Twinks Eat Twinkies

Go jamesb! Lolol darn trolls. And /spit cuz horde is gy farming is appropriate in every which way. I hate 24s, but Jamesb is a good 24,
Not some trashy gy farming scrub like Duo and most of these other 24s on here. Join this guild peeps.
Also, props on guild name, me likey.

typical alliance 9-16 year old player response. What do you expect if he qued with 5 24s and they're all druid hunter rogue?
youre looking for skilled ppl to join a lvl 24 guild and you expect people to take you serious?
Im sorry, i mis-represented myself. Im not "looking" for anyone im offering a home to people looking for one. Like ive said before, it is a VIDEO Game people not real life, get a life, fuck off, and take wow a bit less seriously. But hey, thanks for the opinions ill write back to you from go fuck yourself land!
James if you want this to go anywhere you gotta chill out bud

Don't respond to the inevitable trolls - just try to ignore them and move on
- Bad guild name
- Annoying guild master. One of those players who needs to remind others that it's just a video game and tells other players to get a life whilst mocking them further.

- I give this recruitment thread a 1/10; will not be joining.
Literally the worst players hahaha.
he made the server when he was a 12 a few years ago but hes matured and 19 now so fuck off haters i got ur back jamesb #1

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