Unbiased list of pro recent F2ps.


washed f2p tink

Mage:Flynn, Watergun, Prongs
Rogue: Brov,Acronus, Firework
Holy Paladin:dwarf male can't remember name
Prot Paladin:none
Ret Paladin: Axia
Rdruid:Bop, zara
Balance: Lazerchicken
Guardian: Ploy
Feral: none
Ele: phrontistery, verymoist, bizr
Rshaman: Bushcraft,
Enh: none
Hunter: Layse, Lil, Unumz, Deactivate
Arms: Tangent
Prot: Oldspike
Warlock: none
Priest: izec, yaws, wazy

Just a list of people I have seen playing pretty decently as of 1/2/2013, make your own lists, but keep civil please.
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I disagree Adal. them Ursin boys are good. real good. skype just makes em better.

real impressed with Persh. Ursin demo lock. CCs on offense, peels, the whole 9 yards. Persh the perdal to tha merdal
oh right, and this...

Holy Paladin:dwarf male can't remember name

Does the name Phones ring a bell?

*ba dum chh*

but yeah that's probably who you meant. one-a dem Ursin boys

edit: & thanks for the mention. lookin forward to your stream
I'm actually curious who these ursin folk are, in that I'm on ursin and rarely see anyone on. I have several characters there and call it home. Currently I really only play Blixxers (horde demo lock) and Revpock (Ally ele/enh shammy), though I do have a disc priest, boomkin, and protadin all ally. It would be great to queue up with some others.

Edit: Actually I think Phones was in an AB that I was in this morning, though I was on horde. I'll have to hang on alliance and give them a shout.
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Ursin boys are a bunch of 19s that rerolled over. Most of them are solid players - no one has really stood out to me yet. I can't judge Layse yet because I have only played DPS against him, so it's hard to judge his kicks/CCs. Most of their healers don't fake well, position pretty poorly and just end up healing each other in an incestuous circle.

I am curious how Izac knows they are on Skype though haha. I play on their realm so I found out, how did you?

Either way, a few things about the folks on Ursin:

1. They are P2Ps that could be 24s that are not. That's fucking awesome. Kudos to them, I hope this is a new precedent. Seriously, if you see them, give them ups for doing this. These guys are champs.

2. Their luck is absurd. They all have RoP or MTB. WTF?!

3. They have a really good group make-up when they queue and they do win a lot. If you're looking for an Alliance community, I hear they are trying to make one. Could be worth checking out!

4. If you are from Ursin, only a few of us actually have the addon (Atk, me, Realzy). The rest are just talking via Skype etc. Add Atwanta, Layse, Patel etc. to friends and run into them in Stormwind to talk to them and get invited to shit!

5. Real talk, good to see some good Alliance players in the bracket that are becoming familiar faces again instead of the usual drivel.

Edit: Random thought. Your healer's efficacy would improve dramatically if you guys spread out instead of standing a few yards from each other. I could run around crippling all of your healers and kicking who I wanted even with a conc shot on me permanently.

PPS: Phones you're a sexy dwarf.
Num 1 ally group ever was without a Doupt

Ploy , swellin, free, ash , dusk , durza

just saying never lost a single game with the whole crew there
Same can be said bout misha ;) and it only takes 5 of us. I think the start of 2014 is goona be a good time for this bracket
Mmmm well you may have a fluffy panda soon . Mine is still in starting zone but I plan on cc'ing so hard with it I just need to take 2 of the moths from panda land cause unique skin ( already got my cranes and turtle ) and then ima lvl engineering there cause the nodes resap an so damn fast !
on a funny note I've never had so many keybinds to run with and I am still trying to figure it out :0
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oh right, and this...

Does the name Phones ring a bell?

*ba dum chh*

but yeah that's probably who you meant. one-a dem Ursin boys

edit: & thanks for the mention. lookin forward to your stream

Yeah I ran into you and the Livingforce premade like 5 times last night.

Probably was not a full premade though.
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