Tinker's, Want them to stay or be removed from 70?

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The people who make these threads are the people that can't afford to lvl eng / or have the tinkers them selves, the idea of twinking is your character is meant to be best in slot gear for its level and have the best stats / proffs/perk available to you, it would be stupid to remove them.
yes plz give me a 30-hour rep grind for a level 80 item so I can be BiS.
yes plz give me a 30-hour rep grind for a level 80 item so I can be BiS.
Clearly one of them lazy people who doesn't like putting any effort into their character whatsoever. "OMG! I Leveled Eng and didn't get my tazik! remove from bracket plz!" get a grip.
omg nebs(me) u only make these threads bcs u want balance!

//the mages and the rogues :)

As i've already said. i can afford to skill again and again. i got 200k not a problem. not the point.

i want it removed bcs it's overpowered.

Twinking means having the best of everything, but we sure dont play arena cause we want the best of everything?
That's why i reffer to it as "70" and not "twinking" :p
You play 70 bcs it's fun? and i think it would be more "fun" to balance.

Btw, i meet a mage/rogue both with tazik. didnt have to cc my healer to kill me after i reflected deep freeze :) S
70 has a high skillcap, it is true ^^

No ofc it would be better to remove/nerf these things. owait y it would :D
I think it should be available, just schedueled better for the user's level. But i heard they will be in MOP

Becides it's abit overrated. You can CC the person while he's using synapse, making him waste it, and regarding tazik, interrupt his burst so he'll do damage in portions instead of the cl***ic mage using frost bolt, icelance and tazik
There's a reason for why i use alchemy and JC instead, i mean come on. My burst even is deadly enough as it is without tazik
I think it should be available, just schedueled better for the user's level. But i heard they will be in MOP

Becides it's abit overrated. You can CC the person while he's using synapse, making him waste it, and regarding tazik, interrupt his burst so he'll do damage in portions instead of the cl***ic mage using frost bolt, icelance and tazik
There's a reason for why i use alchemy and JC instead, i mean come on. My burst even is deadly enough as it is without tazik
Forcing a CC is useless?
some say it's allowed...it's okay

they used to say that back in BC start when level 59 and 69 twinks were wearing epic helms that outclassed any helm a non-engineer could get. blizz has always been slow about catching and nerfing eng perks that are truly above intended level.

no other profession is able to dip from BC all way thru into CATA recipes, blizz has everything heavily leashed with level limits. players popping a extra 480 agility or a 4000+ tazik shock at 70 is not right. yes it is allowed but so were other items in the past till they deal with it.
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omg nebs(me) u only make these threads bcs u want balance!

//the mages and the rogues :)

As i've already said. i can afford to skill again and again. i got 200k not a problem. not the point.

i want it removed bcs it's overpowered.

Twinking means having the best of everything, but we sure dont play arena cause we want the best of everything?
That's why i reffer to it as "70" and not "twinking" :p
You play 70 bcs it's fun? and i think it would be more "fun" to balance.

Btw, i meet a mage/rogue both with tazik. didnt have to cc my healer to kill me after i reflected deep freeze :) S
70 has a high skillcap, it is true ^^

No ofc it would be better to remove/nerf these things. owait y it would :D
The Whole idea of twinking is to be OP and unbalanced gtfo, and stop crying.
Who r u btw?

All i read was "I failed on 85 and want to one hit stuff"

isnt it fun to use skill for you? :p

Stop with the seriousness and discuss it rather then typing "gtfo sentances"

this is a forum not a battleground.
well, let's leave it at that. :)
I see no issure with tazik and ss. I think you should be able to get all tinkers @ 70. Minus the shield absorb. If someone wants to 1 shot someone, and someone feels like being a dumbass and getting into a 1 shot situation(on the end dieing) it is there fault. Don't derp into a MM hunter, don't 1v1 a frost mage without being a class that CAN kill a frost mage 1v1. The only problem with this bracket is rogues.
How to improve the bracket?
1. Cloak shouldn't be able to remove diseases and poisons. What does this mean? If you HB a cloak rogue, it does nothinig. If you HB a rogue without cloak it does damage and puts FF on them, they use cloak.... and FF stays.
2. Remove vengeance in pvp. Blizz still hasn't, people play blood dks and prot pallys for dps in arena. People say "Its there play style they pay 15 dollars a month", i say you are a below par player that has to play a Prot spec to kill someone and not die when you make retarded decisions with LOS. I am not saying that a blood dk is hard for me to 1v1 as a frost dk, or that a prot pally can do shit to me when i am equally as geared. I am saying that Ret has a much higher skill cap then prot and a totally different play style and is MUCH more useful if played correctly. Blood DK is better then Prot pally but you won't kill a healer without vengeance cap/Emp Rune Wep and strang and a lucky crit or 2.

tl;dr: i trash talk people who play prot/blood in Arena and explain that people who do are the ONLY real problem in this bracket.
But it's overpowered nuke that makes paladins go prot, dks go blood, warriorn.. (not play)

and u cant always ignore a mage as a warr (bgs) u rather die then not tryign to def a base in ab (example)

tazik and ss also makes 3v3 very unbalanced, i think we sohuld se more comps in 3v3 and more players, if you removed the OP stuff from some classes

and now rogues loose SD
Mages loose fingers of frost (means that if you dispell yourself/your dps. they wonthave 100% crit + 25% more dmg or 3x mroe dmg.) THIS IS HUGE
removing tazik/ss. would be anotherstep to balance the bracket.

again, this is just my thoughts, no raging please.

tazik and ss also makes 3v3 very unbalanced

Yeah, It's a twink bracket. Of course it's not anywhere near balanced. To get even slightly closer to 'balancing' the bracket(s), they'd need to tone down mages, rogues, and priests. Even out some classes burst, Increase others, Change protection to anything weaker then it is now, Remove tinkers, 450 + Profession perks, And just change scaling on all abilities, and even then, some classes/specs can and will be stronger/better then others, This isn't max level, so i don't think they'll ever go to that trouble with a single, non-max-level bracket.

All of the above is just my grumblin' opinions on classes, Please refrain yourself from flaming me for grumbling about the above classes/specs, etc, etc. zz.
but when rogures and mages gets nerfed in Mop, it will be alot more balanced, then it's just the tinkers left, im not talkign about balance as in everythign workign 100% as it should.

Im talkign about not needing to have a mage/rogue/priest with tazik to be viable for a high rank in 3v3.

Semi balance instead of having 3 classes on top without noone harming them.

I see no issure with tazik and ss. I think you should be able to get all tinkers @ 70. Minus the shield absorb. If someone wants to 1 shot someone, and someone feels like being a dumbass and getting into a 1 shot situation(on the end dieing) it is there fault. Don't derp into a MM hunter, don't 1v1 a frost mage without being a class that CAN kill a frost mage 1v1. The only problem with this bracket is rogues.
How to improve the bracket?
1. Cloak shouldn't be able to remove diseases and poisons. What does this mean? If you HB a cloak rogue, it does nothinig. If you HB a rogue without cloak it does damage and puts FF on them, they use cloak.... and FF stays.
2. Remove vengeance in pvp. Blizz still hasn't, people play blood dks and prot pallys for dps in arena. People say "Its there play style they pay 15 dollars a month", i say you are a below par player that has to play a Prot spec to kill someone and not die when you make retarded decisions with LOS. I am not saying that a blood dk is hard for me to 1v1 as a frost dk, or that a prot pally can do shit to me when i am equally as geared. I am saying that Ret has a much higher skill cap then prot and a totally different play style and is MUCH more useful if played correctly. Blood DK is better then Prot pally but you won't kill a healer without vengeance cap/Emp Rune Wep and strang and a lucky crit or 2.

tl;dr: i trash talk people who play prot/blood in Arena and explain that people who do are the ONLY real problem in this bracket.
1. I think Cloak is fine at the moment. Remove Preparation. Rogues need a higher skill cap. I understand they're a pop-in-and-out class, but it's ridiculous that they can reset so many times alone without any sort of skill. With that said, I think CoS is a very unique move and it adds a lot to the class. If anything it should remove Bleeds but changed to only remove DoTs and FF.
2. I thought the last patch took care of Vengeance, no?
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