twinks in non-twinks BG after 3.20

Nobody knows exactly how you will get XP in battlegrounds. But I bet it wont be only from flag caps. Most likely KB's, HK's, and flag returns will also give you xp while in a WSG.
in the PTR bgs don t work to see how much xp you get and how?

i mean it sounds silly to make a PTR and not to test BGS!
pretty sure blizz has confirmed HK's don't give EXP. not too sure about other things though.
This is what gives twinks a bad name - the failboat full of huntards who's only want in life is to "pwn noobs" I so hope you accidentally ding - heck I'll make it my goal in life for the first few weeks of 3.2 to ding as many twinks as I can "by accident" :p darn lowlives scrubs
Jesus give him a break. You do know when the first twinks were made it was to own lowbies.. not to play each other. Thats the general concept of a twink. He wants to do that so let him. Maybe hes not as hardcore as you guys or myself. I twink for arenas and premades.. maybe he doesnt. Any of you with pure AP sets, ambush sets and fire mages etc know exactly what I am talking about. In fact I bet 90% of you have a twink that has something like that. We all know those are just for killing lowbies. They dont have much affect on twinks because you wont one shot them and then you die right after that first ambush etc..

Second, it would be sweet irony if Patrick levels his twink from doing this leveling bs. =P I would laugh so hard. In fact I bet you just ding twinks that want to play 3.2 and dont know where to limit their exp
Evocate said:
Second, it would be sweet irony if Patrick levels his twink from doing this leveling bs. =P I would laugh so hard. In fact I bet you just ding twinks that want to play 3.2 and dont know where to limit their exp

I'll be leveling my mage twink - quite on purpose, as I've done with quite a few other twinks. I get boored after a while when they are finished and start to look for new challanges - the shaman, pala and priest will be staying for the time being.
I take back the grammar remark; that was uncalled for and I apologize.

I still vehemently disagree with RC's original statements, however. I can understand the desire to own lowbs in BGs, but I've never myself taken any great joy or satisfaction in it.

On my rogues, I intentionally run in to a group of 4-6 lowbs, seeking the challenge of trying to take them all out before I die; I /yawn at going 1v1 against a lowb or non-twink.

At nearly 90k kills on all my active twinks (I have no locks, mind you; I have to actively engage my targets to kill them), I simply don't find any enjoyment in it, and never have.

To each his own, I guess, but It really does give all of us a bad reputation, and I for one do not want to be associated with players who enjoy beating up on the lil ones.
if you get me to level i will find your adress and I will come to your house and prepare a soup from yur favorite pet and then I watch you eat it :D

now seriously... i will go in bg with other twinks... there are some couple of e-mails made by me to blizz were i ask them to make twinks only bgs but now, when it will become real i don t think i like it...

i mean i worked hard at my gear... and i like to think i am unique

if i enter a twinks only bg i will find there guys with the same equipment... bleah... and that knows everything i know... and oh, yes, i forgot, a lot of hunters that send their stupid pet to make their job

i mean hunters are unballanced at level 29

i can t make one and if it will be a twinks bg there wil probably be around 4 hunters, 5 rouges and me... :( so where is the fun?

and about the last post - nobody said you must be asociated with me

i do what i do and you do what you do... and for god sake it s a stupid game it s not like we are some criminals
RC-ST. said:
i can t make one and if it will be a twinks bg there wil probably be around 4 hunters, 5 rouges and me... :( so where is the fun?

The only suggestion I can make is to queue with friends or seek organized premade matches.
Patrick said:
This is what gives twinks a bad name - the failboat full of huntards who's only want in life is to "pwn noobs" I so hope you accidentally ding - heck I'll make it my goal in life for the first few weeks of 3.2 to ding as many twinks as I can "by accident" :p darn lowlives scrubs

and you think he's a dick...
I really doubt you get exp per kill, if it does infact award exp in 3.2 we'll see 20minute long GY farms every fight. Blizz is smarter than that.
Boglund said:
I really doubt you get exp per kill, if it does infact award exp in 3.2 we'll see 20minute long GY farms every fight. Blizz is smarter than that.

Why the guessing, it's been said already -

World of Warcraft Europe -> Info -> Test Realm

# Battlegrounds

* Battleground experience has arrived!

o Players will now be awarded experience for completing objectives and actions that yield honor in Battlegrounds (honorable kills not included).

oh and
When standing at a capture point that you control, you will gain a buff called Honorable Defender. This buff grants +50% honor gained from kills. This currently affects Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm and Isle of Conquest.

/applaud but why not the warsong flag room while your own flag is still there :|
no XP for HKs but either way i doubt it will be easy enough to get around, that a non leveling twink could fully avoid leveling on accident. previously at lv 31 i had top DPS in many many bgs on my lock while leveling him to 39, and he wasn't even close to fully twinked.

i am going to level up a lock and a pally(my wife) turn off xp, gear up, turn on, pwn face that is 9 levels higher. i figure a few levels gives them a chance. since i'll have 8 other twinks in the XP bgs i think i can afford the 'justs likes to pwn noob lowbies' on one more twink. besides think of all the fellow teammates i will be helping get their marks faster.

yes my 39 druid will still be the most fun and playing with noobs will be annoying, BUT u cant really say that being one of the few well geared in the BG is going to be bad. itll be just like the old days before everyone was a twink.

got the lowbies rdy and waiting at lv 17 already :) and i still need a 49 lock so this will be a funway to make one.

this patch will give people the chance to really have so skillz a chance to win again if they spend the G and effort, and thats what WoW is about, wether your 19 or 80. its a gear and time based game the more time u waste the more u get regaurdless of skill. if it were about skill then it would be more like a 1st person shooter such as CoDuty or Halo that takes mad skill and coorindation combined with lack of server lag.

its gear based even if u have mad skills you can get pwned by better gear.

skill helps but a green geared player isnt going to beat arena/endgame epics.
hm... i think it will be very fun... but it will consume lot of gold... turn xp in, turn xp out... 10 gold...

anyway, i can t really make premades. on my realm there are about 10 twinks 29 and i don t have many friends...

so i can t do premades everytime i go bging but you can t understand this and i think i am loosing my time here
its easy to enter 10-19 bgs at lvl 20, so why not enter an xp bg with a nonxp char? :p i dont know if it will be possible, but Queue up -> Turn xp off -> Enter with the lowbies sounds as possible as lvl 20 in 10-19 :rolleyes:
i dont know if this has been said or anything

what if you queue up for a battleground and before it pops turn off xp then enter the battleground?

would cost 20g each battleground but would be funny to fuck with people :)
blueisbetterthanyou said:
i dont know if this has been said or anything

what if you queue up for a battleground and before it pops turn off xp then enter the battleground?

would cost 20g each battleground but would be funny to fuck with people :)

removes you from queue when you switch
Hamcake said:
removes you from queue when you switch

Concindering the current bug on live with the queue system - could you test (as an XP capped char) being queued up by a non XP capped char ?
blueisbetterthanyou said:
i dont know if this has been said or anything

what if you queue up for a battleground and before it pops turn off xp then enter the battleground?

would cost 20g each battleground but would be funny to fuck with people :)

damn i hope this doesn't work, but at the same time i kinda hope it does :D. I expect it will work at first then once everyone is doing it they will fix it in a patch. seeing how now u can be lv 20 in 19s etc.


maybe 20g per BG to pwn lowbies is fair? not cheap but not too expensive to not do, say on weekends. plus get a premade this way LOL just mean.

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