Hello Twinks,
Welcome to the Classic 39 1v1 Tournament!
Tournament will be held on WoW Classic PTR PvE Server (US and EU)
Games will be held under Orgrimmar. - Subject to change
The following Dates & Times are when the events will take place:
- 1v1 Arena Tournament Time: Sunday 3rd of January - 2pm PST
Naxx Enchant will be the prize, anyone who donates will add to the prize pool.
- Livingforce - Naxx Enchant of choice! - US or EU
How to sign up:
People will need to have their character name/class/spec identified with a screenshot added to the post when registering. Either post here or private message me on discord - Livingforce#8471.
Note: You will need to have details addon so organisers can check spec before each round you are fighting in.
The platform that we will be using to organize the tournament will be Challonge(link).
The tournament will be using Round Robin Format
Classes will be separated in groups of 8, will be changed depending how many players we get. Players get x2 fights per match, 8 players fight all 8 players. 1 point per win. The top player of each class gets to advance to the next round accordingly.
If Round Robin is not a feasible option, we are moving to Double Elimination.
Double Elimination:
Games will be best of 3, for winners finals. x1 Best of 5.
For the grand finals of Loser's bracket winner vs Winner of Winners bracket will be Best of 5.
If the winner loses the first BO5 he/she will have a second chance BO5 for the decider.
General Rules
- General Rules:
All baseline Class abilities are permitted, except for certain conjurable items (i.e. Healthstone, which are banned).
Only Class self-buffs are allowed.
Players must maintain 1 talent build for the entirety of the tournament. No changing talents.
Competitors may not leave the designated dueling location for any reason (including hearthstoning to repair). If a competitor must log offline for any reason, a maximum of 5 minutes of offline time will be permitted. After the 5 minute mark, the competitor will be forced to forfeit their remaining duels for the day.
There will be a 60 second downtime between duels for classes to heal and mana-up.
Duelists must maintain 20 yards of distance from one another at the start of a duel. To guarantee this distance is accurate, duelers shall stand on the duel flag at the initiation of a duel before moving 10 yards directly opposite of one another. Once the duelers have reached the 20 yard range, no additional
movement will be permitted prior to the duel commencing and the enemy turning hostile.
All duels will be done in a dueling format to balance the distance of duels.
Observing duelists shall stand clear of the dueling area.
All consumables and temporary on-use non-equippable items, including class-conjurable on-use items, (aside from the items specified below) are banned:
Permitted Items:
First Aid Bandages
Mage mana gems
Food and Water (conjurable food and water is permitted as well).
Anti-Venom or Strong Anti-Venom is allowed. Only one type of anti venom is allowed to be used in a duel, can used off cooldown.
Iron Grenades
Banned items
Wildvine Potion
Thistle Tea
Rage Potion
Dog Whistle
Magic Dust
Health and Mana Potions
All warlock Healthstones
All non-consumable equippable items are permitted, unless otherwise specified in these rules are permitted, except for the below mentioned items.
Permitted Items:
Goblin Rocket Boots
Mechanical Dragonling
Major Recombulator
Spider Belt
Equipped Fire Resistance gear of up to 100, is permitted. (on use fire resistance gear that makes first resistance gear go over 100 is fine.
Banned items
Tidal Charm
Arena Grand Master
Goblin Mortar
Gnomish Deathray
Mechanical Chicken
Rocket Helm
Mind Control Helm
Green Whelp Armor
Gem-studded Leather Belt
Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt
Energy Cloak
Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator - On use effect NOT allowed (Allowed to wear)
Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector
Class-Specific Rules
Stealth Classes will always get the uncontested opener in a duel. An uncontested opener is defined as the first offensive action cast, which includes ability-use such as Cheap Shot and Blood Fury, or trinket ect...
Warriors will always get an uncontested opener (except against stealth classes, whose opener takes priority). An uncontested opener is defined as the first offensive action cast, which includes ability-use such as Charge or item use such as Grenade and trinket.
Classes with assigned openers will forfeit their right to an uncontested opener if more than 25 seconds elapses between the duel commencing (the moment the opponent becomes hostile) and their opener taking place.
Shaman may have up to 4 totems down at the start of a duel.
No Pre-Hotting (applying Heal over Time spells before a duel begins) is allowed.
Hunters pre-trapping (placing a trap before a duel begins) is not permitted. Hunter traps may only be placed after the duel has counted down to 0 and the opponent has become hostile. Hunter's are also not allowed to pre-flare until the duel has started. With stealthies and warriors they can only flare until those classes have engaged first.
Warlocks pre-saccing (sacrificing demon before the duel begins) is not permitted. - All Healthstones Banned
In RoguevRogue/DruidvDruid/DruidvRogue matchup, each competitor will trade an uncontested opener on their opponent. Too decide who gets the first uncontested opener, players will have to do a /roll and who ever gets the higher roll gets to start first.
Note if the tournament goes to Double Elim: If the match goes to 3, then the rogues will take turns opening on each other until it reaches 3/3, by then both rogues will have to try and fish the other one out in the last fight. They are required to stay in a 20 yard radius from center of duel and is not allowed to use Catseye Ultra Goggles for the last fight.
DruidvDruid If the match goes to 3, both competitors will be required to open on each other out of stealth.
Punishments for violating the Rules, Regulations , and Code of Conduct listed in this document may include penalty point assessment, event disqualification, forfeiture of prize money.
Delay of Game
No intentional delays shall be permitted (i.e., rogues intentionally stealthing for minutes to reset CDs). Any non-strategic acts whose sole purpose is to delay a duel will result in the forfeit of the duel by the delayer. Inactivity of 30 seconds or more during a duel will result in an immediate delay of game
Fleeing from a duel will result in a loss by the fleeing player. If a player is force-fled by another player (i.e., intentionally chain fearing a player on the rim of the duel line), the situation will be called into review but may result in a loss for the exploiting player
If a duel forfeiture is deemed accidental, both duelers may be required to re-do the duel. Cooldown time will not be granted for re-duels.
In the event of a duel timeout, no win will be granted. Duelers will re-duel, but with a cap on food and water set to only 3 for the remaining duels of that matchup. (THIS RULE IS IN DISPUTE)
In the event of an external interference during a duel that is deemed to affect the outcome of a duel, the duel shall be stopped and redone immediately. Cooldown time will not be granted for re-duels.
All 39 Twink and competitors are expected to compete in a fair and honorable manner. Methods of cheating, such as account sharing, match-fixing, stream-sniping, duel disruption, client-side abuse, hacking, exploiting, or the use of banned items or strategies listed in this document are forbidden.
If a 39 Twink competitor or participant is found cheating, punishments may include match forfeiture, disqualification, forfeit of prize money, temporary suspension, or permanent ban from all CDL events.
All 39 twink participants’ and competitors’ ingame characters may be subject to inspection prior to or during the event. Inspections may require players to open up their bags and character panel to ensure fair play and preserve the integrity of competition.
Code of Conduct
All 39 Twink participants and competitors are required to behave in a respectful and sportsmanlike manner towards their fellow competitors, partners, viewers and to those who are hosting the event. This behavior extends to in-game chat, livestream comments, and other media. Threatening language, doxxing, ddosing, harassment, stalking, and all forms of bullying towards host's, participants, and/or competitors is completely unacceptable and will result in immediate disqualification. Expressions of hate speech and/or bigotry related to race, ethnicity, creed, disability, age, physical appearance, and sexual orientation by 39 twink competitors, participants, employees, and/or volunteers are completely unacceptable.
By registering for, or participating in this 39 twink tournament, all 39 twink competitors and participants have agreed to adhere to and abide by the above information listed in this document. 39 Twink competitors and participants acknowledge that they have read and understood all of the above information listed in this thread.
Please see the Challonge page to find out what game is coming up next! (Link will be updated on the day of the tournament!
All 39 twinks participants and competitors are expected to show up to designated events in a punctual manner. If a 39 twink competitor or participant is absent for an event that he or she is meant to compete in, the hosts reserves the right to replace that competitor immediately. No stand-ins or assigned champions shall be permitted to play in the competitor’s stead. If a 39 twink competitor or participant is late to an event that he or she is meant to compete in, penalty points may be assessed towards his or her season score, or prompt removal from the 39 tournament may occur.
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