Updated List - Which gear can upgrade?

I can't make this unseen, can I?..

Very interesting...I thought azerite pieces couldn't upgrade at all. Maybe just a bug they introduced when adding mechagon to the m+ rotation this season? Too bad they are such a low ilvl compared to nyalotha drops for 50s
They couldn't. Naturally, I had to check the Motherlode after that...


The upgrade chance seems to be in the 5% ballpark. I'm pretty sure the helms in Mechagon only drop in hard mode mythic, and I got that upgrade on the very last char I had, so I won't be testing that again. There's also no legacy loot there, and I possibly won't be able to re-enter after the next reset at all. The adventure journal currently doesn't even list the Junkyard bosses' loot, but I saw no changes to anything there in my 23 runs, and no upgrades on the few azerite pieces I got off HK-8. I wonder what would happen if a socket procced on an azerite helm. Which interface would open on a shift-right click?...
Did you try /run SocketInventoryItem(1) ?
No, and that works too, thank you! You do need to have it equipped and the character sheet (paper doll frame) open, though. I went with /script C_Container.SocketContainerItem(0, 1) from the first slot of the backpack. I suppose that probably needs to be open as well for the socket frame to trigger.

I read mention on the blizz forums that the transition period for the s1 dungeons is now over, so I'll have to check Siege of Boralus and also re-check the state of Operation: Mechagon. Unless they have similarly quirked helms (we know Mechagon does, just don't know whether they're currently obtainable), this is unfortunately just a funny gimmick for me. Razdunk drops only this one helm, and it's not Longstrider, so it's not useful for my chars. :(
So, after a random assortment of 66(+3) azerite pieces from Siege of Boralus with no upgrades (the +3 are from an evoker, so no powers), I'll go ahead and conclude for now that they can't proc any. If someone does get one, I'd love to see it.

The dungeon can be entered on all difficulties. However, legacy loot only triggers for my 70s on mythic difficulty (despite heroic also not scaling above 50). Also, both heroic and mythic give my Horde chars the Alliance version of the dungeon, so they didn't reset that properly yet.

Operation: Mechagon is still unavailable on any difficulty. Trying to enter on normal auto-sets to heroic, and both that and mythic still port to the level 80 versions of the Workshop only.

My original estimate of 5% upgrade chance for the items off Razdunk seems a bit low now, I'm at 37 upgrades over 380 drops (38 if I count the double on the helm as 2), or 29/30 over 313 if I discard the non-azerite items from the pool. That's between 9.2-10%, but it's not really a large sample size. I'll keep at it for a while longer though, since I still didn't get the next chest piece I want on the right character, and I may try to get yet one more after that. I'll probably post a breakdown at the end.

Also, in case someone feels inclined to try to get a speed upgraded LS piece @ ilvl 371 for a level 70, I'll save you the trouble: they only seem to exist in the dungeon journal. They don't actually drop, or at least I can't figure out a way to get them to. I did a 16-run session of cheesing in legacy loot @371 on Razdunk, and got a combination of 32 maces and big red buttons. That's not possible if the azerite pieces are also on the loot table. I mean, technically, it is, but the probability of it happening is somewhere around the 1 in 10^25 ballpark?
De world bosses don't even be droppin' sockets like de raids mon.

The loot from Sha of Anger in Tanaris, specifically, can proc tertiaries for all levels, not that it matters much at this point. Probably an intern ticked the wrong box on this one boss's loot out of the lot. May be worth remembering and re-checking if the gatecrashers make a return in the future. I don't recall seeing a socket, but he does have belts and bracers, so I assume it's possible.

If these are the world bosses you're talking about..


As always with this game: The early bird catches the worm.

...But these are old, I don't think they proc anything anymore. Not seen anything anyway.
Hey guys, first off thanks for the great info. I wanted to add/ask, I'm pretty new to the twink scene and wanted to ask if there's ways of increasing the chance of "epic upgrades" appear when doing quests, my memory isn't as great as it used to be, but wasn't there a way in the Garrison, or similar bases in some of the expansions choose a skill that increases the chances of RNG of proc's

So, before I start steam rolling rares, quests, etc, does this still apply? and if so, which ones apply e.g garrison, and any others I should do. Thanks in advance.
Hey guys, first off thanks for the great info. I wanted to add/ask, I'm pretty new to the twink scene and wanted to ask if there's ways of increasing the chance of "epic upgrades" appear when doing quests, my memory isn't as great as it used to be, but wasn't there a way in the Garrison, or similar bases in some of the expansions choose a skill that increases the chances of RNG of proc's

So, before I start steam rolling rares, quests, etc, does this still apply? and if so, which ones apply e.g garrison, and any others I should do. Thanks in advance.
Dwarven Bunker/War Mill does it for WoD, and there's a Class Hall upgrade for Legion that does basically the same thing. I believe these only apply in their relevant expansion and for quests rewards only...so they have limited value for twinks.

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