Time For Action

I kind of miss the 225 mining bug. At least that was easily obtainable for everyone, no luck involved, as was the leg armor, and libram enchants. At the time it was just part of what you had to do to be viable.

So now a new Twink ritual ...Saturday Fishing for a new hat? I hope not.
it should be fixed, but the hat is not such a big deal. anyone can get it and it benfits any class

it's the pole that will truly suck, cause only one class can benefit from it. expect druids to outnumber hunters soon if they don't fix that pole.
McBankington said:
The only classes bone fishing pole would have any use on are paladin and druid. Warriors rogues and hunters would be forced to white attack.

the pole has use on any class

179dps is way more than any 19 can put out, specials or not
The pole should be changed. They should also make the dala fishing dailies fishing lvl based instead of lvl based. Then it'd be on par with the 1st fishing hat and be much more attainable and much less qq. Just to get one of these bags on saturday is lucky in itself. I've gotten 3 of them but in the last 6 weeks zero.
i hear drop rate of shark is higher in dragonfin angelfish pools. haven't tried it though. just fish where i can catch dragonfin angelfish. plenty of places around valiance keep to do that with no mobs.
Since when are all these stats "gamebreaking"? You're a rogue aren't you? Thats like 2 auto-attacks. Mages will have a harder time beating hunters with this I suppose..?
neverseen said:
People cry about pve gear in pvp at 80? If anyone in arena is loseing to pve gear when they are in pvp gear then they really need to go to arena junkies and learn to pvp. On my 80 if anyone in pve gear trys to arena i giggle with delight at the free win.

Sorry for double post, but I'm guessing you've never been lawlstormed by an ICC25 Geared warrior with all that ArP gear. Or had to fight a team with a human holy pally and 2x Solaces >.<
neverseen said:
People cry about pve gear in pvp at 80? If anyone in arena is loseing to pve gear when they are in pvp gear then they really need to go to arena junkies and learn to pvp. On my 80 if anyone in pve gear trys to arena i giggle with delight at the free win.

Blizz saw there was a problem, that's why they added a hotfix to double effects of resilience which boosted what it does by 20-30%. btw....this is what the PVP 10% reduction in healing is also related to on the current patch.

prior to last patch and new arena gear, you have to look back on gear added to the game thru patches with new raids/bosses/etc. PVE gear was boosted and added twice since previous arena season gear patch. the stats on the PVE were near double of arena/PVP gear which pretty well overcame and negated resilience on the PVP gear. BTW, it was arena junkies who also PVE figured that PVE gear was the best for arena....because they are junkies/twinks.

this is not the first time this has happened, there were phases of this in BC, but was less QQ'd due to the game not being world of burstcraft back then.

during S-4 there where players using PVE combos of T-6, crafted T-6.5 and resilience gems that were doing killer in arenas, because the overall stats outdid PVP gear negating much of the resilience.

IMO....serious PVE'ers would QQ too if arena junkies in arena/PVP gear where better geared for PVE/raids than they are. especially if PVP rolled out a higher GS. BTW this actually happen in BC during S2-gear. players if full S2 were better geared for Karazahn than most epic geared badge of justice players at the time. i remember on my server in LFG's on trade, S2 geared where welcome and wanted on Kara runs, but that ended on next patch.
twinkytoes said:
i fully, 100% agree with you. Wow should be won by skill, not gear.


I will ticket a GM next time i log on.

I say we propose somthing where anyone with the hat or pole for the matter be camped until asked, either faction. I will fully support the fagget getting his ass kicked. Im sure we all hate the fails that crutch on gear as much as the people that camped noobs to give twinks a bad name. Thanks.
neverseen said:
People cry about pve gear in pvp at 80? If anyone in arena is loseing to pve gear when they are in pvp gear then they really need to go to arena junkies and learn to pvp. On my 80 if anyone in pve gear trys to arena i giggle with delight at the free win.

When you see a warrior with Bryntroll charging towards you and you see him turn into a big brown tauren, then you see Mjolnir proccing. Then you know why PvE gear in arena is bullshit.
Can't wait to see a pally with the fishing pole. 40 SR isn't bad either!!
If they don't fix the poles, I'm gonna just rock enchanted BOAs and enchanted whites in the XP BGs with delete/repeat toons.

That is, until the pole drops for my druid.
oh god... all who say WOW fights should be won by skills and not gears, i think you gotta recheck your reality about RPGs.

that said... i do agree that 40 stam 40 spirit is quite not made for 19... truly not supposed to be !

i have no problem wiht lucky fishing hat not because everyone can have it, but because the difference is not so much, we're talking what, 1-2 hit more. but with 400 life more and 40 regen more. we're not speaking of 1-2 hit. we're speaking 5-10 more to win and that makes the game a hell of a lot more different.
Rayu said:
The first Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat has been obtained. This is the start of a new generation of exploits, where twinks of any level of skill can obtain serious game-breaking gear with bad luck being the only thing standing in their way.

I refuse to pay for my subscription until Blizzard fixes this. I will not wait months or years for Blizzard to take action. The luck-factor of gear should never be larger than that of the Lucky Fishing Hat. The difference between pro twinks and noobs with gear is at stake here. I will keep on making tickets until this is fixed, and I call on the twinking community to do so also. I will contact Blizzard by e-mail, forums, phone, post and any other possible way to get this done.

I will not let my BGs be run over by a guy with a lotto-ticket on his head or have myself one-shotted by a fishing pole.


Rayu, I know you said you already got this hat on one of your 19s and deleted it to avoid "exploiting," long before I got it. I just want to say that no one will blame you if you take out a ticket and ask a GM to restore it on the grounds you thought it was an exploit, and now you realize it was not an exploit and everyone is going for it.

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