a lot of swag here guys. nice mogs
I stopped roflstomping lolliance in AV just to take this ss
View attachment 6289
back to my job now ^^
ic...Sadly your very limited at lvl 20-29 with transmog but swap boots for Misshapen Boots - Item - World of Warcraft due to the fact that your not boots are not actual boots more ankle protection and since your trying to resemble a frostwolf. You should atleast know that their feet cant stand the snow they walk on.
- I'll get back to you once I found a suitable frostwolf transmog set for you. Wont be lvl 20 tho but still ^^
Before checking anything else you should see
Jorek Ironside and all Frostwolf Battleguard around there first ^^
I'm fully aware of that. But realistic wise it does not add up. Their feets would suffer severe frostbite after wandering around in the snow for hours and hours.
Then on the other hand it could just be me who is addicted to have my characters look as realistic as possible with their transmogs : (
I plant my axe in your skull and you don't die... Very very very realistic
Thats not very nice you know.
Yep, I know
Feel ashamed!
Here are some of mine
Will add priest when im done with her mog thats currently underoing maintenance.
sick druid mog
nodoko is that transmog elitist. lol