Twinks and bugged Battleground Queues - A sad story

Just specific queue Warsong Gulch. Random BG queues have always caused problems in low pop XP-off brackets, that could be causing the bug even with only WSG in the pool. We can worry about getting into consecutive games after we get a single one to pop.

We can give this a shot.

People should be doing arenas until we get closer to WSG.

In arena games we need to be telling players to queue WSG at 8 PM EST. I've already told about 4 people and they agreed to queue WSG.

Once we're like 30 minutes before 8 PM EST we should stop queueing arenas and only queue WSG specific. I think perhaps the queues bug when someone is queued for WSG, entered an arena and still has that WSG queue after the arena. I believe it bugs queues after that unless you drop that WSG queue. Just speculation though... I was queued for WSG, queued for 2v2 and had an instant pop. Then after the arena I queued 2s again and waited for 20 minutes with no arena pop so I had to drop both queues.

When we were getting pops last month, I was queued for both random and specific WSG and I got every pop. My friends on the other hand missed several games in a row but I'm unsure as to what they were queued for.
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Bump. Need more up votes. Is there someone with a Twitter Acc who could twitter the devs about the issue and link both forum posts to back that up?
But first I do suggest to wait for that a bit to get more up votes.
We can give this a shot.

People should be doing arenas until we get closer to WSG.

In arena games we need to be telling players to queue WSG at 8 PM EST. I've already told about 4 people and they agreed to queue WSG.

Once we're like 30 minutes before 8 PM EST we should stop queueing arenas and only queue WSG specific. I think perhaps the queues bug when someone is queued for WSG, entered an arena and still has that WSG queue after the arena. I believe it bugs queues after that unless you drop that WSG queue. Just speculation though... I was queued for WSG, queued for 2v2 and had an instant pop. Then after the arena I queued 2s again and waited for 20 minutes with no arena pop so I had to drop both queues.

When we were getting pops last month, I was queued for both random and specific WSG and I got every pop. My friends on the other hand missed several games in a row but I'm unsure as to what they were queued for.

ques pausing has nothing to do with arenas (as far as i can tell, maybe it's causing the problem but not how you described) the last day we got pops i did 0 arenas that day and my ques were still bugged (wsg no longer had a wait time and random paused randomly) but i did end up getting a pop without ever leaving que or reloading
Perhaps the problem now isnt bugged queues but a lack of people queuing?

same comment blizzard has always crutched on, they did it after XP on/off patch years ago, and twice when major patch or new expac rolled. one of the last threads from years ago Please stop ignoring the xp off queue bug - Forums - World of Warcraft. it took several threads before they listened, many threads were locked, referred to others and then deleted. threads, i had saved other threads when this issue occurred and had to be fixed on my favs, but those prior to CATA have been wiped

to test the ques, pugs, for XP off, you need 10+ players from each faction not grouped, but communicating and coordinating to que for a XP off WSG to test if the XP off system for match finding.making is really working. the more players you have and the better your case when you make it.
I got a WSG pop yesterday night. no problem in queueing.

The issue isnt a bugged queue. Its that no one is putting the effort to get in queue.

On other nights where we had way more than 10 on each side there's still like 20-30 minutes inbetween games where it used to pop instantaneously with the last one ending even if it was mostly the same people. There's definitely a bug that's effecting bg ques right now. I have personally missed several pops in a row on my 19s because of paused ques. No one's putting in the effort to que because of the bugged ques. If people weren't missing games for no reason and if pops didn't take way longer than they need to they wouldn't be so discouraged with 19s and would actually play them again. Just because you didn't have a problem getting into one game doesn't mean other people didn't get left out of the pop even if they qued before you. I literally can't believe you said there isn't a bug with ques. If there isn't then what the hell would you call bg ques pausing randomly. Last time I qued I literally didn't leave org at all (thinking maybe zoning could cause the pausing) and didn't que for arenas at all that day but it still paused and the average wait time still kept disappearing. The issue is both a bugged que and a lack of activity. The low activity only makes the bugged que more apparent. When there were 20-30 19s on for each faction the bugged ques didn't really matter because the sheer volume of players allowed pops to happen even if that meant leaving people out who qued before others. Pops used to happen the second there were enough people on both sides to support a game (not even the full 20 people) yet that has not been the case at all this expansion. Now pops generally take 30-45 minutes after there are more than enough people to get a pop (at least in the old system where bgs didn't always need to be filled). Bgs are not popping as they should which is why I would consider this issue a bug and is clearly not what blizzard intended.
same comment blizzard has always crutched on, they did it after XP on/off patch years ago, and twice when major patch or new expac rolled. one of the last threads from years ago Please stop ignoring the xp off queue bug - Forums - World of Warcraft. it took several threads before they listened, many threads were locked, referred to others and then deleted. threads, i had saved other threads when this issue occurred and had to be fixed on my favs, but those prior to CATA have been wiped

to test the ques, pugs, for XP off, you need 10+ players from each faction not grouped, but communicating and coordinating to que for a XP off WSG to test if the XP off system for match finding.making is really working. the more players you have and the better your case when you make it.

We tested it exactly as you mentioned. Thats also described in the forum post.
I have hopes that our thread will finally get blizz attention if even the one you quoted got it :D.
And what healsatin described is exactly what happens on 20-29 daily. W/O any reason you are sitting in queue for 30-40 mins. Currently 1 29 out of 26 on one server in a BG...
My conclusion on the "bug". There isn't one. People are sitting in que for hours and aren't getting it and they see other people getting it. Well my theory is that they were in que before you. If you que wsg and specific before someone else you are likely to get both pops before the other said person gets one. Another theory for the pausing is that you are changing zones which causes it to temporarily pause. The passed 2 days now ive gotten a que pop. The reason being is that there was actually 10 people on each side solo queing. Don't team up, solo que. Another issue ive noticed is that there are way more horde that que than alliance, another reason why hordes get skipped often is because there are so many more in que and that's why alliance always seem to get in the same matches because there is simply less of them. With that being said I really don't think its bugged. If your que gets paused just simply reque the one that was paused. Another thing is if ques don't pop its simply because there aren't a verified 10 on each side. My solution for this is to meet at Dal. If the majority of twinks are on Bleeding Hollow you can simply see how many are on at a time from each side by chilling in the Dal sewers. I think if people actually got together, including both factions, and met up in the sewers you could duel people from the other factions while waiting and you can actually see how many people are on each side.
My conclusion on the "bug". There isn't one. People are sitting in que for hours and aren't getting it and they see other people getting it. Well my theory is that they were in que before you. If you que wsg and specific before someone else you are likely to get both pops before the other said person gets one. Another theory for the pausing is that you are changing zones which causes it to temporarily pause. The passed 2 days now ive gotten a que pop. The reason being is that there was actually 10 people on each side solo queing. Don't team up, solo que. Another issue ive noticed is that there are way more horde that que than alliance, another reason why hordes get skipped often is because there are so many more in que and that's why alliance always seem to get in the same matches because there is simply less of them. With that being said I really don't think its bugged. If your que gets paused just simply reque the one that was paused. Another thing is if ques don't pop its simply because there aren't a verified 10 on each side. My solution for this is to meet at Dal. If the majority of twinks are on Bleeding Hollow you can simply see how many are on at a time from each side by chilling in the Dal sewers. I think if people actually got together, including both factions, and met up in the sewers you could duel people from the other factions while waiting and you can actually see how many people are on each side.

Read the post first before you comment please. If you read it, do it again. We already queued with a verified 10 on each side...
And you could have easily checked if the queue gets paused while changing zones or if it pauses randomly any time instead of making up things.
Players claiming that queues are not bugged are both uneducated about the situation and misinformed. The queues are bugged. It's that simple.

Also, queuing arenas has nothing to do with the bug. Queuing WSG specifically is not a fix to the bug. My guildies and I never queue arenas at the same time as queuing WSG, we always queue WSG specifically, yet we will miss multiple games in a row when we're all solo queued.

Please stop spreading false information about the queue bugs. It doesn't do anyone any good.
well ive been getting ques for the passed 2 days now so I guess im uneducated but im still getting pops
My conclusion on the "bug". There isn't one. People are sitting in que for hours and aren't getting it and they see other people getting it. Well my theory is that they were in que before you. If you que wsg and specific before someone else you are likely to get both pops before the other said person gets one. Another theory for the pausing is that you are changing zones which causes it to temporarily pause. The passed 2 days now ive gotten a que pop. The reason being is that there was actually 10 people on each side solo queing. Don't team up, solo que. Another issue ive noticed is that there are way more horde that que than alliance, another reason why hordes get skipped often is because there are so many more in que and that's why alliance always seem to get in the same matches because there is simply less of them. With that being said I really don't think its bugged. If your que gets paused just simply reque the one that was paused. Another thing is if ques don't pop its simply because there aren't a verified 10 on each side. My solution for this is to meet at Dal. If the majority of twinks are on Bleeding Hollow you can simply see how many are on at a time from each side by chilling in the Dal sewers. I think if people actually got together, including both factions, and met up in the sewers you could duel people from the other factions while waiting and you can actually see how many people are on each side.

I have literally qued WAY before other people i'm pretty sure including you and it's skipped me in the que. I've also not gotten a que even though people i group qued with did, so it's clearly bugged in at least some aspect. Like i said in my last post i literally didn't leave org or even the valley of strength for that matter the last time i qued and my ques still paused and still showed an average wait time disappear and then show up again randomly. The problem with requeing is it puts you in the back of the line. I'm not going to have missed 2 games in a row just to reque and miss the next one which is literally what happens to me every time i try to reque when it's paused. The problem with hanging out in dal is that a huge portion of the alliance community isn't on bleeding hollow. Also there have been several nights where we coordinated pops and 100% had more than 10 for each side in que yet it still took nearly an hour to get the first pop. Another point is that they clearly altered the que system since games used to pop with less than 20 people in que sometimes significantly less which does not happen at all now. I think blizz just redid the bg system when they added skirms and random bgs for us and it clearly isn't perfect yet.
My conclusion on the "bug". There isn't one. People are sitting in que for hours and aren't getting it and they see other people getting it. Well my theory is that they were in que before you. If you que wsg and specific before someone else you are likely to get both pops before the other said person gets one. Another theory for the pausing is that you are changing zones which causes it to temporarily pause. The passed 2 days now ive gotten a que pop. The reason being is that there was actually 10 people on each side solo queing. Don't team up, solo que. Another issue ive noticed is that there are way more horde that que than alliance, another reason why hordes get skipped often is because there are so many more in que and that's why alliance always seem to get in the same matches because there is simply less of them. With that being said I really don't think its bugged. If your que gets paused just simply reque the one that was paused. Another thing is if ques don't pop its simply because there aren't a verified 10 on each side. My solution for this is to meet at Dal. If the majority of twinks are on Bleeding Hollow you can simply see how many are on at a time from each side by chilling in the Dal sewers. I think if people actually got together, including both factions, and met up in the sewers you could duel people from the other factions while waiting and you can actually see how many people are on each side.

I guess I have the power to mush the bug cause ive been getting que pops :)

Bug or not, I've been in wsg for about 2-3 days in a row now. So call me uneducated but I've been getting pops!
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