Tier list?


Is there a tier list for the bracket pre SDL?
I've been playing as a f2p and have some idea on what's strong/useless but wanted to know if more experienced players could help me out
Bracket kings: balance, resto druid, resto shaman, and ret (1v1s and arenas.)
Top tier: MM, all healers, outlaw rogue, feral, survival, and arcane.
Mid tier: pretty much everything else
Bottom tier: tanks, sin / sub rogue, and enhance sham.
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All healers are pretty OP at 20, especially shaman and druid. If you master one of these you'll easily be doing top or near to the top damage on your team as well as keeping people alive.

If healing isn't your thing then arcane mage, marksman hunter and balance druid all put out good damage and have some utility without being too reliant on enchants.

But hey, don't feel pressured to play what's considered the best, if you have a class or spec you really want to play then go for it!
when geared and supported by healers
Gear has almost nothing to do with it but the healer part is crucial, that's why warrior isn't that great. There are specs that are better and dont crutch so hard on their healer. It also struggles a lot in sweaty games because of the ranged meta atm. (It was nearly unplayable in wargames last time we had them in this bracket.) Even in a perfect world, I don't think warrior is "S+" tier.
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2 big variables to consider:
1. Vet or F2P (enchants or no enchants)?
2. Running with a pocket healer (for DPS specs) or no?

Below is my best attempt at a tier list that takes both into account:

Veteran Tier List (with optimal enchants):
- S: Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, MM Hunter (with a pocket healer), Fury Warrior (with a pocket healer)
- A: MW Monk, Disc Priest, Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Arcane Mage, Balance Druid
- B: MM Hunter (with no pocket healer), Surv Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, Ret Paladin, Feral Druid
- C: Fury Warrior (with no pocket healer), Arms Warrior, BM Hunter, Demo Lock, Affliction Lock, Destro Lock, WW Monk, Frost Mage, Fire Mage, Ele Shaman, Enh Sham, Shadow Priest
- D: Sub Rogue, Assass Rogue, BM Monk, Guardian Druid, Prot Warrior, Prot Pally

F2P Tier List (no enchants):
- S: Resto Shaman, Resto Druid
- A: MM Hunter (with a pocket healer), MW Monk, Disc Priest, Arcane Mage, Balance Druid
- B: MM Hunter (with no pocket healer), Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Ret Paladin
- C: Fury Warrior (with a pocket healer), BM Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, Surv Hunter, Feral Druid, Demo Lock, Affliction Lock, Destro Lock, Frost Mage, Fire Mage, Ele Shaman, WW Monk, Shadow Priest
- D: Sub Rogue, Assass Rogue, Fury Warrior (with no pocket healer), Arms Warrior, Enh Shaman, BM Monk, Guardian Druid, Prot Warrior, Prot Pally

Best/Middle/Worst by Class:

- Best: Restoration/Balance
- Middle: Feral
- Worst: Guardian

- Best: Marksmanship
- Middle: Survival with enchants, otherwise BM
- Worst: Survival with no enchants, otherwise BM

- Best: Arcane
- Middle: Fire with max Crit, otherwise Frost
- Worst: Fire with low Crit, otherwise Frost

- Best: Holy
- Middle: Retribution
- Worst: Protection

- Best: Discipline
- Middle: Holy
- Worst: Shadow

- Best: Outlaw
- Middle: Assassination
- Worst: Subtlety

- Best: Restoration
- Middle: Elemental
- Worst: Enhancement

- Best: Demonology
- Middle: Destruction with max Crit, otherwise Affliction
- Worst: Destruction with low Crit, otherwise Affliction

- Best: Fury
- Middle: Arms
- Worst: Protection
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Veteran Tier List (with optimal enchants):
- B: Ret Paladin
honestly is A worthy
Veteran Tier List (with optimal enchants):
- C: Fury Warrior (with no pocket healer), Arms Warrior
no way is fury same tier as arms
and no way is fury that low
i would bump it 2 B
Veteran Tier List (with optimal enchants):
- C: Affliction Lock, Enh Sham
bump down 2 D prolly

F2P Tier List (no enchants):
- C: Fury Warrior (with a pocket healer)
- D: Fury Warrior (with no pocket healer), Arms Warrior
u just h8 warriors bro
Kinda depends what the list is for too. Warriors are crazy vs levelers but against a semi coordinated team with twinks theyre pretty far down there.
Kinda depends what the list is for too. Warriors are crazy vs levelers but against a semi coordinated team with twinks theyre pretty far down there.
yea, you gotta make a tier list for the environment youre in.

But since no one is playing wargames, no need to worry about that. And if you're just pug stomping, no need for a tier list because literally any twink will do.

So if we assume we need a tier list for the only "competitive" environment in the bracket, then we're looking at "oh, looks like our 4-5 man group is playing another 4-5 man group" scenario, in which case warrior is pretty mid tier.
honestly is A worthy

no way is fury same tier as arms
and no way is fury that low
i would bump it 2 B

bump down 2 D prolly

u just h8 warriors bro

I feel like too many things need to go right for a warrior to actually be more impactful than another class....need Crusader enchants, need high Stam gear, need a pocket healer to follow you around all match, need someone slowing/CCing the kill target so you don’t get kited, and, even then, an equally-geared & skilled Healer will still survive enough of your damage and provide more utility to the team.

Do you see BGs where fury warriors are absolutely shredding? Sure. But those probably would have been pubstomp matches anyway - idk if they have proportionate value in closer/more competitive matchups.

Situationally agree with your notes on Ret, Afflic, and Enhance though. Ret can be A if the player has a brain and they’re geared enough, but I subjectively feel like most of the rets I see in BGs just get bullied, kited, and beat up all match. With coordination and a good team, though, they can probably be A Tier.

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