My own list, just pick whatever class that may suit your playstyle which I will sum up briefly
Combat Rogue (highest dps in the entire bracket BUT no slow and easy to kite)
FC/Resto druid (counters everything but warlocks)
Healer Priest (strongest healer)
Hunter (low dps for being hunter, applies in vanilla, might be better in TBC?)
Resto sham (decent dps, decent healing)
Affli warlock (good if enemy team doesn't have lots of priests who know how to dispel - counters FC druid + fear spam is annoying)
Prot Paladin (good survival and support)
Dagger Rogue (biggest crits, low survival)
(FC/FC support)
Frost Mage (good counter against melees due slows, but deals THE LOWEST damage in the entire bracket)
Prot Warrior - (decent survival, decent dps, biggest counter to FC's with hamstring-spam)
2-handed Warrior (prob 2nd highest dps in the bracket, low survival)
Retri Paladin (slow but decent damage and good support)
Fire Mage (this is def the 2nd highest damage in the bracket - IF you manage to free cast fireballs)
Arcane Mage (honestly works and do decent damage, but nothing I would recommend. Only seen 1 arcane twink)
Holy Paladin (no point before , h-pal talents aren't really contributing to your healing yet. Better to be prot with some healing gear/enchants)
Shadow Priest (works, but you would contribute way more to your team if you just healed)
F (don't even waste gold on this)
Balance Druid (no damage)
Feral Druid (low damage, even with )
Ele sham (too early, too slow cast)
Enhancement Shaman (no point before frost shock)