I see a lot of people afk in Battlegrounds but I have some degree of sympathy with them. I would guess the average age range of players in Classic has got to be late 20's if not beyond.
I'm 34 myself - wife, kids, business. it is hard to find the time to sit 100% focused for the amount of time it takes to see the majority through to the end. I'm often having to taking phone calls, chat to customers etc and I'm certainly not taking time away from my family to play WOW. I just jump on when i get the chance and see if i can squeeze a quick battleground in.
If it's a case that they're losing and their response is to afk... different story. I'll keep swinging hammers until the flag drops! I wont be jumping for joy about it but every time you get that little victory of a kill over a super dominant team - it kind of makes it worth it even if you do lose. If I'm really not enjoying it.. You have to ask yourself... why the fuck are you there to begin with?
Saw some notable people today from Mandokir i think. Theodore, Tori or Tory and another ret pala beginning of O. Didn't really note any amazing solo plays but they worked really well as a team and made victory all but impossible without a good comparable team. Managed to get 3 or so EFC kills and each time they somehow managed to stop me from actually returning the flag. One time, killed the EFC as we jumped from the balcony, he died midair and of course, I'm stood looking up at the flag unable to click it... haha. Was hilarious and brutal all at the same time.
Also played against the Nether group. 9 man premade a few times. Rarebreed seemed to have fun laughing at every corpse he stomped which seems to be his signature. Whatever makes you hard I suppose. Not really any notable plays but obviously a pretty active community over there to have 9 on throughout the week. Took a bloody long time to get a win though - shame on you folks
