nope periodically they que with these shamans named ratlek, shockurazz, snapback, shamrock which is hb. or they que with eliot on a shaman. its pretty much a joke...
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This is definately by chance and not on purpose ur right.
now that i proved my point, can you guys get back on topic.
3...4.. same thing lmao.
that SS was taken weeks ago, so at that time the snapback shAmen wuz in ur guilD.
how does ur guid los gaim with 3 rstrictin shamings n freal
N tNX elit enjoy pugging for life..
As soon as you lose an argument spell like you are mentally disabled, that will help you and your guild a lot.
3...4.. same thing lmao.
that SS was taken weeks ago, so at that time the snapback shAmen wuz in ur guilD.
how does ur guid los gaim with 3 rstrictin shamings n freal
N tNX elit enjoy pugging for life..
who knows. too bad I dont give a fuck. its a pug.
do you seriously take a SS of every time you win a pug against another guild? christ that is pathetic
There are a lot more pathetic things that you and especially one of your guild members has done.
seriously? youre beating the shit out of a dead horse man. why do you continually bring this back up when I've told you theres nothing I can do. What's done is done, get over it for christ sake. I will not have you taking shots at my guild / guild members when I personally go to lengths to harbor a mature, friendly player base, and am confident I've established such. Drop it.
The guy had a quote about peeing because he thought it was ironic...
Does anyone take him seriously?
this man does Drugs is a respectable tink
thanks canna <3 but i think derv was referring to stealthcnt.
btw canna lets talk this weekend. i watched all those walking dead things and theyre dope. also im two episodes behind right now which is pissing me off. college sucks when you have 2 exams every week
People people get back on topic