TI hottest topic!

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i shall try anyway. it's like how many of us, as americans, can speak against George W and what he did wrong. sure, we're attacking him, but he put himself in a position to be attacked and ridiculed. Our 19s leader should share the same fate. He did great stuff, and we all know that, but we as a people are here to point out his flaws so whoever the hell is leader next can learn from what we say and not repeat those mistakes. I'm very certain the next Cl won't be caught GY farming, and that's because we called the last leader on it. It may turn out to be a cycle... the next next one won't do that, and the next one won't do what next one does wrong, and eventually, one will GY farm again. but that's what this whole process is about. The leaders learn from the mistakes of the past leaders until we as common 19s forget about those mistakes. isn't democracy great??


I think he's logged off for the day, so you have another few hours :p

this is wonderful news! you all get to here my views on micropolitics for just a bit more!

i'm accepting any questions related to the topic
You're probably thinking Moderator, Glabe. Shane is the Admin (aka head honcho) of TI.

no... Shane it the one who PMed me the last thread.... i just didn't realize that admin was the head honcho. well, i guess he wasn't following orders, but he is still following what he thinks is best for the community of TI. my point still stands... i just misspoke

edit: and that's not a kissass either. i just don't feel anything personal against myself from him... just... YOU GUESSED IT!!! politics
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dude, is there a better way to pic a new CL? I know you didn't mean to take a step up and write the official ballots... but you kinda did

Rather the community doesn't have a say, don't feel that many are even competent to vote ;x
i know it's not "official" =P but it's a decent post, and it has the votes and support of the people of the community. what else can you ask for to make it "official?"

It could just mean people were bored and decided to click on something, I for one did not vote in the poll because it was missing some people I felt should have been listed.
It could just mean people were bored and decided to click on something, I for one did not vote in the poll because it was missing some people I felt should have been listed.

valid point which i'm sure even the OP of the poll will agree with (based on my interpretation of his posts within his own thread of the poll.) think of it as a rough draft!

it wasn't perfect, but it was a great start, and we found out:
A) some people who didn't want to be in the poll
B) some people who didn't receive enough votes to be in the running

now the magician of words, Dori, needs to make a more refined poll!

edit: added parenthesis

another edit: but who could make a more entertaining post about it? idk dorigon in game or irl, but he's got some damn good intriguing descriptions for his polls. he's the Colbert of 19s, and it's awesome
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Since I have come back to the 19 scene, I have noticed there is some serious issues between certain players... it's as obvious as the day is long. However, it does make for interesting ques in the gulch, as the bad blood spills into the matches.

What I can say is, though there are topics that are allowed, and topics that are forbidden in any forum platform, banning people with full knowledge of their actions seems to be the theme. So, I will do my best to not comment in those threads and to those posts... although some are a great read.
dude, is there a better way to pic a new CL? I know you didn't mean to take a step up and write the official ballots... but you kinda did

You mean a better way than a poll created by a single person picking 10 canditates of which he thought they'd be suitable for the CL position? I'm pretty sure there is.
You guys will be seeing an entirely new staff shortly. I hope they are everything you've wanted.
You guys will be seeing an entirely new staff shortly. I hope they are everything you've wanted.
hopefully they wont ban me and my guildies (with the exception of slyddur) for completely ridiculous reasons and then not ban some when they did the exact same thing
on topic thought i think Dori's poll was a good start but it needs to go further make another one with some people that had the most votes and then others that were suggested (HB!) of course shane will have the last say in who gets CL but if we get at least a top 5 he will have some choices
hopefully they wont ban me and my guildies (with the exception of slyddur) for completely ridiculous reasons and then not ban some when they did the exact same thing
on topic thought i think Dori's poll was a good start but it needs to go further make another one with some people that had the most votes and then others that were suggested (HB!) of course shane will have the last say in who gets CL but if we get at least a top 5 he will have some choices
I'm not entirely sure if your pea brain can handle this idea, but based on the fact that pizza Elliot and sillin all lost their positions anyone that comes into power will most likely not be affiliated with the bracket in game.
Perhaps with Pizza the woman with a "highschool crush" on pizza and a power hungry kid not running TI anymore, It's possible the tinks could be reaching a new era of peace going into MoP
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I'm not entirely sure if your pea brain can handle this idea, but based on the fact that pizza Elliot and sillin all lost their positions anyone that comes into power will most likely not be affiliated with the bracket in game.
doesn't change the fact that eliot went a little to far with banning, can your pea size brain wrap around that?
Why do people on the internet think they even have a right to making choices on a privately owned website. I lol at people that think they should.
And I laugh at people making posts like yours, I guess it's all matter of preference.
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Why do people on the internet think they even have a right to making choices on a privately owned website. I lol at people that think they should.
Because without people the website makes no money.
And I laugh at people making posts like this, I guess it's all matter of preference.

LOL wait what? >.>

In all seriousness. The hot topic is not really a hot topic, it's just causing people to become overtly concerned with something they have no control over.

Seriously, whose gonna remember who was elected when and temp banned for how long for whatever reason by the end of MoP? And for those people who will remember, I feel kinda bad, because it should not influence future decisions.

Case in point- it's not a hot topic. Its being made a hot topic by posts and threads like these.
LOL wait what? >.>

In all seriousness. The hot topic is not really a hot topic, it's just causing people to become overtly concerned with something they have no control over.

Seriously, whose gonna remember who was elected when and temp banned for how long for whatever reason by the end of MoP? And for those people who will remember, I feel kinda bad, because it should not influence future decisions.

Case in point- it's not a hot topic. Its being made a hot topic by posts and threads like these.

The fact that it is being discussed makes it the hot topic - lol, what are you trying to say?
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