US 39 - Most Active Battlegroup

Which US 39 Battlegroup is most active?

  • Cyclone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bloodlust

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emberstorm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reckoning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vengeance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Retaliation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Vindication

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ruin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whirlwind

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nightfall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shadowburn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rampage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stormstrike

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Na, we are into 20 minute WSG.

Fixed ;p

And no, never accurate in an objective since, only in a subjective sense. However, since those comments were made by Nightfallers, I'm more inclined to take heed of their appraisals of Nightfall's skill level.
I can't speak for Cyclone but Nightfall is definitely a very active guild and there are plenty of skilled players.
Athylle said:
I think it also bears noting that votes are being affected by people making threads on their battlegroups, saying to come vote here. I've seen threads telling to do such on both Cyclone and Nightfall, but haven't bothered to check any others.

And my apologies for any offense rendered, but that one statement coupled with your EU server location gave me a negative impression.

That's alright, I understand your concerns. I'll be the first one to admit that this poll - or any poll for that matter - is unfair. Simply because you depend on the voter's intelligence. The threads on the bg forums are fine in my opinion. If people take the time to register on this forum just to vote they're probably not playing in a bad battlegroup.
I've been in Nightfall through the good and bad times.

Saying that, right now, Nightfall is littered with twinks, amazingly active, and has a great community. Nightfall will forever be my home.
granted this isnt infallable logic, but the battlegroups who are active would likely be the ones who would also post this on thier forums for others to also vote, and after seeing the post said BGers would come vote

in contrast, the less active grups would be more likely to miss out on this, and /or have less people who care enough to vote, or have people who know their Bg is not very active and decide not to vote

by this logic (albiet not perfect) the BG that got the most votes would likely be An active group, and most likely the most active one
sodapop said:
granted this isnt infallable logic, but the battlegroups who are active would likely be the ones who would also post this on thier forums for others to also vote, and after seeing the post said BGers would come vote

in contrast, the less active grups would be more likely to miss out on this, and /or have less people who care enough to vote, or have people who know their Bg is not very active and decide not to vote

by this logic (albiet not perfect) the BG that got the most votes would likely be An active group, and most likely the most active one

As to the last reference to logic, it's actually very poor logic, since threads linking this poll were only on two of thirteen battlegroup forums when I checked. Add to that the assumed inconsistency of ratio of twink population to forum population when applied across each separate battlegroup.

The existence of the endless legion of Nightfall twinks with one post on this forum supports the above statement.
Athylle said:
As to the last reference to logic, it's actually very poor logic, since threads linking this poll were only on two of thirteen battlegroup forums when I checked. Add to that the assumed inconsistency of ratio of twink population to forum population when applied across each separate battlegroup.

The existence of the endless legion of Nightfall twinks with one post on this forum supports the above statement.

I bolded the important part ;p
Thought i'd make an account so i could reply here.

The intention of the poll is to show who is the most active, and i stress that all it is achieving is showing which bg gives the most online representation. Which in itself is generally a good thing.

The general given is that if you are interested in 10 v 10 or bg premades, Nightfall is currently the most active battlegroup.

If you are interested in competitive Arena, Cyclone is currently the bg where people tend to focus exclusively on arena (though bg's and the occasional premade do still happen).

Cyclone (and several other bgs) may run into trouble post 3.2. However, Nightfalls potential problem is overpopulation, and over-representation. Some people may want to be part of a guild where 30-40 members are constantly online, but it makes placement for arena/premades less likely. On the flipside, if you don't have enough players to do premades, well, there won't be any.

i voted Nightfall, given the poll's question. But please keep in mind that activity does not necessarily represent the best battlegroup, there are many factors to consider for the individual.
Athylle said:
As to the last reference to logic, it's actually very poor logic, since threads linking this poll were only on two of thirteen battlegroup forums when I checked. Add to that the assumed inconsistency of ratio of twink population to forum population when applied across each separate battlegroup.

The existence of the endless legion of Nightfall twinks with one post on this forum supports the above statement.

Just wanted to say that all things being equal, some battlegroups cared enough to post this thread, and some percentage of people who read the forums on those battlegroups cared enough to come here and regsiter to post and vote. Those that did so are probably the most active.
Boostz said:
Thought i'd make an account so i could reply here.

The intention of the poll is to show who is the most active, and i stress that all it is achieving is showing which bg gives the most online representation. Which in itself is generally a good thing.

The general given is that if you are interested in 10 v 10 or bg premades, Nightfall is currently the most active battlegroup.

If you are interested in competitive Arena, Cyclone is currently the bg where people tend to focus exclusively on arena (though bg's and the occasional premade do still happen).

Cyclone (and several other bgs) may run into trouble post 3.2. However, Nightfalls potential problem is overpopulation, and over-representation. Some people may want to be part of a guild where 30-40 members are constantly online, but it makes placement for arena/premades less likely. On the flipside, if you don't have enough players to do premades, well, there won't be any.

i voted Nightfall, given the poll's question. But please keep in mind that activity does not necessarily represent the best battlegroup, there are many factors to consider for the individual.

So what you are saying is that when there are so many twinks, like that of Nightfall, there will be a BG cap and not everyone is going to be able to play.

Darnit! Maybe we should petition Blizzard to allow more then one BG going at the same time?

Also, you are implying that Nightfall doesn't do arenas. Which is not true. We actually have an arena night set up for everyone to log in and say, "Hey it's Arena night! I think I will queue for Arenas instead!

How can someone be the "most competitive" anyways? Do you check their blood pressure while they are in an Arena? How do you calculate if said person has high blood pressure to begin with? From past experience, we have had a lot of Cyclone come to our forums almost dead from heart attacks after seeing a recruit thread made by a member of Nightfall. Do you take that into consideration?
Kiwid said:
So what you are saying is that when there are so many twinks, like that of Nightfall, there will be a BG cap and not everyone is going to be able to play.

Darnit! Maybe we should petition Blizzard to allow more then one BG going at the same time?

I am saying that if a bg overpopulates, not everyone will have a chance at being in a premade, the primary reason why Nightfall is popular.

Also, you are implying that Nightfall doesn't do arenas. Which is not true. We actually have an arena night set up for everyone to log in and say, "Hey it's Arena night! I think I will queue for Arenas instead!

I'm implying there's a far better bg when it comes to arenas, and that the skillcap, if there is such a thing, is more in tune with arena on cyclone.

How can someone be the "most competitive" anyways? Do you check their blood pressure while they are in an Arena? How do you calculate if said person has high blood pressure to begin with? From past experience, we have had a lot of Cyclone come to our forums almost dead from heart attacks after seeing a recruit thread made by a member of Nightfall. Do you take that into consideration?

See my above answer concerning 'most competitive'.

Cyclone isn't different from most bg's in that people on it wouldn't xfer to Nightfall for activity, just a number of them are fine with not being the most active, but happy with the current quality on cyclone. Just as i'm sure some Nightfall members might consider xferring to cyclone for the 'competitive' arena.
Showin some love for Nightfall.
Nightfall Vote

I agree with Bootz for the most part. Cyclone probably does have a better arena scene. So if that is your bag. You probably want to go there. Nightfall is hands down the place for 10s. My suggestion, put a toon in each battlegroup. Then you can enjoy them both.

Skill is very much subjective. Where there is more twinks there is more bad twinks and more good twinks. Maybe Cyclone has a a larger amount of the top twinks across the land, who knows.
Mairee said:
Just wanted to say that all things being equal, some battlegroups cared enough to post this thread, and some percentage of people who read the forums on those battlegroups cared enough to come here and regsiter to post and vote. Those that did so are probably the most active.

To say that "two battlegroups cared enough to post this thread" is misleading. A battlegroup is not a sentient entity. Two singular people cared enough to post this thread. If the threads were posted in say, Reckoning and Ruin, then there's a good chance that the results would have been quite different. Beyond this, I'd say that the ratio of twink population to forum population is not constant in each battlegroup. I will grant that the very inactive battlegroups would be less likely to vote here, but beyond that, it's all conjecture
Considering that there are probably several thousand 39 twinks across our battlegroups, the representation here is going to be extremely limited.

Many people won't know about this poll.

Many people won't care about this poll.

It's probably true that Nightfall has the highest 39 battlegrounds population with some extremely large 39 guilds.

That said, other battlegroups also have decent size guilds and skill reputations.

This thread, in my opinion is rather useless without facts to back it up. So like they say on MMOwned, [No Theories].

We will have to wait for 3.2 to be released and then when people turn off exp gains and start Q'ing up, we'll see what the times are like.

When that happens, a new thread can be made and people can post Q times for battlegrounds on each day of the week and general time frames for each week (set in central, pacific, or other, but some general time localization).

And, as boostz has said, arenas are also to be taken into consideration.

Something that MUST be considered though when this happens is that there WILL BE a 20 minute timer on WSG (the general premade game of choice) and AB's will be quicker (faster caps + 1600 point victory).

Don't rush things cause chances are, in this instance, you'll just do more or less nothing, just cause some unwarranted cross-BG bickering.

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