[US] Level One Twinks


So for a long time, I have wanted / tried to make a decent level one twink. I play on the US servers and for a long time have being inspired by people like, Bon, Boglund, Roskmeg, Chubs and Squeakyjack to create this level one. Problem is I don't want to be the only one on my realm doing it. I'm willing to give up my main because I want to find a nice server and form a guild for our level one's. Heres how it would work;

*Create the guild on the yet to be decided realm, horde or alliance, also needs to be decided.

*No characters to be transfered at this time, unless there is an exception, eg: bunch of grandfathered items.

*We will make DK's to farm recipes, BoA gear for our twinks, enchants, mats etc.

*Twink and relax when our hard work has payed off.

Although i'm new on these forums this is what I would love to see happen. I want there to be that aspect of it being fun again and the pride of saying you busted your back-side farming to get that glorious level one. Sorry if anyone doesn't like this, it's just how I feel and what I would like to see happen.

- (Name yet to be decided)
First of all, im touched!

Well we've tried this before but we didn't get the reconigtion we needed and no one really wanted to level another main...

Some of us have busted our backs so much (Bon, Bogland, Chubs, and Rosk) that they will never give up their level 1 twink. But in my original thread for this I said you didn't have to give up your twink at all just make another level one.If you let people transfer people might get a bit more interested since they do not want to level a main again..

But these are just my thoughts.
So for a long time, I have wanted / tried to make a decent level one twink. I play on the US servers and for a long time have being inspired by people like, Bon, Bogland, Chubs and Squeakyjack to create this level one. Problem is I don't want to be the only one on my realm doing it. I'm willing to give up my main because I want to find a nice server and form a guild for our level one's. Heres how it would work;

*Create the guild on the yet to be decided realm, horde or alliance, also needs to be decided.

*No characters to be transfered at this time, unless there is an exception, eg: bunch of grandfathered items.

*We will make DK's to farm recipes, BoA gear for our twinks, enchants, mats etc.

*Twink and relax when our hard work has payed off.

Although i'm new on these forums this is what I would love to see happen. I want there to be that aspect of it being fun again and the pride of saying you busted your back-side farming to get that glorious level one. Sorry if anyone doesn't like this, it's just how I feel and what I would like to see happen.

- (Name yet to be decided)

Make a lvl 5
Because they'll just find it not fun compared to their level one and waste time working on a twink they wont like.

Thats your opinion but many of us like lvl 5 twinking especially since there shit to do i find whenever i get on one of my lvl 1 twinks i get bored in a few hours i loved my lvl 1 twink pally pre shattering but losing heals made me bored of it. Duelings also out of the question at 1 now because of talent perks unless your buffed out your ass

I cant enjoy running around a tree kiting somthing either for the so called raiding
Thats your opinion but many of us like lvl 5 twinking especially since there shit to do i find whenever i get on one of my lvl 1 twinks i get bored in a few hours i loved my lvl 1 twink pally pre shattering but losing heals made me bored of it. Duelings also out of the question at 1 now because of talent perks unless your buffed out your ass

I cant enjoy running around a tree kiting somthing either for the so called raiding

Level 1s are better than level 5s. There are ways to raid without running around a tree kiting something. You don't need to get buffed so much to duel it's called skill and timing.
Level 1s are better than level 5s. There are ways to raid without running around a tree kiting something. You don't need to get buffed so much to duel it's called skill and timing.

again objective and subjective thinking is somthing you should learn also theres very few buttons and popping lifeblood to win fights is rather redundant since its really the only way you have a chance unless your a hunter then you should win against anything you can kite
again objective and subjective thinking is somthing you should learn also theres very few buttons and popping lifeblood to win fights is rather redundant since its really the only way you have a chance unless your a hunter then you should win against anything you can kite

Hmm I guess you never played with good level one twinks.
Look at the title of this thread. Level One Twinks. Really, its like going to level 60 section and saying " Make a level 5 cause its cool and stuff"

Look at the title of this thread. Level One Twinks. Really, its like going to level 60 section and saying " Make a level 5 cause its cool and stuff"

Look at the title of this thread. Level One Twinks. Really, its like going to level 60 section and saying " Make a level 5 cause its cool and stuff"
Bon and Squeaky replied
, Anyway, I guess I haven't the chance to experience raiding as level one because all of my twinks are on a server alone. I'll go to any server and start again and I mean that.

Also, I wouldn't make a level 5 due to it not seeming fun, I like level 1 because you haven't dinged at all and you can still be recognised for something amazing, let alone owning level 15's.
Bon and Squeaky replied
, Anyway, I guess I haven't the chance to experience raiding as level one because all of my twinks are on a server alone. I'll go to any server and start again and I mean that.

Also, I wouldn't make a level 5 due to it not seeming fun, I like level 1 because you haven't dinged at all and you can still be recognised for something amazing, let alone owning level 15's.

Beating a level 15 isnt hard.

I used to love level one twinks.

Raiding used to be sooooo much fun.

Now the only chance for killing a high level is kiting or dodge tanking it.

Squeaky you keep saying that its not, but you dont tell us how you pve.

"Skill and timing" doesnt explain much either.

The only reason we are playing 5 is because we can heal. Healing makes for more interesting PvE encounters.

None the less, Good luck with your level 1 guild.

It's not just about me creating a guild, if that doesn't happen it doesn't happen, dreams are free. It's about me being sick of WoW as a 85 and wanting to get a nice twinked level 1. I'm just not doing it on my current realm, i'm trying to find a realm where other level 1's twink on the US side.
It's not just about me creating a guild, if that doesn't happen it doesn't happen, dreams are free. It's about me being sick of WoW as a 85 and wanting to get a nice twinked level 1. I'm just not doing it on current realm and i'm trying to find a realm where other level one's are on the US.

Level ones are scattered over many servers which is why Galli recommended 5s.

5s have the same feel as level ones except we can heal.

Are base hp is also higher by 30. Lolol
You guys really don't get the point? I'm not making a level 5, you guys have your reasons to make them as us level 1's have our reasons to make them. Please stop commenting if your just going to tell me to make a level 5.
You guys really don't get the point? I'm not making a level 5, you guys have your reasons to make them as us level 1's have our reasons to make them. Please stop commenting if your just going to tell me to make a level 5.

We are not "telling" you to do something.

We are giving you a suggestion before you try to start this guild up.

I'm not talking you down like galli was. (Which he really needs to stop doing, because it makes us look bad)

But in all honesty you sound ignorant and I wouldnt even want you in my guild.

Why not make a 5?

What you saw level one twinks do back when they had heal is no longer possible. It hard to duel people now

because of the new talent trees and level ones had all their skills nerfed. Only thing that is really viable for pve

at 1 is hunter and rogue.

This "skilled and timing" pve that squeaky is talking about is not even a thing.

He knows you have to kite or dodge.

But good luck with your guild.

Squeakys one I was in didnt last a month.

If you make it past a month you are good in my book.


Have fun.

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