USA vs Wt Premade?

Ko #1 Flag Returns World.

Curley #57


The games were alot of fun, much love for WT for putting 10 out for us. Their coordination was steller and always seemed as if they moved with a purpose. It was experience to learn from and move forward with.
the one right under ur nose u mongo

that sir is a mustache, not a tone. i can see they dont have telephonic devices in sweetish regions of commute. Rough pigieons thawed without redoubtably the largest crustacean having said dirtyauction to the square root of glock.

Good Job Pizza and the rest of the WT crew!

All this makes me want to come back and start playing with you again!

Big props to USA for having the balls, you can only improve from here

(My return will be soon)

Give it about a Month or so and ill be back bro!

work will die down and ill have a month or so off during xmas

miss yewww all

esp clouds

(no homo)

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