EU+US Top tink Series 2015: The Finals

Who is most deserving of being the Top Twink?

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Another very tough poll. In my opinion no one person stands out on skill alone. Each entrant plays at an extremely high caliber. My thought process thus shifted to name recognition. I think the most outspoken/recognizable members of the community in this poll are Saxx, Pizza, and HB. Of these three I had to take HB as a long time guildy and friend. Cheers and good luck to everyone!
if you dont vote for saxx you have sinned and will burn for eternity.
Dori these threads have been epic to read! Thx for your wit and humor, it's greatly appreciated by all :)
I wish i could vote for everyone tbh. :cool: Your all top twinks in my eyes.

Putting these players names, histories, guilds, cliques, reputations, and activities in and out of games aside, I think its evident that the people on these threads serve as great lessons in what it means to be a Twonk. Yes thats right, I said it, a Twonk. These people are amazing Twonks. They are varied but they represent the fabric of what it is to be a Twonk in this day and age. You ask what it is to be a Twonk? HB summed it up best by saying " To me the word "Twonk" stands for the power/influence to change a culture. I came up with the toon Twonkctybish as a 20 Twonk, no one really said it before hand and originally it was just a trolly name that i loved and a bunch of people bought onto it, now a days it stands as household terminology to refer to a Twink etc. In summary, goes back to my original statement, the power to change a culture, an inspiration for change" HB touched on something important here; These people are active in game and out of game in the twink community, they have pride in their Twonks, they play them every day and work or have worked tirelessly to hone their skills, every single one of them deserves the communities respect for that. While these threads didn't contain everyone and I encourage people to make their own threads with an emphasis on quality and realism as this one does, I think this sets a great example for the quality of threads that should get made on TI. #TwonkPride One love.
a vote for saxx is a vote for murica (or scum eu or wherever you live)
Great set of polls like always Dory!! Always will look forward to your polls. Marb, stop trying so hard to troll. It's pretty pathetic.
Another very tough poll. In my opinion no one person stands out on skill alone. Each entrant plays at an extremely high caliber. My thought process thus shifted to name recognition. I think the most outspoken/recognizable members of the community in this poll are Saxx, Pizza, and HB. Of these three I had to take HB as a long time guildy and friend. Cheers and good luck to everyone!

I'm not in the poll unfortunately.

I voted for HB.
This is the finals and therefore goes way passed being the best at your main class.

Saxxon gets mad props for his abilities on Rogue and if this was based purely on your ability to play your main, he'd win.

HOWEVER, my biggest deciding factor was learning curve. HB has been able to pick up several classes and play them all at an extremely high calibur. From PvP to PvE, learning curve is what has set the big times from the wannabes. The shorter (or smoother) your learning curve, the more value you are in wow.

In just the last few weeks, he made a WW monk and is now playing that at a level equivalent to a-team monks.

That's why I chose HB.

To be fair, every person on that list impresses me. This was not an easy poll.

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