Useful addons?


Personally i'm not a big fan of addons beyond some basics.. but i was wondering if anyone else had some that prove useful in the bracket.
Get Icicle and Capping, if nothing else. Those are the only two I use besides a DR tracker for my fears.
I use bartender because it is easy to change keybinds. I also use power auras to track cooldown visually.
I use PvPcontrole Battlegroundtargets Quartz Gladius, and some out of pvp addon like Bagnon AltlasLoot etc...
Get battleground targets - This, if i had to really chose from the ones I've got, this be it my fav.

It is really helpful and can help you think about what you will do in the bg and what gear to wear. If there are al ot of mages for instance, I use Keeshan's Bandana.
Another handy one if you think that bg targets is to big is tiptac - makes in helpful to identify peoples spec but again, bgtargets can do that.
Addon Control Panel
Battleground Targets
Interrupt Bar
LUI v 3
Mik's Scrolling Battle text
Spell Alerter
Tidy Plates
Dory help me find a DR tracker! I need one!

I googled it and it really sucks but it gets the job done. I think it's just called DRTracker. It puts little icons next to peoples' names and I gotta actually look closely to see when DR's are done.
Using Bartender for chars where I need alot of keybindings, Quartz for good casting bar, Capping for... well capping :p and InterruptBar when on casters :)
I've always enjoyed playing around with Addons, I've spent a LOT of hours customizing and editing my UI which has evolved over the years to the Interface it is today. I'll start looking into making my UI settings public, I've received a number of requests now to do so, I just haven't had the time >.<!

I actually managed to save a copy of my UI thread the day before Blizzard shut down the forums, so here you go!

Some of the addons I list haven't been updated for 4.0 yet unfortunately. I can go into more detail on anything if you'd like me to.

Unit Frames - ImageShack® - Error

There’s a lot of options out there, but I personally prefer Pitbull4 for the level of customization that’s available. I have all Unit Frames displayed on the lower half of my screen with Player, Target, Target’s Target and Target’s Target’s Target Frames displayed along the bottom middle of my screen just above my Action Bars. I find having those frames in the center bottom of my screen instead of the default top left is more beneficial for the fact that everything is centralized, you don’t have to keep flicking your gaze to the corner of your screen when the action is going on right in front of you. ImageShack® - Error

Action Bars - ImageShack® - Error

I use Dominos on my Rogue, and Macaroon on all other classes. Most Action bar addons are fairly similar, but I find Macaroon superior because It allows for an unlimited amount of Action Bars, and macros can be written directly into the action bars and you’re not constricted to the normal 255 character limit. I have my vital abilities with Cooldowns displayed directly under my target with lesser important binds under my Player, and Target’s Target’s frames on either side, with the rest of my action bars hidden.

Scrolling Text - ImageShack® - Error

I use xDamageFont for the Scrolling Combat Text that appears above players, with the custom font S017036D.TTF , and I use MikScrollingBattleText for all other Text, with universal font of S017036D.TTF as well. I used to use SpellAlerter + SpellAlert, but by creating 50+ MSBT triggers I was able to simulate their functionality and then some.

Name Plates - ImageShack® - Error

NamePlates are the Frames that appears above players heads. I use Aloft, and AloftCastWarning which displays Cast Bars for non-targeted players.

Cooldown Timers - ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

I use OmniCC to display Timers on everything; Cooldowns, Buffs, Debuffs etc. By default, OmniCC displays It’s timer in the center of abilities, I edited the LUA file to display them along the Top though, so you can visibly see the graphic of the ability easier. I also edited the LUA so that the addon displays tenths of a second countdown on things under 60 seconds and everything below 10 seconds is larger, and in red. I’ve included the edited file If anyones interested in replicating my setup - Download full.lua

Battleground Specific - ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

Capping will display the Name and Class and current Health in a percentage form of both Fc’s as long as yourself, or someone also running the addon is within range of the enemy FC. You can target a FC by clicking on their name, or announce their Name and Class by Ctrl+Left clicking. Capping also has Queue and Battleground timer functions, It will display the time until the gates open, or when a flag will respawn, etc. I also have Cartographer which when used with conjunction to Capping, will display Raid members as color coded POI’s on the minimap that will flash red while in combat.


LoseControl provides a customizable CC Icon, configurable for Player, Target, Focus, Party1-5 and Arena1-5. I just use Player and Focus.


Proximo was the Arena mod that most used back in the day before Gladius. Although Proximo hasn’t been updated in years, It still works, and It has a feature that allows you to enable it in battlegrounds. It will display the Name/Class/Health/Mana/Cast Bars of the last 5 players you’ve engaged. I use Ctrl+1-5 and Ctrl+Shift+1-5 to Target or set as my Focus specific Proximo player IDs. It can get a little buggy at times.

Enemy Cooldown tracking - Afflicted

I have Afflicted setup to display all Hostile player cooldowns as bars in the Bottom Right of my screen, and Interrupt spells in an Icon format in the middle right of my screen.

Crowd Control and Diminishing Returns monitors - Cctracker and Drtracker

I have Drtracker setup next to Afflicted with identical configurations, with Cctracker being redirected into Drtracker.

Minimap - pMinimap

I use pMinimap with pStats. pStats displays information about your FPS, MS, Addons etc while mousing over your tracking icon.


MBF collects and hides Minimap icons for Addons.

Arena Frames - Gladius ImageShack® - Error

Cast Bars - ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

Gnosis Cast Bars for Player, Target and Focus. GCD + Swing timers for player. All bars are placed ontop of Pitbull frames which are set to low Strata.

YawningCombat counts down from and is continually reset to 6 seconds every time you engage in combat. I have it display as transparent bar with the letters ‘OoC’ as soon as I drop combat. It's beneath my Unit frame.

Chat Mods - ImageShack® - Error

I’m using PhanxChat in additional to Prat for my Chat Frame, and WIM(WoW Instant Messenger for Whispers)

Misc - ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

RangeDisplay displays the range of my Target, Focus and Mouseover. TipTac is the mouseover tooltip anchored to my mouse pointer. Bagnon is my Inventory mod.

Gpaper - ImageShack® - Error

Gpaper shows a graph overlay on the screen to assist with keeping things symetrical while in confiug mode.


I use it to hide/alter a number of things.


I use the Texture Steel for everything from this media pack, along with S017036D.TTF for most text, though I had to import the text file seperately.

List of addons with links

Pitbull4 - PitBull Unit Frames 4.0 - WoW AddOns -

Dominos - Dominos : Action Bar Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Macaroon - Macaroon! : Action Bar Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

xDamageFont - xDamageFont : Graphic UI Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

MikScrollingBattleText - MikScrollingBattleText : Combat Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Aloft - Aloft (Beta) : Beta-version AddOns : WoWInterface AddOns

AloftCastWarning - AloftCastWarning (Beta) : Beta-version AddOns : WoWInterface AddOns

OmniCC - OmniCC : Casting Bars and Cooldowns : WoWInterface AddOns

Capping - Capping : PvP/Arena/BattleGrounds : WoWInterface AddOns

Cartographer - Cartographer - Addons - Curse

LoseControl - LoseControl : Buff/Debuff/Spell Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Proximo - Proximo : Combat Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Afflicted - Afflicted3 : PvP/Arena/BattleGrounds : WoWInterface AddOns

Cctracker - CC Tracker : PvP/Arena/BattleGrounds : WoWInterface AddOns

Drtracker - DR Tracker : PvP/Arena/BattleGrounds : WoWInterface AddOns

pMinimap - pMinimap : Map Mods, coords/compasses : WoWInterface AddOns

pStats - pStats : Data Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Minimap Button Frame - Minimap Button Frame : Graphic UI Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Gladius - Gladius : PvP/Arena/BattleGrounds : WoWInterface AddOns

Gnosis Cast Bars - Gnosis Castbars : Casting Bars and Cooldowns : WoWInterface AddOns

YawningCombat - YawningCombat : PvP/Arena/BattleGrounds : WoWInterface AddOns

PhanxChat - PhanxChat : Chat Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Prat - Prat 3.0 : Chat Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

WIM - WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) : Chat Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

RangeDisplay - RangeDisplay : Combat Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

TipTac - TipTac : ToolTip : WoWInterface AddOns

Bagnon - Bagnon : Bags, Bank, Inventory Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

Gpaper - GraphPaper : Graphic UI Mods : WoWInterface AddOns

MoveAnything - MoveAnything : Miscellaneous : WoWInterface AddOns

SharedMedia - Grizzly Shared Media : Miscellaneous : WoWInterface AddOns
Courtesy of Brumble =)
Appreciate all the input and advice!!!! :D

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