Hey, so I got this badass idea for a sig!
Okay, so, first, I want a few of my twinks to be in my sig.
My Hunter
My Rogue
Note: I want a couple other toons to be in it too. I want my Paladin to be in the middle, the Rogue and Hunter to be kinda faced towards him, but still facing the one looking at the sig. I'll post an armory for my Pala later, once I get it geared, so if you make the sig now you could leave an open space for the Paladin. Also, I want my Priest to be there, but he could be kinda in the background, so don't worry about that.
And finally, below the toons, I want it to say: Xposure
And below 'Xposure', I want it to say: #1 worlde
Would be great if you could fix that!
Also, if you think screenshots will work better, let me know.
And finally, I might need a new Avatar too. But fix the sig first.