Time to QQ with me about 3.2

Evocate said:
WTF is up with the wand nerf... seriously? I cant play my mage anymore in arenas... stupid THIS ITEM ISNT READY YET... really? Are you kidding me? Wtf.. I have to do arena in fire now, I am more likely to go OOM now then ever.. -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-

FINALLY someone else who shares my pain. Let's go to the pub and get smashed?
i didn't knew GW could be dispelled, thanks for saying...

but to the one saying i live in a twisted reality, i suggest you say things more usefull, instea dof going for people who actually play this reality. cause you seem to not be doing so.

as for the one who say all hunters are backpedalling+AotC - owned everything...

backpeddalling is already 50% slower and AotC is easily turned into daze fest at this range... so you're probably just bad for getting yourself killed because of that !
More bad Arthurian Knight posts ugh.. how can you ban people like Sheep and keep him Drayner? =O Its bad posts of a different but just as bad kind -.-
Evocate said:
More bad Arthurian Knight posts ugh.. how can you ban people like Sheep and keep him Drayner? =O Its bad posts of a different but just as bad kind -.-

yea seriously....
Evocate said:
More bad Arthurian Knight posts ugh.. how can you ban people like Sheep and keep him Drayner? =O Its bad posts of a different but just as bad kind -.-

Sheep was being elitist. Arthurian is clueless in a lot of his latest posts, but that's different. There's no need to ban Arth, but I really agree that he's, at this point, not contributing anything but, in a way, spam, since he has no idea what he has been talking about.
I'll QQ about something...

Trying to get a couple of bracers out of RFK, I get there dying about 7-8 times. I saw the instance portal so I rezzed and made it there only to find "additional instances... you know the rest" How exactly is this happening at 2:30pm server time?
Grabco said:
I'll QQ about something...

Trying to get a couple of bracers out of RFK, I get there dying about 7-8 times. I saw the instance portal so I rezzed and made it there only to find "additional instances... you know the rest" How exactly is this happening at 2:30pm server time?

u made it only dying 7-8 times? Please tell me ur secret lol.
Hamcake said:
what/who is SHEEP?

CtrlAltSheep/CtrlAltShock of Rampage, best Shaman of the BG.
Medikal said:
u made it only dying 7-8 times? Please tell me ur secret lol.

Roll a pally, Enter at the entrance closest to Azhara flight path. Advance as far as you can when "accepting ressurection". Wait until AGM is up on some of the runs, lifeblood and divine protection everytime, occassional LoH, wait for pats while you are a ghost, minor speed on boots.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Sheep was being elitist. Arthurian is clueless in a lot of his latest posts, but that's different. There's no need to ban Arth, but I really agree that he's, at this point, not contributing anything but, in a way, spam, since he has no idea what he has been talking about.

And the problem is due to his post count people think he knows stuff and what he says is right... Then huge arguments erupt.. If nothing else its just terribly informed posting that seems antithetical to this type of forum..
Grabco said:
Roll a pally, Enter at the entrance closest to Azhara flight path. Advance as far as you can when "accepting ressurection". Wait until AGM is up on some of the runs, lifeblood and divine protection everytime, occassional LoH, wait for pats while you are a ghost, minor speed on boots.

gotcha. No thanks on rollin a pally tho =) a 29 pally is enough for me.
What do you mean now? Hunters have always been the hardest class in the game.. I tried this lvl 19 hunter once.. it was so hard.. I kept trying to die and not kill people and I just couldnt do it.
3.2 has been silly fun for my lvl 1's, dual AGM's FTW!!!!
Yes.. but Lloyd taught me a failsafe way to play my hunter you should check it out.

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