US Needs To Grow

Read the threads. It's not hard
Unless your just scimming and have a thing for paragraphs I'd say it could be tedious with the size of some of these posts and threads it could take a bit.

[MENTION=25480]Delayed[/MENTION] people basically accuse him of over moderating to the extent of killing the bracket, mocha does not admit to this, I personally think that Shane's coc and rules of moderation was largely at odds with our culture, and mocha should be allowed to repent, but I guess he would have to feel as if there is something to repent for first.
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Delayed pretty much everyone admits to banning themselves from breaking the CoC with various breaches such as creating multiple accounts, letting others use their accounts, posting IRL pictures of another moderator and flaming them etc (I could provide reasoning for all of the cases if necessary, but most members admit that they earned their bans) and during the months after our yearly championship tournament 5.4 was the patch that removed the enchants limitations which left most people frustrated with 19s... So we didn't get many pops in september, october and november of 2013 (as we do every year for the most part due to school and having a young demographic). At this same time nearly the entire bracket rolled 24s and was playing in the 20-24 bracket. In attempting to regain interest in 19s, I was often told by people to simply play 24 and forget about 19s. Those same people are now blaming me for killing 19s. See the below quote in response to me attempting to organize a weekly WSG PUG queue
When 1 door closes anothr door opens

19s die 20-24 become more acrive with the hiskill calibre 19s hav always had and therez enough shitters for the carebears/shitters of the 19 bracket to roll around in..

So I organized several 19s community wide wargames but due to everyone being mad that I banned their friends in the past, none of the current TI posters really participated in said games and trolled my attempts. Then Saxxon blamed the lack of PUG games on my moderation and the bandwagon followed.

December of that year PUGs picked back up again and everything was pretty much good to go during winter break. After winter break, games continued to pop through spring time and peaked in activity in summer once again. At that same time I stopped really moderating and I haven't heard a single justified complaint of my moderation for the past year. I was asked to step down a few months ago.

I'm still being blamed for killing the bracket

Here's some threads from that slice of time that may be relevant that I had created.

I was the first MVP in the 19s bracket and I've always had strong opinions about bracket ideals and how they can be damaging to the growth of our community. Most of my threads were anti-gy farming and promoting the fact that a healthy bracket should be 50/50 between horde and ally winning and how it's important to not just be a powerhouse in PUGs all the time. This painted a huge target on my back as I was constantly fighting against the grain and I was always confident in voicing my opinions even if I would receive little to no support. It was interesting that a lot of the more veteran twinkers and more mature members whom no longer use the site were typically encouraging in my efforts.

Here's a prime example: ------>

Edit: here's an interesting passage by Nicozy in the above thread who has been very vocally against me

The reason for why games are not happening is due to the lack of competitiveness. How you lack to understand this is beyond me, you truly have to be blind, pretty much all the competitive players left the bracket and thus it died.
Well I'll still argue against competitive atmospheres being more important than growth, but why was he not blaming Mocha like omg didn't Mocha kill 19s.

And Agonist verifying that we had pops during spring time of that year:

I've seen Nicozy participate in many games from December. How the fuck can you make a judgement like ''I've never seen you play'' when you only play once every month? Just because you've played a bit more than the monthly dose you seem to act like you know how this bracket works.

Just a few threads / examples if you want to read the content from back then and decide for yourself.


Edit: Watch the shitstorm unfold below my post! I'm done responding to this stuff, but my activity in 19s and on TI will increase dramatically :)

Edit 2:

The responses to this thread have been interesting to read years later.

Particularly Rusk's and Saxxon's posts
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Delayed pretty much everyone admits to banning themselves from breaking the CoC with various breaches such as creating multiple accounts, letting others use their accounts, posting IRL pictures of another moderator and flaming them etc (I could provide reasoning for all of the cases if necessary, but most members admit that they earned their bans) and during the months after our yearly championship tournament 5.4 was the patch that removed the enchants limitations which left most people frustrated with 19s... So we didn't get many pops in september, october and november of 2013 (as we do every year for the most part due to school and having a young demographic). At this same time nearly the entire bracket rolled 24s and was playing in the 20-24 bracket. In attempting to regain interest in 19s, I was often told by people to simply play 24 and forget about 19s. Those same people are now blaming me for killing 19s. See the below quote in response to me attempting to organize a weekly WSG PUG queue

So I organized several 19s community wide wargames but due to everyone being mad that I banned their friends in the past, none of the current TI posters really participated in said games and trolled my attempts. Then Saxxon blamed the lack of PUG games on my moderation and the bandwagon followed.

December of that year PUGs picked back up again and everything was pretty much good to go during winter break. After winter break, games continued to pop that spring time and peaked in activity in summer once again. At that same time I stopped really moderating and I haven't heard a single justified complaint of my moderation for the past year. I was asked to step down a few months ago.

I'm still being blamed for killing the bracket

Here's some threads from that slice of time that may be relevant that I had created.

I was the first MVP alongside Splosion (70s twinker) and I've always had strong opinions about bracket ideals and how they can be damaging to the growth of our community. Most of my threads were anti-gy farming and promoting the fact that a healthy bracket should be 50/50 between horde and ally winning and how it's important to not just be a powerhouse in PUGs all the time.

Here's a prime example: ------>

Edit: here's an interesting passage by Nicozy in the above thread who has been very vocally against me

Well I'll still argue against competitive atmospheres being more important than growth, but why was he not blaming Mocha like omg didn't Mocha kill 19s.

And Agonist verifying that we had pops during spring time of that year:

Just a few threads / examples if you want to read the content from back then and decide for yourself.


Edit: Watch the shitstorm unfold below my post!
Didn't actually read but have you addressed yet why you specifically targeted certain people, like Stubs?
Delayed pretty much everyone admits to banning themselves from breaking the CoC with various breaches such as creating multiple accounts, letting others use their accounts, posting IRL pictures of another moderator and flaming them etc (I could provide reasoning for all of the cases if necessary, but most members admit that they earned their bans) and during the months after our yearly championship tournament 5.4 was the patch that removed the enchants limitations which left most people frustrated with 19s... So we didn't get many pops in september, october and november of 2013 (as we do every year for the most part due to school and having a young demographic). At this same time nearly the entire bracket rolled 24s and was playing in the 20-24 bracket. In attempting to regain interest in 19s, I was often told by people to simply play 24 and forget about 19s. Those same people are now blaming me for killing 19s. See the below quote in response to me attempting to organize a weekly WSG PUG queue

So I organized several 19s community wide wargames but due to everyone being mad that I banned their friends in the past, none of the current TI posters really participated in said games and trolled my attempts. Then Saxxon blamed the lack of PUG games on my moderation and the bandwagon followed.

December of that year PUGs picked back up again and everything was pretty much good to go during winter break. After winter break, games continued to pop through spring time and peaked in activity in summer once again. At that same time I stopped really moderating and I haven't heard a single justified complaint of my moderation for the past year. I was asked to step down a few months ago.

I'm still being blamed for killing the bracket

Here's some threads from that slice of time that may be relevant that I had created.

I was the first MVP in the 19s bracket and I've always had strong opinions about bracket ideals and how they can be damaging to the growth of our community. Most of my threads were anti-gy farming and promoting the fact that a healthy bracket should be 50/50 between horde and ally winning and how it's important to not just be a powerhouse in PUGs all the time. This painted a huge target on my back as I was constantly fighting against the grain and I was always confident in voicing my opinions even if I would receive little to no support. It was interesting that a lot of the more veteran twinkers and more mature members whom no longer use the site were typically encouraging in my efforts.

Here's a prime example: ------>

Edit: here's an interesting passage by Nicozy in the above thread who has been very vocally against me

Well I'll still argue against competitive atmospheres being more important than growth, but why was he not blaming Mocha like omg didn't Mocha kill 19s.

And Agonist verifying that we had pops during spring time of that year:

Just a few threads / examples if you want to read the content from back then and decide for yourself.


Edit: Watch the shitstorm unfold below my post! I'm done responding to this stuff, but my activity in 19s and on TI will increase dramatically :)

I like you mocha but you need to stop these paragraphs.
Don't be ignorant fellas. I generally like and give everyone in this bracket my time, if you really think I, and others, would really kick up this much of a fuss over nothing then you really doubt my love and knowledge for this bracket.
[MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION], you are a huge insult to everything the bracket has accomplished over the past 4 to 5 months. These type of threads make me sick when you very rarely play or give 19 twinks your time.

I will be taking my leave from twink Info from now until something has changed. I'll try not to let the door hit me on the way out :).

Lol you want to convince feral players to roll a mage? Fat chance.
Lol you want to convince feral players to roll a mage? Fat chance.

You didn't read my thread :/

I know that anyone playing feral probably isn't on TI. My point was those whom are playing these stacked classes whom will see this thread to encourage others to choose differently and to educate them on the damages their class choice may have on the community... but to do so in a respectful and constructive way.
Certain classes being stacked are a problem for both sides, not just 1 or the other. Just as many druids on horde as there are alliance, and vice versa with rogues. its just timing really. Its that way with priests and monks too. Pugs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
certain classes being stacked are a problem for both sides, not just 1 or the other. Just as many druids on horde as there are alliance, and vice versa with rogues. Its just timing really. Its that way with priests and monks too. Pugs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

you just quoted that omfg i love you so much i quote that daily omg yes yes yes yes i just got so stoked on life

God damn it TI prevented my caps lock from being displayed... fucking censorship.
quit trying to be izac you fuggin posers
Certain classes being stacked are a problem for both sides, not just 1 or the other. Just as many druids on horde as there are alliance, and vice versa with rogues. its just timing really. Its that way with priests and monks too. Pugs are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Full druid teams are as stupid as stupid gets
The responses to this thread have been interesting to read years later.

Particularly Rusk's and Saxxon's posts

Look at the date retard

thats well before saxx had problems with you and years before I had problems with you.

Basically you've been a huge cunt to me since I disagreed with you on your "merge xp on off" crusade. You acted really childish there and that's when I lost all respect for you.

you've lost a lot of support since 2012 maybe you should reflect on that

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