@US 29's - Behave

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Threads regarding level 29 pvp on the US official forums are now getting locked on sight by the moderators and CMs. - 29s games in progress and stuff

This is due to excessive trolling in similar threads. You guys need to shape up on the B.net forums because all you are doing is losing a platform for communication and giving twinks in general a bad reputation.

I have emailed Blizzard trying to get more information on this, but who knows if I will get a response. In the meantime please just be on your best behaviour when on the official forums.
Prominent community members are getting their posts reported because certain report-happy individuals with personal vendettas against said community members. I have sent several emails to Blizzard about this issue. Thus far, their response has been: "Be sure to report them back"
What nasty said, we are being trolled atm, and the mods can't seem to understand what malicious reporting and trolling are. Sorry that it makes the community look bad, i don't even respond to anything the trolls post anymore, no point when every post i make is reported regardless of content.

I love that "report them back" yeah lets try and get our own threads deleted.
anyhow, yeah would love to play nice, just not gonna matter.
People are griefing in game and it carries over onto the forums. It ends up as entire pages of threads get deleted and everyone gets in trouble when it's really one or two people. Really sick of getting forum banned because I post in stupid threads like the 29s one from tonight. Really sick of being spam reported by people and it leading to me getting banned. Really tired of just no way to communicate with forum mods other than being scolded like I'm in middle school again. Posting in a locked thread basically saying "see i told you so, you should have been nice" with no real resolution other than fear to post solves nothing. The entire situation is being mishandled to the max because the forum mods have no idea what is going on in game and the GMs have no real clue what goes on on the forums. People getting multiple tickets filed about griefing and in game harassment and being forum banned multiple times and still are around in game and on the forums to completely ruin the bracket should not be happening.

All in all, with something like this, there really should be an open line of communication for the people concerned instead of just banning people and telling them i told you so in a closed thread. I'd love to be able to talk with anyone in charge who will listen because I don't want to get permanently forum banned but if I keep getting spam reported the second I come off ban it's going to happen. The situation isn't being resolved obviously because the people who keep creating it are still allowed to grief in game and torpedo threads on the forums with no repercussion at all. I'd stop short of calling the forum mods clueless but until the line of communication with players is open so this situation can be resolved other than just banning anyone that posted they pretty much are in the dark on things.

I'll email them every single day about this until they listen if that is what it takes.
It has gotten completely out of control. Two players are spam reporting everything in our threads with the sole goal of ruining our community. The mods are oblivious to the fact. We aren't sure what we can do at this point, other than farm them in games. The problem is that it most likely just fuels the fire. We hope that a mod will actually take notice to the root of the problem and help us out.
The sad part is, they actually play every fight night. If they keep it up, everyone will lose interest in the bracket and they won't get pops. Very stupid situation. Has anyone tried talking to them on their server and explaining the situation?

Come to some sort of agreement: we won't tell you to gear yourselves if you stop reporting =D
Kore nametooshort said:
You can convey your feels directly to the forum mods by sending an email to wowcmfeedback@blizzard.com. They do not usually reply to these emails, so do not expect a response.

i'll definitely go that route next, but i feel it will be a fruitless effort unless something serious is done to stop people from being allowed to grief in game and just flat out spam report posts in threads. I made the mistake of posting on my 19 mage and every post I made was reported. It's complete garbage.
Draui said:
The sad part is, they actually play every fight night. If they keep it up, everyone will lose interest in the bracket and they won't get pops. Very stupid situation. Has anyone tried talking to them on their server and explaining the situation?

Come to some sort of agreement: we won't tell you to gear yourselves if you stop reporting =D

That was the decision at the end of the vent meeting, we had all agreed to just ignore them on the forums and stop gy farming them, they decided to respond with racial slurs and personal attacks. No one has the power in the 29 bracket to rein in people after a response like that. They are here for the specific purpose of trolling the bracket, given that we only have games on scheduled fight nights, and given that they can get in just about every one of them they can troll us for as long as they want. We have no recourse aside from farming and that is pointless, tho satisfying.

And now we have them or their friends (they stated they were getting their friends involved) trolling us on lvl 25 toons.
In light of the most recent thread closure I have sent another email to the wow CM team, but I urge you to not fight fire with fire and to be on your absolute best behaviour from now on.
They wouldn't be trolling had the bracket not given them so much attention to begin with. That's a huge mistake i see made alot with hunters using AS, low lvl/undergeared toons, and plain old nasty players that like to create drama for fun. As hard as it is I'd love to see more ignoring less trying to alter people that only enjoy what comes across as your rage.
the people who are getting the threads deleted and people banned aren't exactly innocent, people didn't start ragging on them for no reason. the first night kowdashian was in games i made the comment "way to not even attempt to cast a heal on our fc", because i was running the flag and died next to him without him even starting a cast, then he starts throwing insults and calling me a cunt. next, yukkie said something to him about not healing her and he threw the same insults at her. thing is, he actually wasnt casting heals on people, he would throw an earth shield on them and then fight people. no one was actually insulting him until after he called yukkie a cunt and started his "no heals list", which included hordes only dedicated fcs.

the next fight night he had shown up with amy and we've had the two of them trolling the bracket since. they refuse to finish gearing, they dont heal particular players and they spam report posts in the threads. two threads have been locked and multiple 29 vets have been banned since they started playing.
These guys deliberately troll us both in game and on the forums. There is no reconciliation to be had. They are usually only here for the first 2 hrs of each night. Two people from the Alliance squad need to farm them every game until they stop resing. Then Horde can report them afk and we can get two useful players in.
another possible option would be to have everyone report them as soon as the game starts, then everyone on the alliance team just wait above ally GY or something so they get booted
Kore nametooshort said:
I advise against fighting fire with fire. It will likely ultimately end up with everyone getting burnt.

Please by all means roll a U.S. server 29 and get in games with them, then tell us what we can do.
Kore nametooshort said:
I advise against fighting fire with fire. It will likely ultimately end up with everyone getting burnt.

You have literally no idea what is going on, but noted.
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