I agree with whats been said so far!
Having only seen Ilovemydog // Revo // Mikejones // Raz, then my vote would undoubtedly go for Revo - so feel free to add a "soft" +1 to your count when this is all over from me. The games I have played vs revo have forced me to be CCing him just as much as his heals as he is really effective at single-handedly shutting down a number of enemy healers over an extended period of time.
I won't actually be casting a vote though as there are 5 other mages in this poll which I haven't seen play at all, so I don't really think its fair to shoot them down.
Also, I'm really not sure why I was included, only been back on mage for just over a week and I'm literally just playing for some fun while not at work atm

A big LOL to those who got offended by my inclusion though, it makes it worthwhile to hear some random cries over nothing! The best ms I can possibly get on US servers is around 280, so I'd never consider myself to be able to consistenly perform well on mage - just doing it for shit and giggles to keep my buddies up and make melee rage!
Peace and grats to Revo !