Thought police



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I didn't watch the entirety of the video, but from the small fraction of it, the topic of equality of outcome and gender politics pops into mind. This is, in my opinion, an out-right disease that has to stop. I can literally be so pissed :/

Outcome of opportunity should be the ideal. Why the hell should you be given a job based on ethnicity or gender when someone else is way more qualified. Shit blows my mind. I don't give a fuck if you're white, black, yellow or a pink unicorn. If you are the most suitable candidate, then that's that. An example from my own country would be that there is supposed to be an x amount of women against an x amount of men in a board, which is nuts. Or when bigger corporations are forced to employ different ethnic groups to avoid institutional racism charges/accusations.

"But sir, some industries are conservative and lead by men. They will never see women as equals".

Get. The. Fuck. Out.

The world elite didn't get to where they are without going with what's in their best interests. A lot of the bullshit equality quotas has already been debunked since the late 70s and throughout the 80s.

"What about the gender pay gap"

Ok so this entirely depends on where you live. It is generally a myth in the US and has been debunked many times (earliest by Thomas Sowell in the 80s I believe), but there are countries where this is actually an issue.

However, we cannot disregard all the career women who has the same fighting chance as men. And what I am about to say now is gonna trigger your feminazi mind (if you happen to have one of that sort). Gender roles is a thing. Deal with it. A lot of research shows that most women simply put family first. Striking career women often step down (no rule without exceptions, keep that in mind) at the age of 40-50. They have now achieved their career goals and want to settle back on family.

It's shit like this that really blows my mind. Especially because we're supposed to more enlightened than ever as this generation. We have an infinite source of knowledge and education. The internet. As long as you're critical with your sources, cross reference and look at both point of views (which is necessary in order to understand what you agree/disagree with), you're set! Infinite knowledge!
However, it seems that what started in the late 80s and has now manifested itself as extreme liberal (in the American sense, in EU liberal still means actual liberal, lmfao) politics, is being enhanced in our generation. A generation that should know better.

This isn't Trump vs Hillary. This is literally logic and reasoning vs a sheep mentality that developed from Marxism. A beautiful ideal, but rotten at its core. It doesn't work.

History has proven this. Look at China under Mao, Russia under Stalin, Cuba under Fidel Castro. If there is something we are taught, it's that history repeats itself if we allow it to. Learn. From. Your. Mistakes. Humanity somewhat sucks at this for some fucking reason.

I suggest you look up everything for yourself this day and age. You have every tool available. Pick up some books on the subject, look up Jordan Peterson etc. If you believe the information to be biased, look up more viewpoints, add criticism to it and you will come to a conclusion that all of these extreme liberal point of views, such as equality of outcome and gender politics is out-right ridiculous.

(This post wasn't meant for the OP - the use of "you" in this case is to target the general public)

Rant over. I just get pissed over shit like this.
TL;DR: I'm a White Male born in the USA and even I see why diversity is necessary.

The problem I find with topics like this is that they are literally crying "I can't discriminate against others any more because People won't let me so I'm gonna get mad and claim I'M being persecuted". While I 100% agree that the most qualified person should always be hired over someone just because of Gender or skin color, that in and of itself is the problem. The very reason we require these types of diversity systems to be in place is because we'd be right back where we started between the 1920's-1960's in the USA where the only people allowed to work (for pay) were White Men. The only people allowed higher education were, White Men. The only people allowed to Vote in our Political system were... you guessed it White Men.

The USA isn't alone in this system of oppression of the 'Others', that is those who are not like the majority in Power. That's not always White Men, but it has historically ALWAYS been Men. It doesn't matter if you honestly believe that Men are superior to Women, or if White is superior to Black and Brown, or if a certain age range is superior to another, what matters is that Society as a whole is tired of the old status quo and has moved on. If those with staunch CONservative views don't want to move on that's on them, because the rest of the World will be happy to leave them behind.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see a change in gender roles in regards to power in this century.

While Men have been given this idea that they are superior to women, women have been constantly fighting their oppression and rising in power since the late 1950s. While Men, have been doing nothing but complain.

During my interships in hospitals, the amount of female medical students and residents were FAR greater than men.

I truly believe men think they are entitled to everything but do not work for any of it. And this shows in not only in the healthcare system but also here on twinkinfo/xpoff. Look at how many users are males. Whether you believe gaming is a profession or not, women are out there in the real world becoming a figure of greater power while the Men are hiding and gaming behind screens.

The millenials will see a very prominent presence of Women in positions of power.

I built this thought very quickly but I hope you get the gist of it.

Tl;dr women are going to overthrow men.
Seems like the "We're all equal" narrative has been pushed to the point of implying there are no biological differences between male and females when it comes to the brain.

We can have equality of opportunity, hell we might even be able to have something close to equality of outcome. That does not mean that everything implying that males and females are wired differently is "sexist". The manifesto isn't all that controversial. I might not agree with some of the statements therein, but discussion of it being shut down is... exactly what the guy who wrote it was talking about.
The problem I find with topics like this is that they are literally crying "I can't discriminate against others any more because People won't let me so I'm gonna get mad and claim I'M being persecuted".
C'mon dude, you should know better than to watch a few minutes of a video and type up a response. Your comment (as well as a few others) just screams "I only watched a little bit, but responded out of instinct and emotion instead of considering what is being said and formulating a well thought out retort" .

This video is about Google; it's not about any of the shit you guys are talking about. Not discrimination in the workplace or gender roles. Just because the man talks about discrimination against consevative viewpoints in a man's workplace and a woman's twitter comments about said discrimination at the start of the video does not mean that is what the entire video is going to be about.
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There's the possibility that these giant tech companies may become powerful enough to one day rule the country rather than the government, or possibly that California decides to secede. It's not a ridiculous caution to worry about something that's entirely feasible. Especially if true AI is achieved
While Men have been given this idea that they are superior to women
Any man that is not a virgin who's never been in a relationship fucking knows better than to think they are superior to their woman (unless they're suffering from a mental illness) . Women have the ability to manipulate and decieve, to make a man feel like he's a god or to make him feel like he's nothing. I am a white male that was raised predominantly by females and had a father who was raised by a single mother. I know what females are capable of and to talk about them like they're oppressed is a fucking insult to them BUT they will just take that insult and turn it into a way to get what they want; that's how smart they are. And, I as a male am happy that I was inadvertantly taught how to do what they do so effectively.

I truly believe men think they are entitled to everything but do not work for any of it.
Every old guy in my family is all about working and earning everything you have. I was taught by them that hard work is the biggest satisfaction that can be had in life. The men you have been around must just fucking suck.

women are going to overthrow men.
I hope not. I want us to work together. We need each other. We balance each other out. I truly believe that there are people trying to divide us whether it be gender vs gender, race vs race or class vs class. They want to destabilize us and throw us in to termoil so that they may profit from it, but I won't get in to that too much. I just wanted to address a few -incredibly irrelevant to the topic- comments.
It's just as wrong to discriminate based on race or sex against white males as any other combo.
If you think otherwise, or think police shoot minorities more because they're racist, you're 100% brainwashed and even clear facts won't persuade you otherwise.
Pick the best person for the job, period.
Any man that is not a virgin who's never been in a relationship trucking knows better than to think they are superior to their woman (unless they're suffering from a mental illness) . Women have the ability to manipulate and decieve, to make a man feel like he's a god or to make him feel like he's nothing. I am a white male that was raised predominantly by females and had a father who was raised by a single mother. I know what females are capable of and to talk about them like they're oppressed is a trucking insult to them BUT they will just take that insult and turn it into a way to get what they want; that's how smart they are. And, I as a male am happy that I was inadvertantly taught how to do what they do so effectively.

Every old guy in my family is all about working and earning everything you have. I was taught by them that hard work is the biggest satisfaction that can be had in life. The men you have been around must just trucking suck.

I hope not. I want us to work together. We need each other. We balance each other out. I truly believe that there are people trying to divide us whether it be gender vs gender, race vs race or class vs class. They want to destabilize us and throw us in to termoil so that they may profit from it, but I won't get in to that too much. I just wanted to address a few -incredibly irrelevant to the topic- comments.

I'm talking about this generation, the millennials, not our parents and elderly. Ofc they worked their asses off. They went through 2 recessions.
Uhh y
I'm talking about this generation, the millennials, not our parents and elderly. Ofc they worked their asses off. They went through 2 recessions.
Ok let's ignore everything else you were talking about regarding females and say you were only talking about millenial males being entitled and shitty. God, that sounds like an old ignorant conservative right there. It's something straight out of a paul joseph watson video. Fucking millenials and their non-working, non-respecting women asses. Fuck millenials they're ruining everything........including this thread apparently.
That wasn't addressed to you
I know dude it just sucks that this has turned in to an argument against the people that can't pay attention long enough to figure out what's going on and are all "hurr duurr conservative equals racist and mysoginyst hurr durr women will take over" . No disrespect to you.
I know dude it just sucks that this has turned in to an argument against the people that can't pay attention long enough to figure out what's going on and are all "hurr duurr conservative equals racist and mysoginyst hurr durr women will take over" . No disrespect to you.
I understand. I read the article myself before you posted it and agree with you. Also just read while waiting in Q that Google fired the employee that wrote it.
Lack of intellectual diversity is a huge problem and can easily be used to lead a people to agree to tyranny.

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