Time to QQ with me about 3.2

Man i thought 3.2 would be great for twinks... hey get the last item i couldnt get without leveling but instead... WSG just plain sucks now. I mean i like playing other twinks so that is not what makes me angry. I am mad that druids hunters and shamans are the only really viable fc now i think any class should be able to fc at this bracket. And once they get the flag there is no way in hell u can catch them leading to a lot of caps that wouldnt have been caps in the old days. Now the timer is just stupid the wsg i have been to are 1 caps then turtle... it just isn't fun anymore. Anyone else wanna QQ with me about 3.2.
Worst patch ever, my FC pally is now getting overridden with Fucking druids/shamans/hunters. I'm pissed.

I think it would suck if your not a hunter , druid or shaman. I was pugging today and a preist was doing some mighty fine fcing.

Rogues are lol now honestly, they are almost better now as an ambush spec. Rogues need 1 poison or a speed buff while stealthed to makeup for the speed difference in the game. I see max AP set as a viability now. You want the glyph of sprint perhaps.

Pally's also get the boot as FCer's, no matter how good. Unsure about them but the stun seems like a powerful cc as it cant be shifted etc. I think now well see some more prot/ret offensive pally's or regen-haste/healers.

The changes to the bracket IMO is now focused on caster support for the win. Warlock/Preists are doing well. Mages are blah now too imo.

QQ I also never realized how annoying shamans are when your not a shaman.

Druid FC's are really hard to take down.

Saw a few warriors and they are really good still if you can keep pressure on.

(charge spamstring etc)

The 20 minute timer is fine compared to the pacing of the game with movement speed buffs. My only opinion is that the first team to cap win's is lame, and should just

go off as a tie or extended play with some kind of debuff. You see large preparation for a run back on the first grab and just seems a bit too much.

It changes the entire experience but imo the changes are good. (Coming from Druid/Shaman twinks...)

I like the patch because its satisfying to chase down people as a cat and spam lightning bolts on there foreheads.
this patch does seem brutal on paladins and rogues since they are both melee classes without being able to use JoJ or slows at 19. but still it's not impossible to catch them.

for rogues - use thrown against cheetah. i know this seems like common sense but hey if you've been playing 19 you might not know about this.

use gouge! it's your only form of CC when you're outside stealth so use wisely.

for paladins - time your HoJ! don't just use it right away. try to use it when your opposition is casting a spell or getting away. try to stay on hunters and save judgement if you notice they will try to juke + cheetah away.

for all classes - remember that the druid and shaman speed increasing abilities only work outdoors! you have a good chance of catching these two classes indoors. remember that druids still can shift out of slows, of course.

anticipation is key. 19s have always been (for me) a good learning bracket because you have to anticipate. for classes without speed increases, you have to anticipate even more now. try to cut off hunters/shamans/druids and try to force them into the fray.

if you adjust it shouldn't be that terrible of a patch. unless you want to hopelessly chase a decent hunter (but then again, that's how it was before :p)
vlklngboy11 said:
No one has given any reason as to why they like it...

-All twink games

-20 minute timer eliminates the long drawn out games. While some long games are fun, I find that the majority are just annoying. I've also yet to see anyone get a cap and turtle. It also adds a sense of urgency that pug games normally don't have.

-Hunter, Shamans, and Druids really aren't that bad. If anything I think it makes the games more interesting, especially with the 20 minute timer. Idk why you think all classes should be viable FCs, especially in a game with all twinks.

-All twink games
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Eurys said:
Seriously, IAT.

Going on 4 hours now, getting ridiculous.

Same here.
Stormstrike - Been waiting 4 hours /sigh

Cyclone - never paid attention lol
The few games I've been in they were all 3 caps, no one was turtling after 1 cap they all wanna try and get all 3 so it's a pure win

as far as druids shaman and hunters, they were pretty easy to kill when they got to there base

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