Trash will be trash

well from what i heard about how PTL treated most folks thats a pretty large reason as well.......
slaehonremoh said:
Oknob is a f ucking GIF spamming faggot. Ohai may be Obai!!!!!! LOLOL

Blow me, mods!!!

rubikz said:
or maybe it was cause most of PTL broke off to do RBGs when s10 started

and all the horde they pushed away with their drama weren't there to fill their slots when PTL left

Dorigon said:
they were not worthy

I played alliance when ptl was running 10 mans right before the bracket died and they were still getting 3-0'd

a few undergeared players on their team doesn't seem like it would have changed much
Dorigon said:
running 10 mans? ptl always solo q'd

u seem misinformed

yeah that might be the case but I was still in a number of games vs 10 ptl members where they got trashed on pretty hard

maybe they would have had more people to play with if they didn't.. you know.. run them all off
rubikz said:
if you get in with any more than 4, it's group queueing

I never said anything about group q'ing

keep riding their nuts tho as if they were actually not the bane of the bracket
Fcftw said:
yeah that might be the case but I was still in a number of games vs 10 ptl members where they got trashed on pretty hard

and wat relevance does this have to running ppl off? gams went both ways
Fcftw said:
I never said anything about group q'ing

keep riding their nuts tho as if they were actually not the bane of the bracket

so me saying that they went to play RBGs when s10 started = riding their nuts

k bro
Dorigon said:
and wat relevance does this have to running ppl off? gams went both ways

I'm just stating they ran people off they didn't deem perfect but they were far from perfect themselves

I know thats hard to comprehend whilst dangling from their sack
Fcftw said:
I'm just stating they ran people off they didn't deem perfect but they were far from perfect themselves

I know thats hard to comprehend whilst dangling from their sack

slight imperfections > significant imperfections

get ur degrees of perfection down man
I heard from multiple players PTL made pugging horde side miserable for most players. That's why at the end there was what APPEARED to be 10 man premades, but in actuality it was that there was no one else left to play that side. Then s10 hit, ptl left, oops no horde.

At least thats what I've read, hell I found mitch to be funny on the forums, but I never did play horde side to see what was being said.

Whatever regardless of QQ i'm happy you 39s are here, and I'll be happy to get on my 39 and help you get pops for your wednesday games next week, if I'm on.
Back on topic....

Indeed, racial resists do not stack with buffs, nor with the glyph of healing stream totem. The only resists that stack are gear bonuses, on top of whatever the highest resist you get from racials, a glyph, or buff. The nature resist cloak enchant is a good one.

One of the reasons to go engineering is for the cloak that can accept BC enchants, specifically 20 spell penetration. Consider that for the same reason you would put 15 nature resist on a cloak to stack with your 29 nature resist racial for a total of 44 nature resist (I think that comes out to "only" 37%, since resistance stacks funny) that means you miss 1 out of every three purges on such a target. Sucks when you want to purge an AGM bubble, priest bubble, HoTs, etc. Knocking that down to 1 out of every 6 is worth considering.

A lot of good gear options exist for resto shamans at 29, especially with access to the full suite of BoAs. To reach spell hit cap (13 hit rating for non-draenei), consider Masha's Armbands - Item - World of Warcraft which will get you to 14 hit rating. That way, you can keep the +20 spell power to gloves.
Bone said:
How rude...

haha I meant OP as in the guy i quoted, as in the op of the other thread where i first posted the image.


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