EU+US Top tink Series 2015: Monk

Top Monk?

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Dori, where's the tradition of putting in a few EU guys which dont play US based on what you've heard?
Dori, where's the tradition of putting in a few EU guys which dont play US based on what you've heard?

I kinda figured Blackout or Skeezin would be suitable, being ex-EUers ;x

Can add an EU client player or two into future polls if there is demand.
Top monk is so broad though. Mistweaver, Brewmaster, and Windwalker all have very different playstyles. For example, put me on a windwalker monk. I will be absolutely terrible, miss every single fist of fury, and die over and over. Put some other monks on a spec that they are not used to playing and similar things will occur. I would say that Aoitsaka is the best monk at all three specs. He plays all specs equally ( relatively), and plays them well. This is not to say that there might not be a better individual windwalker, brewmaster, or mistweaver, who would not do well playing all three specs, but would excel at the spec that they play the most.
The best two monks are not on this list which are Stubs and Blurz.. This hasn't been thought through well.
Top monk is so broad though. Mistweaver, Brewmaster, and Windwalker all have very different playstyles. For example, put me on a windwalker monk. I will be absolutely terrible, miss every single fist of fury, and die over and over. Put some other monks on a spec that they are not used to playing and similar things will occur. I would say that Aoitsaka is the best monk at all three specs. He plays all specs equally ( relatively), and plays them well. This is not to say that there might not be a better individual windwalker, brewmaster, or mistweaver, who would not do well playing all three specs, but would excel at the spec that they play the most.

Agreed. [MENTION=2555]Dorigon[/MENTION], maybe specify which spec of x class, next time? Some specs of certain classes have an unfair advantage over others.
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