Turn off Exp (GOBLINS)

ImmahBon said:
Good news everybody! I was able to restore the character with different GM! :D I fooled the GM to make me 10x 15 agi, 10x Unholy and 10x 22 intellect enchants on swords in my guild bank too. GM's you so silly...

Holy crap, how did you get them to put all thoe enchants in your guild tab??? O.O
lipeckiz said:
Holy crap, how did you get them to put all thoe enchants in your guild tab??? O.O

Found out this bug how to "duplicate" enchant from your any enchanted item to any item wich isnt soulbound with guildbank. But the problem was that when you take them out the enchant dissapears. So I just made a tab full of items with fake ench and made ticket saying that the ench dissapears when the item is taken out. And TA-DA GM re-enchanting all the swords.
ImmahBon said:
Found out this bug how to "duplicate" enchant from your any enchanted item to any item wich isnt soulbound with guildbank. But the problem was that when you take them out the enchant dissapears. So I just made a tab full of items with fake ench and made ticket saying that the ench dissapears when the item is taken out. And TA-DA GM re-enchanting all the swords.

Holy crap bro, u gotta tell me that bug lol
m0l1n said:
I just figured, what about if a lock summons you to org and then u use hearthstone to get back?

Like nobody have tested that :p IT DOESNT WOORK! :) And btw got too greedy again and was going to test if Gm would take bait if I put 15 agi on jungle hat.. So it ended up that the GM deleted all the working enchants..
I <3 GMs :p Just dont get too greedy again, k? You don't need to enchant 15 agil on ur AGM :p
Just got my goblin exp turned-off after 4-5 GMs. The last one didn't even say anything just turned th exp-off didn't even take the 10gold out, Sweet thing.

EDIT: Can't do anymore quest, stuck here, trying stuff around to see if anything works.
I doubt I can get this going, whatever ..
tiboudemo, still stuck there, so I dunno what to do but opening ticket right now
This sounds interesting the goblin racials are realy good in my opinion, on my lvl 1 BE twink pally im already called ''a hacker'' when a bat a lvl 16 ina duel -.-

butbeing a lvl1 gob siting outside org would be geting me reported hah XD but ya like everyone elessaid. can you even GET TOORG as a level on gob? hwso would you need a GM thelp ya out?
Confusing said:
This sounds interesting the goblin racials are realy good in my opinion, on my lvl 1 BE twink pally im already called ''a hacker'' when a bat a lvl 16 ina duel -.-

butbeing a lvl1 gob siting outside org would be geting me reported hah XD but ya like everyone elessaid. can you even GET TOORG as a level on gob? hwso would you need a GM thelp ya out?

This guy's name reflects his typing style. What the hell did he just say?
So.....we can get a level 1 Goblin out. Steps:

Get ur xp turned off>do all quests except level 3 one>get a gm to ?????>WEWT WEWT

Other words, what do we ask the GM to do with the level 3 quest?

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