Tough Love/Rough Love Recruiting! MOP

please keep the tone in our guild recruitment thread.
I'm sure you can wait 3hours until i've written my assignment... after all I've waited months for you to getting your premade, months for you to accepting this very duel and months for you to accepting 2v3 arenas. I'm sure 3 you can survive 3 hours.

ps. I could login right now if you would write this assignment for me
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im 77-7 vs u as undead rog vs rdruid. up your game u moonfirespamming rdruid. ps. try and win a gulch. ps. lets do some arenas.
You missed 10 pages drama, td against eeveeryyonee elsePremade in 5 days
What are you talking about? I shoutouted your whole guild with my challenge since you were crying out for challenge for so long, I was willing to give you chance to prove your individual skill in man to man ( 1 vs 1 ) either, main dps twinks 1vs1 or main hybrid/heal twinks in 1vs1 FC war

you challenged us then ran away , im ready for the duel mate if you are
What are you talking about? I shoutouted your whole guild with my challenge since you were crying out for challenge for so long, I was willing to give you chance to prove your individual skill in man to man ( 1 vs 1 ) either, main dps twinks 1vs1 or main hybrid/heal twinks in 1vs1 FC war
individual skill? I've proven enough already. Now please stay out of our thread, and stop mentioning us on TI again please, it'll only cause problems - if not; enjoy your inc ban.

tl controlling 19 - watch me
I asked you to name your time for the FC war 1vs1, still haven't heard from you

im not interested in any FC wars, you said "I was willing to give you chance to prove your individual skill in man to man ( 1 vs 1 ) either, main dps twinks 1vs1"

so im challengin u on my main dps twink that is my Feral Druid :) lets go ?
your officer stubs has asked what you need to do to improve your gameplay, you have asked for challenge, I gave you challenge you asked for to prove your A) individual skill B) teamplay, you bailed, you haven't proven anything, once you get asked for a challenge you bail or when you ask for what you need to improve in you deny & ignore
Didn't I just ask you not to post here??? I'll give you one last chance now....
I wanna show you my individual skill by doing the most fair 1v1 games, which is mirror same class same gear.
which you trialdruid'd. How would this 1v1 FC wars work? Both of us have flag and see who survives longest? that would only be fair if both teams had the exactly same tactics, players etc. which will never happen, so go come up with some more suggestions that can never happen.
btw individual skill = not healing / helping your team? in that case you're pretty good at that. Now you only need to stop losing every game.
b) teamplay??? you trialdruid'd TL premade, stop talking about trialdruiding here. Also it's pretty hillarious how you think 1v1 shows skill - if that is the case you must be h o r r i b l e considering you lost to an arc mage as rdruid.
nvm you already said you dodged and you still do, forget it
please man... i asked you so many times to not post in our thread.
please explain it to me in pm why you're saying im trialdruiding you. I did say that I didn't wanna face you as an arc mage as I am more than happy with my 1-1 score vs restodruid. I am however up for fair and square mirrors. jk you trialdruid'd that.
anyway enough with trialdruiding. please pm me and explain how the 1v1 FC wars would work out. I'm up if you can find a fair method. Oh I have an idea, I fc for my team, you fc for your team and we both get the best 9 other players we can find and we play vs eachother and see who wins? oh and to make it a bit better lets say no buffs, only 2 stealthers, max 4 healers and max of 2 of each class.
enjoy ur ban pls.
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please man... i asked you so many times to not post in our thread.
please explain it to me in pm why you're saying in trialdruiding you. I did say that I didn't wanna face you as an arc mage as I am more than happy with my 1-1 score vs restodruid. I am however up for fair and square mirrors. jk you trialdruid'd that.
anyway enough with trialdruiding. please pm me and explain how the 1v1 FC wars would work out. I'm up if you can find a fair method. Oh I have an idea, I fc for my team, you fc for your team and we both get the best 9 other players we can find and we play vs eachother and see who wins? oh and to make it a bit better lets say no buffs, only 2 stealthers, max 4 healers and max of 2 of each class.
enjoy ur ban pls.

Neither side gets any guildies to aid, the first one to capture the first flag of the game will get a point, we play best of 3, the one with 2 points first will uncontestedly the better druid/healer/hybrid in A) mechanics B) Map awareness C) juking/kiting/abusing terrain etc, over all a better player, after each game we switch sides, we leave guilds so we don't represent anyone else but ourselves, both teams will have 2x random teams the least so that neither of us will get any kind of advantage, a guildy joining the game will lead into insta forfeit, switching gear will lead into insta forfeit, explointing will lead into insta forfeit, all of your guildmates that are online need to be seen outside the main cities at all time so to be sure that they don't have alts in the game, no buffs are allowed, we will use equal gear etc
Neither side gets any guildies to aid, the first one to capture the first flag of the game will get a point, we play best of 3, the one with 2 points first will uncontestedly the better druid/healer/hybrid in A) mechanics B) Map awareness C) juking/kiting/abusing terrain etc, over all a better player, after each game we switch sides, we leave guilds so we don't represent anyone else but ourselves, both teams will have 2x random teams the least so that neither of us will get any kind of advantage, a guildy joining the game will lead into insta forfeit, switching gear will lead into insta forfeit, explointing will lead into insta forfeit, all of your guildmates that are online need to be seen outside the main cities at all time so to be sure that they don't have alts in the game, no buffs are allowed, we will use equal gear etc

hahahaha the worst shit i read on this site ever, PZZ now leave our thread lol
well Whosyurdaddy already won the FC war by like 70-0 to you lol and i never accepted any "FC War challenge"
Neither side gets any guildies to aid, the first one to capture the first flag of the game will get a point, we play best of 3, the one with 2 points first will uncontestedly the better druid/healer/hybrid in A) mechanics B) Map awareness C) juking/kiting/abusing terrain etc, over all a better player, after each game we switch sides, we leave guilds so we don't represent anyone else but ourselves, both teams will have 2x random teams the least so that neither of us will get any kind of advantage, a guildy joining the game will lead into insta forfeit, switching gear will lead into insta forfeit, explointing will lead into insta forfeit, all of your guildmates that are online need to be seen outside the main cities at all time so to be sure that they don't have alts in the game, no buffs are allowed, we will use equal gear etc
for the 10th time, please pm instead of writing here.
yeah this totally seems legit, are you gonna find 18 people that wanna do this, when you can't even find 9 people to premade us? trialdruider

ps. resto druid that trialdruids 2v3 arenas and losses to an arc mage talks about skill

Reported for derailing another of our recruitment thread, enjoy your ban see you the gulch yet to lose to you in in the gulch for about 2-3 weeks lol cy@

I don't care about ban, knowing that you can't win me in 1vs1 and you acknowledge it yourself is enough for me, never forget
both teams will have 2x random teams the least so that neither of us will get any kind of advantage

im just curious, if the teams are random how is it sure that neither of you will get an advantage?

its like saying 2 ppl rolling the dice always will get the same number considering they have the same chances of getting the same number

except random teams arent random, they consist of players queuing up at the right team meaning it can easily be controlled
now if you actually bothered to read. that wasen't when we had whosyurdaddy, and 5 man queued.
and yes everyone without GF gear is fotm reroller, you, td, mesi, ownaque all fotm rerollers.
vianco #1 old skool tink druid

You might wanna check your facts before blaming people..

TD is one of the oldest druids in the bracket - he used to play in Heroic Twinks back in TBC and was known as one of the best arena druids..
Mesi rolled a druid in the start of cataclysm - where restodruid were considered one of the most underpowered class'..
I rolled a druid back in vanilla, but have mostly been playing them on private servers - all the twinks I play on is gf'ed..

Meanwhile I have seen several of TL tinks rerolling different class/specs during the latest patches.. I remember an Arkant used to play Rogue and Priest - where he during cataclysm rolled a hunter and during MoP he rolled a balance druid etc..

1# old skool tink druid is: Mamey and Sputnik..

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