twinks in non-twinks BG after 3.20

After 3.20 twinks will not be allowed in the noobs bg. But we can still pwn them.

First of all, new twinks can turn of their xp after they hit level 18 or 28... gear up... and then join non-twinks bg and pwn them until they are about to ding! That will be a massacre since he will be the only twink there :))

Then I was thinking... what if I join a non-twinks bg but leave before somebody capture a flag or something?

Can it be done?

What DOES gives xp in bg after 3.20?

Flag captures or enemy kill?

If enemy kill is considered xp then I can't :( pwn non-twinks
Non-twink stomping isn't really that fun, and it makes you look bad. But I guess there will always be people who would rather do that than fight other twinks "just for fun". Blizzard was saying the xp is going to be objective based, and if that is how it works, I guess you could take the flag, and just never cap it... o_O
Thats how im going to spend my first day of 3.2 release, dont get the xp turn off like every other twink was, join wsg, grab flag, and ruin the fun of 10 alliance with one horde hunter :) What love it is, their first WSG trying to get exp and they kinda fail, lol.

We r in ur bgz, lawl

no, but seriously. if you ahve 2 or more twinks, log on one, grab the flag first and hold onto it for dear life.

if your team does manage to cap, leave before the flag gets scored and log onto another twink while the first haas the deserter buff, and keep playing.

pretty cool plan, amirite?
RC-ST. said:
After 3.20 twinks will not be allowed in the noobs bg.

after 3.2 players who turn off XP will play in BGs against other players who do so also. that's it other than that there is no flag that determines who is and isn't a twink.

twinks of mixed levels will be in the XP BGs if the que times become unbearable.
Ego said:
Non-twink stomping isn't really that fun, and it makes you look bad. But I guess there will always be people who would rather do that than fight other twinks "just for fun". Blizzard was saying the xp is going to be objective based, and if that is how it works, I guess you could take the flag, and just never cap it... o_O

That of course could only be done for about a whole 20minutes :p

nice trick with the flag but it's risky...

i mean i can t really hold on a flag , alone for 20 min , or something...

if i drop it and other dumb grabs it and score quikly i level :(

i really need speed to get it

mb use speed potions or something

what about arathi basin?

when do you get that dam xp?

do you get it when you gather 800 resources? 1400 and 2000?

if so, it kinda suks...

and about playing with non twinks... well, i don t like playing with twinks, not because I like to pwn noobz... but i like to have a great gear in a group where others have crappy gear... you know... the old wisper : "wow, where did you get that axe?" and the answer: "Gnommeregan, last boss, it's the best axe!"
RC-ST. said:

nice trick with the flag but it's risky...

i mean i can t really hold on a flag , alone for 20 min , or something...

if i drop it and other dumb grabs it and score quikly i level :(

i really need speed to get it

mb use speed potions or something

what about arathi basin?

when do you get that dam xp?

do you get it when you gather 800 resources? 1400 and 2000?

if so, it kinda suks...

and about playing with non twinks... well, i don t like playing with twinks, not because I like to pwn noobz... but i like to have a great gear in a group where others have crappy gear... you know... the old wisper : "wow, where did you get that axe?" and the answer: "Gnommeregan, last boss, it's the best axe!"

So you like showing off to new people to WoW? And in the process ruin someones Warsong. Your a nice guy....
RC-ST. said:
and about playing with non twinks... well, i don t like playing with twinks, not because I like to pwn noobz... but i like to have a great gear in a group where others have crappy gear... you know... the old wisper : "wow, where did you get that axe?" and the answer: "Gnommeregan, last boss, it's the best axe!"

so you like playing with non twinks because you need to be up against bad people for your twink to look good? lol.
Sounds great lol.....Just roll a non twink hunter and you'll facroll everyone anyway so why use ur twink?
RC-ST. said:
and about playing with non twinks... well, i don t like playing with twinks, not because I like to pwn noobz... but i like to have a great gear in a group where others have crappy gear... you know... the old wisper : "wow, where did you get that axe?" and the answer: "Gnommeregan, last boss, it's the best axe!"


wow :/
I'm gonna rofl if just like a group of level 80's pay for their lowbies not to level...

Eeeppiiiccc xD

I am absolutely appalled at your attitude. You sir (and I use that term loosely) are the reason twinks have a bad reputation in BGs, and are widely hated amongst others in the WoW community.

Did you, per chance, beat up on little kids when you were in grade school?

...and based your grammar and sentence structure, you may actually still be in grade school.

90% of the posters you see here got bored of rolling lowbs after about 10 minutes. Most of us are looking for exciting, challenging matches against other twinks.

Grow up or level out; attitudes like yours don't belong here.
well, i have a warrior so even if i am superimba geared i can t really pwn the entire bg like a hunter does

and , anyway, i don t give a dam that i ruin the good reputations of twinks


at least i play in the 29 bg where the diffrence between a twink and a normal character is around 1000 hp to 1700hp

you all here have 19 twinks and the diffrence is between 300 hp and 2000 hp

so cut the crap dudes

i once entered a 19 bg and i was killed at gy 20 times by stupid rogues

i entered 29 bg and i could have a moment of relaxation and even do some pwnige

so if you wana compete against others twink just do it, stop complaining here like a bunch of babies!:p
Sunblayde said:

...and based your grammar and sentence structure, you may actually still be in grade school.

I dont agree with most of what RC is saying, but his grammar/whatever probably has to do with the fact his location is listed as Romania

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