Twink Dictionary

Help - help the FC

Hide - don't jump down from the GY into farmers and just hide to stop their honor gain and hopefuly finish the game (its what i do but only really works if some of the team do it).

Not exactly a term but if ur a mage with 500hp don't take the flag over a druid with 1.5k health , take it though if u get there and ur on ur own or are the one with the highest hp or better fc skills.
seems you've missed an important one:

loc - Location, in example "efc loc?" is a request to where the enemy flag carrier is. Very helpful. Also if someone asks this and you know the whereabouts of EFC, you should say it -and- ping map, as this gives quite good indication as to where to find him / her.
Tun= tunnel

GY= graveyard

Ramp= slope opposite the graveard

Boots= speed buff located in the tunnel

Heal hut, or HH= house below graveyards that give a buff that replenishes hp and mana at a very fast rate. getting hit will interupt the effect.

Berzerker Hut, or BH= house below ramps that provide a dmg boosting buff. increases AP and size.
w8 - wait

m8 - mate.

l8ter - later.

bb - bye bye.

cya - see you.

NPC - Non played charecter.

Mob - monster's, beast's, demon's, elemental's, humanoid's and such, wich you can kill.

U / Y - You.

r - are.

WC - the instance Walling Cavern's, or Wrong Chat.

np - no problem.

ofc - ofcourse.

HS - hearthstone / Health Stone.

BoW - Blessing of Wisdom.

BoM - Blessing of Might.

BoK - Blessing of King's.

MotW - Mark of the Wild.

Sta buff - Power Word: Fortitude.

Ally - Alliance.

BoA - Bind's to Account.

BoE - Bind's when equiped.

BoP - Bind's when picked up.

brb - be right back.

score - Score with a flag in WSG (Warsong Gulch) or EotS (Eye of the Storm). In WSG, this is done by picking up the enemies flag, and return to your own flag room, and putting the enemies flag on your own flag. You can't score when the enemy has your team's flag.
Quara said:
Explain yourself, please

Spirit took a hit in the face, losing 40% of it's regen bonus in 3.1.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Spirit took a hit in the face, losing 40% of it's regen bonus in 3.1.

my priest lost so much mp5 because of that... pisssed me off
i wish i could say more, but ive never rolled a twink lvl 19+ so i know nothing of AB or any other battleground other than WSG.

Cogs and Druiddroid pretty much covered everything i can think of in WSG

but i can think of 2 ATM

2nd- the 2nd floor of a flagroom, below the roof, accessed by a short ramp just outside the flagroom, by running the full path of the ramp, or by falling off the roof onto the 2nd floor. also known as balcony.

turtle-have all players purposely remain in their own flagroom, balcony, roof, or surrounding area and play defense against the opposing team. usually used as a last resort (losing 2-0) or when the team has low level players and a low chance of killing players in the field or capturing the flag. rogues and warriors and other melee classes usually hide in the flagroom or the connecting room, while casters and hunters attack from the roof and 2nd floor.

hope that isnt too long for your dictionary :)
Gearsprocket said:
seems you've missed an important one:

loc - Location, in example "efc loc?" is a request to where the enemy flag carrier is. Very helpful. Also if someone asks this and you know the whereabouts of EFC, you should say it -and- ping map, as this gives quite good indication as to where to find him / her.

usually I just say "WW" or "ww" which means "which way?". or at least that's how it works in the BGs i have played in.

never heard "loc" before tbh
Conrose, I think he was refering to the user titles on TwinkInfo.

Based on your post count, your user rank will upgrade.

It doesn't do much, nothing at all in fact ... mainly just for fun.

Edit - you can find a current list of user titles in the Site Items, forum seciton of our site.
Thank you guys, that summed it up. They are kinda like guild ranks for this site. Thanks again for the always quick replies! And I never heard of WTF meaning "way to fight" ever! Only "what the fu__" so lol there.
Wondering if this guy is a troll or an ad bot because of it looks like he had time to set up an avatar an is that pedobear?

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