Twinks and bugged Battleground Queues - A sad story

I can still queue random and specific bg at same time. Not sure if poster above was referring to PTR but on live it still works.
Well my guess here is that they are actually working on fixing the bug and changed the queue settings on EU servers to see where the problem is and if the separation from random and specific queues helps.
It was interesting that they changed that overnight without any official note.
All in all that makes me hope that they at least see that there is a problem and are actually working on it.

As a feedback from EU 20-29 again:
- Queues stopped pausing
- There might be a slighty improvement in average queue times overall
- People are still experiencing huge gaps w/o any pops even though there are a lot twinks queuing

Would need to set up a 19 queue for wsg specific to see if anything has changed.
But judging from the 20-29 bracket, queues are still not working effectively
It seems like they are working on the problem, as a GM has responded to me saying that they are taking a look at the issue. Let's hope for the best!
In the mean time, everyone needs to que tonight. PLEASE.
[MENTION=17076]tylerfoot[/MENTION] Holinka said that it won't happen
They wouldnt have to fix the bugs if they just merge us. All im saying is check out the tread because it is starting to get some momentum.
Tweeted Holinka last night before I went to bed about the bugged queues.

Logged on this morning to find out that you can no longer queue for both random BG and specific BG. AKA, they implemented the fix to queues that they implemented on EU servers last week.

Praise Jesus!
Tweeted Holinka last night before I went to bed about the bugged queues.

Logged on this morning to find out that you can no longer queue for both random BG and specific BG. AKA, they implemented the fix to queues that they implemented on EU servers last week.

Praise Jesus!

As it has been stated from EU people:. The bug is still not fixed. Your assumption that it is, is not really helpful for our case in a tweet to the devs...

Their change with the random bg and specific bg queue helped a bit in the 20-29 bracket tho. Means that overall queue times got slightly better.
There is still some work to do here.

But you US people should set up a queue the next days and see if anything changed.
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As it has been stated from EU people:. The bug is still not fixed. Your assumption that it is, is not really helpful for our case in a tweet to the devs...

Their change with the random bg and specific bg queue helped a bit in the 20-29 bracket tho. Means that overall queue times got slightly better.
There is still some work to do here.

But you US people should set up a queue the next days and see if anything changed.

Even if the queue bugs are not completely fixed, it is still a step in the right direction. The fact that queues will stop pausing is huge.

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