The Saint
I won't like you
"Yes, we would, apparently." It is a fact that there are atleast 5 geared alliance twinks and it is also a fact that we are having this conversation which results in you being wrong.
fine, point me to active ones
"Yes, we would, apparently." It is a fact that there are atleast 5 geared alliance twinks and it is also a fact that we are having this conversation which results in you being wrong.
Mesikämmen, Pilgrimo, Roula, Kiwiggy, Critrage. Feel free to ask for more.fine, point me to active ones
Mesikämmen, Pilgrimo, Roula, Kiwiggy, Critrage. Feel free to ask for more.
Mesikämmen, Pilgrimo, Roula, Kiwiggy, Critrage. Feel free to ask for more.
2resto druids a resto shammy and a warr, vs your hunters and pallys :O and if there not online?
edit: forget it, enjoy your premading cba with it you have your mind made up, just hope there's a bracket left for people to play in mop.
stay small![]()
why me? D:Copyhat, Twinkmall, Pain... (hunter, can't remember the name), Jlyi, Yayu.
why me? D:
The players you just listed, consisted of 2 restodruids, ele/restoshammy, warrior and a hunter.
I haven't seen you guys group que once with any other classes but survhunter/arcanemage/subrogue/holypala/priest.
Also, I find it funny, as soon as TL starts their crusade to "fix the bracket", ques stop popping roughly 2 hours earlier than they have for the last month or so.
The players you just listed, consisted of 2 restodruids, ele/restoshammy, warrior and a hunter.
I haven't seen you guys group que once with any other classes but survhunter/arcanemage/subrogue/holypala/priest.
Why should there be hate on certain classes? Do you consider yourself "noble" for playing an UP class? I thought the main goal was to enjoy your time playing WoW, and if that includes playing an OP class, then so be it.
Blizzard made the class imbalance, not the ones playing the classes -- don't hate the player, hate the game.
That wasn't the point, point was how is queing with 5-9man premade (with the afforementioned classes) against pugs "fixing the bracket"?
Blizzard also made it possible to get lvl 60 satchel loot gear + resilience games (which are btw still available to get), so if I start to use them, will every and each one of you shut the fuck up until Blizzard fixes it?
It is true that you do not see me organize alliance groups, and I most likely won't do it in the near future either, simply because there are hardly any alliance players I would enjoy playing with. And the reason is not that they are bad players but rather that either I dislike them or the other way around.Dont we have the same discussions every time when one side seems to dominate? Good (or bad) ppl change sides if they get mad beeing facerolled by the other faction! Funny is how all those ppl try to hide their true reasons...
You clearly dont faction change to the dominating faction to get competetive games. And you clearly dont recruit ppl for the dominating faction to get competetive games. This is just lame. It would be a great thing if games were more even and if there were tons of good guilds on both factions. But to do it now is just stupid and boring.
And Arkant i´ve never seen YOU organizing a grp queue, doesnt matter alliance or horde. So why are you the one who brag about alliance not beeing able to grp queue....
Try to count more then 15 good alliance players atm. TO help a bit, you are allowed to count UP classes.
And please dont try to tell ppl that 15 ppl are enough. We all know that you need a pool of much more players to get steady grps with 5-6 good ppl...
watAnd about horde, well, there is obviously no need to organize groups.
My guild is pretty active therefore no reason for me to organize groups.