Yeah unfortunately thats the reality, but how did it become like this? It was government policies enacted by LBJ (the great society act, which also caused the high inflation rates in the 70s) that prevented minorities from climbing up the socioeconomic ladder.If you had a brain you would see how our society is catered to white people. Look at the underrepresentation of minorities on TV and film up until recently. If you look at rich neighborhoods around the US you will find them mostly populated with white people and the poorer neighborhoods with greater amounts of minorities.
Look back at america’s history, the republican party was founded on ending slavery. DNC was against it, look at the votes during that time. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments only passed thanks to republicans. If republicans were to vote the same ratio that the DNC voted, those 3 amendments would have never passed. Look up the KKK, it was founded by the democrat party. Look at the Dixiecrats a domestic terror organization of the democrat party.
They mention that he once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, and what does that mean? I'll tell you what it means," Clinton said. "He was a country boy from the hills and hollows of West Virginia. He was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn't have done, and he spent the rest of his life making it up. And that's what a good person does. There are no perfect people. There certainly are no perfect politicians."
Byrd joined the KKK in 1942 and was elected leader of his local chapter. Byrd later claimed to have become "disinterested" after about a year.
Yet this man Robert Byrd is revered by the democrat party, Hillary called him her mentor, he has a statue in the US capital but the msm wont talk about that.
Then the 60’s came, the DNC changed it’s tactics because they couldnt resist the civil rights acts so they had to join it. The slave plantations didnt end thought, they evolved. Black communities are infested with crime, and drugs, this is because of the policies enacted by the DNC.
Over 50% of all planned parenthoods are in the ghettos, there are more black babies aborted than being born right now.
No school choice, parents don’t have the choice to send their kids to any school, they must send them to the failing schools in their area. Ofc the DNC enacted education on a federal level, basically brainwashing these kids to learn one side of history. These schools dont teach about the racist history of the DNC. Over 90% of the kids who graduate can’t read or do math at a high school level, they’re being set up for failure.
Welfare (thanks to the great society act) you get more money if you’re a single mother than if its a 2 parent household. This incentivizes single motherhood, which coincidentally spiked from 20% to 70% since the 60s. Plus welfare gives you just enough to survive, keeping these people permanently poor. If you make a certain amount of money, you don’t get welfare, further incentivizing dependance on the govt.
Then there is the victim mentality being spewed from every loudspeaker in this country, blaming everything on racism rather than the REAL problems facing the inner cities.
The black communities have been formed into plantations for votes. Blacks vote for us and we will give you free stuff, when in reality the black community is fucking themselves over.