[US F2P] WSG 10v10 This Saturday 19 September 2015

Eh, i don't think its that big of a deal, destro lock does the same amount of burst but also fears. Spriest can off heal but ooming is very easy if you over do it. Also i would like to try not running a rogue. Since we are using bms and the bracket git a 15% healing reduction, these games have already been fast paced with efcs even dying below 6 stacks and the amount of front like kills nearly doubled

boomies far better than spriest tho. stealth and cat form for efc but i guess u can do the same with spriest guise for surprise opener


Anyways, SIGN UP GUYS!!!!
I'm sorry to say this but I sadly can't make it into this game my boss asked me to work and won't get off till ten I really appreciate giving me the chance to join but I'd rather go with money>wow lol you guys have a good ass time with the premades good luck to you all and hopefully I can make to other events such as this
Including ferals would make target calling a lot more crucial.

Syncing with a rogue., a stacked fc would take a rake into a nearby healer, displacer, wildcharge into fc, bite dead
Syncing with a rogue., a stacked fc would take a rake into a nearby healer, displacer, wildcharge into fc, bite dead

was mainly talking in place of a rogue but yeah bite on a fc with stacks = dead but id imagine feral would always get targeted every time he rez or unstealth like its pve.
calling the target wouldn't matter tbh

i bite people for 3k+ on my boomkin, a feral would be zz

returns would become "ok who can get a zerk full bite first"
was mainly talking in place of a rogue but yeah bite on a fc with stacks = dead but id imagine feral would always get targeted every time he rez or unstealth like its pve.

Feral would take no place in frontline, he would be forced to play as a rogue because the other team would go ham on him. But either way, i see your point, only thing i can disagree is against efc. He would be forced to play it much more defensively, hunting for FCs.
Feral would take no place in frontline, he would be forced to play as a rogue because the other team would go ham on him. But either way, i see your point, only thing i can disagree is against efc. He would be forced to play it much more defensively, hunting for FCs.
Yeah one day id like to see it for fun lol. People gonna be screaming FERAL kill the feral lol.
Yeah one day id like to see it for fun lol. People gonna be screaming FERAL kill the feral lol.

I mean, we can give it a shot , but i don't see the results being different from what i said...
No bm for ally? One man frontline? : /

Ouch, my bad there. I thought i had a spot saved for that. I filled it up accidentally when i woke up today. Either way, ill try to fix it.

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