Twink Info Guild EU!

Some new screenies

Again a few screenies as promised....

Guild has 0ver 70 members now with around 15 ppl playing daily.

With the newly made contacts with our french fellows, we are gonna play arena's and wsg soon. won't be a matter of weeks anymore:D

Enjoy the pics:D (remember, these guys all rerolled, no transfers)

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Do you still get PremadeVSPremade on your BG?
Flagadin said:
Again a few screenies as promised....

Guild has 0ver 70 members now with around 15 ppl playing daily.

With the newly made contacts with our french fellows, we are gonna play arena's and wsg soon. won't be a matter of weeks anymore:D

Enjoy the pics:D (remember, these guys all rerolled, no transfers)

View attachment 52


I'm a French player,playing on vol'jin serveur!

I would be very interested in coming on your server and making a toon!I would do it in the summer holidays coming!

But for the moment I don't know what class to do!

I haven't done mage/priest/druid!

Which of those 3 do you need?

I will contact you in jully! :)

Hope you will get more people!
I'm interested. Once I finish some stuff on my warrior, I'll consider transferring since my server sucks donkey doodle for PvP.
HI all would lowe to play u all as alli

but think the server is dead on alli side

have made a lock and DK on bloodfeather tho

will try get it done

Well, this server is kinda alright, more and more of our french fellow-twinks, start bg-ing. Epic battles coming up, it's still our fault we didn't play any 10v10 yet, they are setup and rdy..

Try logging in on their server: Les Sentinelles and type/who 19

Nuff said...


I've played a few 19s from Les Sentinelles and look forward to getting a good fight in arena , just too bad I don't ussualy get hooked up with another twink or join with guildies , they still have alot of stuff to do as do I but arena is what I like most. I'll be sure to annoy you all with screenies if I get any good ones =p.

Just looking for some info ...

while you were asking aroud did you come across any active ally guilds out there, im currently on bladefist and its dead for twinks.

Any names you could throw at me would be useful ... thx

and good luck with the 10v10 ...i miss them so much it hurts sometimes :)
ok i have a ally guild on rampage Twisting Nether which is runing for some time but has low activity. have 47 members.

i was thinking if making that guild as counter to twink info europe so that all of u who wana join nice 10v10 premaids could reroll or transfer to twisting nether

guild is called <Do Not Fear Me> and me and my irl friend are leading it

i have pre tbc rogue and was always on rampage and its true battlegroup isnt what it used to be, but if this works out it could become most played twink battlegroup

i would be willing to help with all bosts and ive stacked a bit of equipment and mats for enchants in bank.

gona make new post so u can join there or give me a /w ingame. ill try to be online as much as posible.

ingame names: Wisperin, Aiyanna
When 3.2 comes out or before, with horde twinks migrating to draenor, should we consider moving the guild there?
Hey I realy want to make a twink on a diff. server off my main, but still I have one question how does I get enough money for the twink stuff? This was actualy the resson why i stopped twinking for lika a month or so, beacuse of the tons of money i've spend.

If I found out that it is possible I was thinking of making a Mage, or if you have to many mage's, the cheapest class :p

As you can see on my sig. Im playing resto drood atm. Im not very familiar, with anything else than drood twink's so a little help would be nice.

If it is a big problem with money and stuff I could maybe load my lvl 39 warr twink with money and twink gear and transfer her.
Ok.... i went on the server today, and searched for any lvl 19's but no char's from Twink Info guild? When are you guys online so i can get invited?

PS: I'm allready start lvling a undead Mage called Cornesso tell me NOW if i should make another class please xD

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