Twink League

y a twinkions league to stop containment if u only include points for not containing and give -points for doing it its like whats the point u dont even target ur target grp

Oh or better yet how about I make a league to encourage it!!!!

Tell you what Im gonna make it fun for everyone just gonna reward objective playing over the containment aspects
Unless people want the - point system for the Good/Evil Alignment I will be updating my original idea or just make this a Guild Event
well considering the feedback this will not work with my original concept. more I think about it the more I think this will be better as a Guild League. And that way I can actually give out rewards for it.
sounds as good as Ores twink draft
I just wanna gauge some people's opinions on a thought I had. I thought about developing a Point system for fun actions that will encourage non-farming/"containing" methods for twinks.

The Twink League will begin at a certain time and will last a total of 2 months. The point system will be as such for things such as Flag Captures, Flag Returns, Healing over 100k in single BG, Damage over 100k in single BG, so on so forth, each will be rewarded points. But at the same time players will be losing points for certain aspects, if Spotted GY Farming/Containing you will lose points, if spotted afking you will lose points, If spotted abusing Flag Returns auto DQ.

It is a work in progress but a example scoring will be done like such (just examples)

Each Flag Return=5 points
Each Flag Capture=15 points
100k healing in a single bg=20 points and an additional 5 points for each 20k above 100k healing
100k damage in a single bg=20 points and an additional 5 points for each 20k above 100k damage
Each BG played=15 points,10 points extra for winning

Report of Afking Screenshot of roster at beginning of game and end of game=-50 points
Report of GY farming-Screenshot of player attacking players at the GY spawn point =-20 points

How these things will be reported will be through screenshots and statistic page at the beginning of the season/end of season for games played/won

Now I know there is alot of loop holes in this and it is just an Idea for now but if I get alot of interest in this I will consider taking this to another level. Any Ideas/Suggestions will be welcome but I want to stay away from HKs as it will encourage farming over actual gameplay.

Whats to stop me from sitting resto hut all game taking my gear off then putting it back on again and healing myself every game (not adding anything to the team but getting high numbers)

whats to stop me from causing the mid fight to be lost (losing 1 dps vs rest) then causing the other team to force us near gy and just heal all game getting big ermagerd numbers?

whats to stop me from just healing mid all game while my dps kill all game (not playing the objective at all and essentially farming)

I could think of more but strictly from the healer perspective this will just be abused and put into scum baggy tactics to get top points.

Good idea but way too exploitable.
So basically you are going to lose points for playing smart?

No. hes basically saying you dont get any points for being a Douche that GY camps.
220k healing = 50 points

3 Flag Caps = 45 points

WSG Objective = Cap Flags

220k Healing more valuable than 3 Flag caps

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Pretty interesting although some of it needs rethinking completely. The best way to pull something like this off is within your own guild and reward players who are getting objectives done/winning games for your guild to give them incentive to actually participate/get better and not troll, you can't really dictate how other people outside your guild play the game imo even if it what the norm is these days does suck.

The current meta is all about containment and mid control, the whole O/D game seems to have just vanished since 5.4 since stacking heavy ranged dps is where it's at so I don't think you will abolish it by doing this publicly with no kind of reason/incentive to do so (hopefully WoD will do that for us) other than your name and a number of points for the rest of the trolls to see, if anything it just fuels it.

I was actually considering doing something like this in my guild although the logistics of it haven't been worked out but for example if I were to do a weekly point system I would reward the top 3 players each week with gold or something. If the same people carry then they'll get rich and others may strive to play better/be more active and at the same time be more of an asset to your guild/bracket.

I'd more than likely do this going on a screenshot-per-win basis to calculate points from winning scoreboards (coz EU alli don't win anything atm lawl) and hopefully people will start getting competent groups together and step up their games.

Just my 2 cents as you'd say.

220k healing = 50 points

3 Flag Caps = 45 points

WSG Objective = Cap Flags

220k Healing more valuable than 3 Flag caps


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ya i think the point system should be changed up a bit i mean 5 points a return when a return could be the the toughest part of some games and every class should have there own way to get points if u want the dps to get bonus points on 100k damage when not every dps class like warrior or rogue can break 100k unless they have a good back up and outside buffs maybe have each class a way to get points or even ninja return have bonus points for that. Have warriors and rogues get same points as other dps that break 100k if they break 30k-40kand more points for returns and caps for an fc class like myself im never going to get any points for any thing but 3 caps at a max so maybe if your specd to fc when u cap its more points then the average cap points for others maybe even some points to the person with lease amount of deaths on ur team but if u where to try this out i think a 2 month period is to long ( Hell lets tell the truth guys our Gf's 1 week long period is to long) i think make it a weekend like 3 hour period say 3-6 or something like that sure chances r the people who play the whole time will have best score but thats why u got to make it short enough for everyone to try to earn points and long enough to get get alot of points
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The current meta is all about containment and mid control, the whole O/D game seems to have just vanished since 5.4 since stacking heavy ranged dps is where it's at so I don't think you will abolish it by doing this publicly with no kind of reason/incentive to do so (hopefully WoD will do that for us) other than your name and a number of points for the rest of the trolls to see, if anything it just fuels it.

O/D system dissapear way before 5.4 lol.

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