Those blasted lvl 19 alli hunter twinks

ziddestroyer said:
i think the best choice i've got so far is a pally, just hand of freedom, run up, stun and try and kill asap

run up and stun is one of the worst things you can do on a paladin.

at 19 you're not going to be able to kill a hunter as a pali, at least very quickly, because the hunter should survive through HoF and then kite the paladin. the only way a paladin will beat a smart hunter is if it's in arena where you can't necessarily kite forever due to the boundaries.
On my shaman I can kill hunters, it just takes a good amount of time and effort.

Now, for downright killing, its hard for any class. But on my priest I can train a hunter for half an hour and still be good to go. No interrupts just gimp them against outright healers.
Make a pally and spec into improved BoF. Just rush directly at them they will usually use conc. shot second. Should be able to get a judgement and 1-2 hits off he may try to wing clip hopefully he does this when BoF is still up! If he manages to get you just blow your trinket and judge again. By this time BoF should be up again! keep using it! just keep rushing him and maybe throw a hammer in there to get close.
hammer of justice should only be used if you're finishing the hunter off (this is what you want) or if the hunter is getting away due to you being slowed and your trinket and BoF are down, or some other similar situation. as a general rule you should try to use HoJ when your BoF is down, when your opponent is at low health, or if someone is trying to cast an important heal.
alot of things can kill a hunter depending on situation, cept mages...they just get raped
perfect said:
Its not much of a counter but a hunter can't do much against a paladin. Their pet will slowly die and if they send 3+ or more pets that would kill any other class you would survie. You can judge one of the pets and heal while auto attacking and heal through the hunters dps. Or run up in ther face with BoF and hope you get lucky crits or end up spending minutes chasing them.

A paladins hammer of justice range is 10yards next to nothing.

Roll a paladin if you don't want to die against 1 or more hunters so easily.

kinda late to quote this but a hunter should be able to beat all but fully geard spelladin's

think about it...if a pally uses BoF (or hand of freedom i just like the other name better :p) u dont waste your mana on concussive or be stupid and run back to wing clip. also if the pally pays close enough attention he shouldnt have a serpent sting on him for more then a second so hunters shoudnt waste mana on that spell either

save mana for mend pet, arcane shot, and multi-shot

i know most hunters arent very smart and do everything i said they shouldnt do but you should come around a hunter who actually knows how to play every once in a while.

sry if i spelled anything wrong or someone already pointed this out :eek:
Your post is correct, a truly skilled hunter (even though rare) will be able to kill just about anything with ease.

Damn huntards...xD
zidsal said:
your guys forget next patch libriams and leg patches seem like there getting removed. If this goes ahead caster classes will not be able to compete with hunters as there hp will be way to low.

this is a over-canned used false statement, so i use my over-canned response

actually hunters, and melee spec'd classes are losing more HP in comparison to caster classes. when leg armors get nerfed melee types lose 300/400hp on the leg armors they use. caster will lose 150/200hp on their leg armor kits. the kits i'm talking about tare the BC ones, not the wotlk exploited ones

as for head libram is a hunter has +100hp and a caster has +100 now, and then after 3.1 they are BOTH gone, i really fail to see how this just hurts the caster.
as for head libram is a hunter has +100hp and a caster has +100 now, and then after 3.1 they are BOTH gone, i really fail to see how this just hurts the caster.

if you fail to see how it hurts the caster more, just look at the relative dps outputs.

a hunter can throw out dps at will. it can autoshot and do relatively good dps. stack that with a pet that doesn't use enchants (albeit it does work off of the hunter's stam), instant cast DPS shots, and easy to use CC.

a caster has to use much more unconventional forms of DPS (if it wants to DPS). a caster, especially a non-healer like a lock or mage, relies on health in order to survive onslaughts.

a caster can't sustain DPS without good health because it can't necessarily avoid damage while attempting to do damage. a hunter can avoid damage by just using it's DPS advantage and great pushback ability, and also by kiting with 35/41 yard range instant casts.

all in all, i think that hunters aren't going to be that much more overpowered after the changes, but certainly if a non-hunter has a 100 hp libram and a hunter has a 100 hp libram, the hunter will benefit more from losing the librams.
with DPS as it is now, i still say:

as for head libram is a hunter has +100hp and a caster has +100 now, and then after 3.1 they are BOTH gone, i really fail to see how this just hurts the caster.

as for for leg armors, hunters are losing 12 agi = dps/crit/armor/dodge and casters losing 35 spell power

sorry fail to see caster, healer, FC druids really suffering anyworse than they do now. i have a fresh 19 twink hunter, i run OOM trying to kill priests, h-pal, res-druids, and 90% of the time they get away

if you are a FC/healer druid, a hunter can't burn you down now, won't be able to after 3.1 goes live.
as for head libram is a hunter has +100hp and a caster has +100 now, and then after 3.1 they are BOTH gone, i really fail to see how this just hurts the caster.
they both have more health, but the hunter has more DPS than the caster. this means casters will go down even faster.

sorry fail to see caster, healer, FC druids really suffering anyworse than they do now. i have a fresh 19 twink hunter, i run OOM trying to kill priests, h-pal, res-druids, and 90% of the time they get away

if you're going oom against other classes it's not their fault. if they are heal spamming and you're dumb enough to cast stuff on them then that's your problem.

if you are a FC/healer druid, a hunter can't burn you down now, won't be able to after 3.1 goes live
a hunter will certainly have more of a chance to do so come 3.1. since a FC/healer doesn't really do DPS, a hunter will survive for almost as long and the druid/healer will have less health to work with.
Druiddroid said:
if you're going oom against other classes it's not their fault. if they are heal spamming and you're dumb enough to cast stuff on them then that's your problem.

shouldn't have to explain every situation out to prove my lack of DUMBNESS.

but when you go into a duel premade WSG, and you have a healer stuck in the middle of some hunters/melee/etc. someone is designated to look for healers and attempt to interrupt their healing of party members, cause them to focus healing on themselves. that someone was me, so i guess i was designated to be dumb? anyway, thru a hectic twink/twink battle that healer is able to survive all i throw at him/her, run me OOM, run back to her GY dropoff and get saved by res's. using this dumb tactic we did wipe the other premade back to their GY;)

we have a full boat twink healer in our guild, with healing being rescaled to account for +healing power being reduced and turned into +spell power (works for healing and damage spells) on the pre-wotlk patch, so healers also picked up alot of DPS.

druids really shine now after wotlk. every balanced druid basically picked up more healing and res-druids picked up massive +DPS when they cast a moonfire, etc. that they did not have before.

palidans, pretty much the same lines
Setting a hunter to interrupt heals is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

My reasoning is simple: THEY CAN'T.

Pets are nice for the harassment, but if you were told to interrupt a healer, the only thing you could do would be to DPS it.

Maybe you realize this as well, but still, thats a bad example.
yeah sorry about that, i probably should not have called you dumb, but going OOM against a healer and then complaining about it probably shows you don't control your mana well.

you need to use autoshot and then use bursts of mana when you can, and then keep your mana flowing with the 5 second rule. sometimes if i'm chasing someone on my hunter i'll only use autoshot and concussive shot (to get in more autoshots) so that i can get my mana up. if i can get in range i might throw in wingclips and melee attacks too. my dps from doing this is actually quite high.
sadly there's no "anti-hunter", fortunately though, most of the people who roll "huntards" aren't very good and are easily beaten by an experienced player of any class.
True enough.

I actually used to run into my melee on my hunter and spam wing clip (on my fiery night reaver) since it procced almost every time. Good way to finish low health folks off, but keep in mind this was before most twinks had 1k health.

Ah, the good old days..

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