Too late to start new twink?And 99 or 101 easier to gear up?


Hey all just wondering if it's to late to start a new twink o not ?

I have a 19 twink survival Hunter already and a lvl 78 Dk who I'm getting ready for 79 twinking.

Is it to late in the expac to start a 99/101 ( wanna do a boomkin ) and which one would be easier and faster to gear? I'm a filthy casual due to work and family haha

Thanks so much in advance.

101 is easy if the gear is on the Auction house and you got the gold to buy all of the gear. If not, then 99 is WAY easier to do. Most of the gear is from questing in Legion zones anyways.
Only the Relics and maybe 1-2 pcs (if you get super lucky RNG Proc to Epic) are from Legion Questing/Zones. For 99's it's Legion BoE Epics in every slot possible (rarely ever on AH, hard to "farm") then WoD Crafted upgraded to 715 in the remainder slots.

101 is far easier to Gear, if you have Gold. 99 is also slower at everything than 101's, though still OPAF.
I would go for the 99.
They are really good in the PvP bracket.
Read DrPhil´s Guide in the 90-99 forum for further infos.

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