I will write the lyrics during my time in Greece. I dont have anythying else to do, cuz I wont get my laptop to play Battlegroundscan you write down the lyrics, maybe someone else can sing it ?
Chops is the next guy!
I wont fail this time.
Im working on it. 20 mins- 1 hour at the most.
[doublepost=1560365303,1560362335][/doublepost]Uploading 57%, Im uploading it, but dont judge me! I have some problems... Just watch the second part of the video where I explain it all (from 3:00).
My microphone fails too. Its really hard to hear the last part. Im just training for the song. But I`m a failure.
https://www.google.com/search?q=ръченица+мърквичка&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjGu9Hsqd7iAhWxwqYKHYhiDqUQ_AUIECgB&biw=1920&bih=966What is that painting on the wall behind you?
The painting is called "Ръченица" or "Rachenitsa" (1894) by Ivan Mrkvicka.
Just a few drunk bulgarian peasants
A few guys already asked me about this painting.... I dont like it at all. I dont like the bulgarian folklore. its not my style. My father bought it. I play horror games and I want something with gore and blood... not a few drunks like me.
This painting is scary as hell... Try to sleep under it when the moon is lighting it up...