2 big variables to consider:
1. Vet or F2P (enchants or no enchants)?
2. Running with a pocket healer (for DPS specs) or no?
Below is my best attempt at a tier list that takes both into account:
Veteran Tier List (with optimal enchants):
- S: Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, MM Hunter (with a pocket healer), Fury Warrior (with a pocket healer)
- A: MW Monk, Disc Priest, Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Arcane Mage, Balance Druid
- B: MM Hunter (with no pocket healer), Surv Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, Ret Paladin, Feral Druid
- C: Fury Warrior (with no pocket healer), Arms Warrior, BM Hunter, Demo Lock, Affliction Lock, Destro Lock, WW Monk, Frost Mage, Fire Mage, Ele Shaman, Enh Sham, Shadow Priest
- D: Sub Rogue, Assass Rogue, BM Monk, Guardian Druid, Prot Warrior, Prot Pally
F2P Tier List (no enchants):
- S: Resto Shaman, Resto Druid
- A: MM Hunter (with a pocket healer), MW Monk, Disc Priest, Arcane Mage, Balance Druid
- B: MM Hunter (with no pocket healer), Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, Ret Paladin
- C: Fury Warrior (with a pocket healer), BM Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, Surv Hunter, Feral Druid, Demo Lock, Affliction Lock, Destro Lock, Frost Mage, Fire Mage, Ele Shaman, WW Monk, Shadow Priest
- D: Sub Rogue, Assass Rogue, Fury Warrior (with no pocket healer), Arms Warrior, Enh Shaman, BM Monk, Guardian Druid, Prot Warrior, Prot Pally
Best/Middle/Worst by Class:
- Best: Restoration/Balance
- Middle: Feral
- Worst: Guardian
- Best: Marksmanship
- Middle: Survival with enchants, otherwise BM
- Worst: Survival with no enchants, otherwise BM
- Best: Arcane
- Middle: Fire with max Crit, otherwise Frost
- Worst: Fire with low Crit, otherwise Frost
- Best: Holy
- Middle: Retribution
- Worst: Protection
- Best: Discipline
- Middle: Holy
- Worst: Shadow
- Best: Outlaw
- Middle: Assassination
- Worst: Subtlety
- Best: Restoration
- Middle: Elemental
- Worst: Enhancement
- Best: Demonology
- Middle: Destruction with max Crit, otherwise Affliction
- Worst: Destruction with low Crit, otherwise Affliction
- Best: Fury
- Middle: Arms
- Worst: Protection