by multiple people.
I'm curious about this addon and the bracket. I'm hesitant to use it because there is zero enjoyment for me in a 4x24 group who steamrolls 10 F2P games before encountering a single P2P.

If it were to be used P2P v P2P, that is more intriguing.

This is probably the easiest way in the game to organize cross-realm War games and can be used to do so. It can be used to organize anything from raids to full 15-man premades. It's up to the users to decide what they want to use it for.

Isn't La'Haryl that pest kid that everyone hated in F2P? Will I think his name was? If so, didn't you get banned from this website twice? It's a little weird seeing you say "Shane/Yde will deal with them" when they dealt with you, and here you are.

If that's not you, then ignore me - that's just what I was told by multiple people.

Yes. And I assure you that if my attitude hadn't changed I'd still be banned today. If you have a problem with me being a part of the f2p/24 community, by all means take it up with a moderator.

So are you already ab-*coughcough* using it? I've seen a sudden flourishing of 24s group roflstomping around...
I was just providing this as an option for networking this/any bracket. I simply posted it here because 20-24 is the most active bracket in the game, sometimes having faster horde-side queues than 90.

I let my account run dry because end-game blows so I'm currently f2p and not even using this mini-guide. It's provided by me to the community, what they do with it is their own business.
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