I have seen 3 of these players in action and Raz is the best from those 3 so I vote for Raz. Good CC and well positioned, likes to overextend in pugs cauase yolo ^^
I have seen 3 of these players in action and Raz is the best from those 3 so I vote for Raz. Good CC and well positioned, likes to overextend in pugs cauase yolo ^^
Voted Baldi!
Amazing cc, and for some reason makes me survive more shit than any healer does, with his on time freezes/polys, awesome mageplay overall, and a genuine nice guy with a positive attitude.
My 2nd vote would be Revomanxd, as he impressed with some good mageplay yday, I like his aggresive style. (Also respect for not voting for himself)
Another good poll, Dory is killin it with theese! ^^
Dorigon might wanna add that Baldi is playing frost btw.
can you clarify
do you mean
frost mage with speedpots
frost mage without speedpots
Last time I checked, I only use speed pots when someone else uses them or if my team is severely gimped compared to the other team. I've probably used about 20 speed pots in 8 years because I've always hated them.
Edit for on topic: Revo is the best mage on this list that I've played with.
Revo make sure you don't forget to vote for yourself.
if you don't believe in yourself why should anyone else
You're right, I'm the best mage.
Although there is a fine line between being confident in yourself and having an ego, I can't find myself caring enough for a silly Twink Info poll(the polls rarely show who actually has the best talent at each class) to actually vote for myself. Doesn't mean I don't believe in myself either, but Raz is a good mage and deserved my voteif you don't believe in yourself why should anyone else
The fk I'm not a girl lol and I'm not in any guild wtf wtf