Those blasted lvl 19 alli hunter twinks

Xposure said:
you aren't supposed to help the hunters! xD

hehe sorry :p i just like to see a challenge here and there. forces you to think outside the box to beat people instead of the usual circles around the S key holding back peddler :mad:
You are sadly mistaken if you think alliance has an excess of hunters. If you're in the Whirlwind battlegroup you know that horde has 5-6 hunters per bg.

You can't blame them though. If you don't really know how to pvp and just want an easy/OP class, then you can't do any better than a hunter (at least in the 19 bracket).
Elude said:
You are sadly mistaken if you think alliance has an excess of hunters. If you're in the Whirlwind battlegroup you know that horde has 5-6 hunters per bg.

You can't blame them though. If you don't really know how to pvp and just want an easy/OP class, then you can't do any better than a hunter (at least in the 19 bracket).

on Mannoroth alliance used to dominate with hunters in 19 and 29. i used to play my rogue, after WotLK playing my rogue was worthless unless in a well made premade. many players have benched their rogues in 19 and rerolled other classes. alot have rerolled the "you can't kill me druids" or hunters. res-druids used to be rare they are now more commonly seen in 19 BGs. we actually have kids/teens playing 19 res druids, they like the fact that it is near impossible to kill them. many of them have benched their rogues.

that second part you said is what a lot of players are saying about DKs and ret-palidans. they used to also say that about rogues. one player i know has both those classes and a rogue at 80. other than gearing his rogue, the rogue stays benched. he rolls his ret-pal or DK in PVP/Arenas. he told me he really has no choice. samething goes in 19 bracket with hunters, they are easy to build, even if you don't go for top gear, they do real well in BGs.

my first 19 rogue had 7200+ kills when i got tired of hunters in 19, i moved him to 29 and the poisons help a lot. but then i decided months later to build another 19 rogue. after some BGs and around 3000+ kills on the rogue, i realized we needed more hunters and healers to roll on premades. i did a hunter, my friend did a healer. rogues are really handicapped in 19 with no slows/stops other than a head on gouge.

with Wotlk Blizz rolled pet talents all the way down to where 19 hunters got pet abilities previously not seen until the 39 bracket that changed everything.

overall hunters went from 2 slows to 3 (from pet), along with glyph of the monkey which overprocs IMO. also in MM spec, it is now possible to gain 100%AP off of the intellect on your hunter. this was not possible before WotLK patch redid the talent trees
Phantom said:
Setting a hunter to interrupt heals is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

My reasoning is simple: THEY CAN'T.

Pets are nice for the harassment, but if you were told to interrupt a healer, the only thing you could do would be to DPS it.

Maybe you realize this as well, but still, thats a bad example.

from my post your answered:

when you go into a duel premade WSG, and you have a healer stuck in the middle of some hunters/melee/etc. someone is designated to look for healers and attempt to interrupt their healing of party members, cause them to focus healing on themselves. that someone was me, so i guess i was designated to be dumb? anyway, thru a hectic twink/twink battle that healer is able to survive all i throw at him/her, run me OOM, run back to her GY dropoff and get saved by res's. using this dumb tactic we did wipe the other premade back to their GY.

when a healer sits in the background untouched and is healing 3-4 players up front, it is near impossible to drop the players with pocket heals. so when you have players engaging the front lines and me the DUMB one going for the healer. the healer 99% of the time goes into the "save your own ass mode" and the heals then are self directed. at that point i have interrupted the healing of 3-4 players.
Druiddroid said:
yeah sorry about that, i probably should not have called you dumb, but going OOM against a healer and then complaining about it probably shows you don't control your mana well.

you need to use autoshot and then use bursts of mana when you can, and then keep your mana flowing with the 5 second rule. sometimes if i'm chasing someone on my hunter i'll only use autoshot and concussive shot (to get in more autoshots) so that i can get my mana up. if i can get in range i might throw in wingclips and melee attacks too. my dps from doing this is actually quite high.

i manage the mana my hunters have quite well. the 19 hunter i have now is a mixed intelect/agility build. my first hunter was a rogue with a bow, i was a NOOB to the game and got bad advice. all agi/stam build. that player taught me how to manage mana the painful way. 1-2 stings, 2-3 arcanes, one trap, 2 wing clips, and 3 concussives he was OOM.

+spell power healers no matter what class/race have virtually a bottomless mana pool even when compared to a intellect build hunter. their heals do more, so they use them less often.
shanker said:
i manage the mana my hunters have quite well. the 19 hunter i have now is a mixed intelect/agility build. my first hunter was a rogue with a bow, i was a NOOB to the game and got bad advice. all agi/stam build. that player taught me how to manage mana the painful way. 1-2 stings, 2-3 arcanes, one trap, 2 wing clips, and 3 concussives he was OOM.

+spell power healers no matter what class/race have virtually a bottomless mana pool even when compared to a intellect build hunter. their heals do more, so they use them less often.

and that's why it's a 10v10.

your dps should not out-do a healer. to take down healers you should NEED another person to take them out.

having a smart rogue on your team helps a lot against good healers. a single rogue can take down pre-occupied healers because of sap, kick, and gouge. a hunter isn't supposed to interrupt healers, it's just supposed to throw out insane portions of DPS.

shanker said:
from my post your answered:

when you go into a duel premade WSG, and you have a healer stuck in the middle of some hunters/melee/etc. someone is designated to look for healers and attempt to interrupt their healing of party members, cause them to focus healing on themselves. that someone was me, so i guess i was designated to be dumb? anyway, thru a hectic twink/twink battle that healer is able to survive all i throw at him/her, run me OOM, run back to her GY dropoff and get saved by res's. using this dumb tactic we did wipe the other premade back to their GY.

when you do premade WSG every class has a role. hunters are not supposed to interrupt healers, rogues are.

despite your team's ability to wipe the other premade to their GY, it does not prove your point. this could have easily happened due to bad coordination or bad players in the other premade.

when a healer sits in the background untouched and is healing 3-4 players up front, it is near impossible to drop the players with pocket heals. so when you have players engaging the front lines and me the DUMB one going for the healer. the healer 99% of the time goes into the "save your own ass mode" and the heals then are self directed. at that point i have interrupted the healing of 3-4 players.

well, if nobody in your premade is going after the healers, sure. but if your premade is actually pretty decent it will direct its rogues towards the healers, not have the hunter try to do that. a hunter is supposed to pump DPS at non-healers, such as the enemy flag carrier, and use CC, such as wingclip, to reduce teammates' damage taken.
shanker said:
from my post your answered:

when you go into a duel premade WSG, and you have a healer stuck in the middle of some hunters/melee/etc. someone is designated to look for healers and attempt to interrupt their healing of party members, cause them to focus healing on themselves. that someone was me, so i guess i was designated to be dumb? anyway, thru a hectic twink/twink battle that healer is able to survive all i throw at him/her, run me OOM, run back to her GY dropoff and get saved by res's. using this dumb tactic we did wipe the other premade back to their GY.

when you do premade WSG every class has a role. hunters are not supposed to interrupt healers, rogues are.

despite your team's ability to wipe the other premade to their GY, it does not prove your point. this could have easily happened due to bad coordination or bad players in the other premade.

when a healer sits in the background untouched and is healing 3-4 players up front, it is near impossible to drop the players with pocket heals. so when you have players engaging the front lines and me the DUMB one going for the healer. the healer 99% of the time goes into the "save your own ass mode" and the heals then are self directed. at that point i have interrupted the healing of 3-4 players.

well, if nobody in your premade is going after the healers, sure. but if your premade is actually pretty decent it will direct its rogues towards the healers, not have the hunter try to do that.
I found the best way to take down a hunter is actually with my twink hunter. Unlike most of the new horde hunter twinks that stack stamina/agility (yes there are many in the whirlwind battlegroup), a pure attack power/intellect build usually gets the job done.

One on one, you hit twice as hard and they usually OOM pretty fast if they don't manage their mana. If they have backup, its game over.

Hunters are a great way to get into twinking, but can get boring quite quickly.
Druiddroid said:
and that's why it's a 10v10.

your dps should not out-do a healer. to take down healers you should NEED another person to take them out.

having a smart rogue on your team helps a lot against good healers. a single rogue can take down pre-occupied healers because of sap, kick, and gouge. a hunter isn't supposed to interrupt healers, it's just supposed to throw out insane portions of DPS.

when you do premade WSG every class has a role. hunters are not supposed to interrupt healers, rogues are.

despite your team's ability to wipe the other premade to their GY, it does not prove your point. this could have easily happened due to bad coordination or bad players in the other premade.

well, if nobody in your premade is going after the healers, sure. but if your premade is actually pretty decent it will direct its rogues towards the healers, not have the hunter try to do that. a hunter is supposed to pump DPS at non-healers, such as the enemy flag carrier, and use CC, such as wingclip, to reduce teammates' damage taken.

i agree that's how it should work, but after a few BGs we found that a hunter can start the process quicker of interrupting the healing of others faster.

i play horde mostly right now, many horde rogues don't want to waste 3 points in MoD or put stealth on a cloak. even in stealth they are easily seen, and most of the time are detected before they make it to the healer.

even if they hit sprint, they usually don't make it to the healer. rogues seem to get priority attention from hunters especially.

overall many twink/guild premades though don't expect a hunter to do this, and to be honest i have no focus on me most of the time when i go for a background healer.

also, i play in RUIN BG, compared to 1 year+ ago, rogues are becoming rarer in 19 bracket. many are like me rolling other classes.
shanker said:
i agree that's how it should work, but after a few BGs we found that a hunter can start the process quicker of interrupting the healing of others faster.
true that they can start the process quicker and they are more stable forms of interruption.

i play horde mostly right now, many horde rogues don't want to waste 3 points in MoD or put stealth on a cloak. even in stealth they are easily seen, and most of the time are detected before they make it to the healer.
honestly it sounds like your rogues aren't very good :confused:

even if they hit sprint, they usually don't make it to the healer. rogues seem to get priority attention from hunters especially.
true, rogues can be CC'd easily once they are found.

overall many twink/guild premades though don't expect a hunter to do this, and to be honest i have no focus on me most of the time when i go for a background healer.
well, i guess there's not much focus either because you're harmless or they're being stupid.
Druiddroid said:
honestly it sounds like your rogues aren't very good :confused:

well, i guess there's not much focus either because you're harmless or they're being stupid.

i made a post concerning stealth in another thread, with humans all classes and NE rogues (druids-cat). with WOTLK changes, horde rogues are easy to detect. +1 stealth detect and passive +stealth really shine in PVP for HU/NE.

i have a human 19 rogue also....stealth vs stealth in 19....horde are easy to detect. i also have a 19 human palidan, she spots rogues real easy. when i play my horde 19's i notice the difference right away.

since i know this from experience, my horde rogue has a extra cloak with stealth enchant on it which helps alot when needed.

harmless? bring your healer into a BG trying to heal 3-4 others while having ANY twink hunter ranging you along with a pet on your healer:D...really harmless? :rolleyes: especially when the rest of your premade is not looking or focusing on a hunter to doing such a dumb thing...nice:D

don't really know if they are stupid, other than they are not used to seeing this, then we are back to my prior posts on this issue.
shanker said:
harmless? bring your healer into a BG trying to heal 3-4 others while having ANY twink hunter ranging you along with a pet on your healer:D...really harmless? :rolleyes: especially when the rest of your premade is not looking or focusing on a hunter to doing such a dumb thing...nice:D

don't really know if they are stupid, other than they are not used to seeing this, then we are back to my prior posts on this issue.

well, if you are doing such an important thing and aren't harmless, i would expect somebody to CC you or something.

maybe their class comp sucked. maybe your team was really really good. maybe they were stupid. i don't know. all i know is that if you're freely shooting their healer, you are effectively shutting their healer down, and the rest of your team isn't on their healer, they should be doing something related to shutting you down.
From the 19 twink warrior persepective:

There is a difference in Hunter Twinks. As noted by someone above, the ones with attack power and intellect can eat you alive. If they stack stamina, they can be tough, but not impossible.

Most hunters, a good warrior twink can take them down. I use improved charge as a talent and glyph of charge for the added range. Of course, it all depends on who gets off the first hit. If I charge first, I win against a good hunter probably 75% of the time. If they kite me, I'm toast. I might survive a few of them by using pillars, buildings and other features.

With Enti's Quenched Sword, hunters, rogues and pally twinks were finally prey. Not easy prey, but prey. You could engage them and work in a few rends and they would go down readily. With that nerf and the sword going away, I went through withdrawal bad. Stopped playing for 2 months.

There is 1 ally hunter in my battlegroup, though, that I lose to 95% of the time. Female dwarf. Best friggin hunter I have ever seen. The only way I have ever won is to completely blind side her from behind. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no respect for the player, as he is a total ass. He verbally taunts with every macro so that he /laughs, mocks, whatever. To me it is no big deal, but for the lowbie non-twinks, he just destroys them and makes them never come back. He camps the GY, kills the lowbies, all the really nice things that give twinks a bad name and all the anger in the forums.

But, there really is, in my opinion, almost no way to kill a hunter 1 on 1 if they are good, twinked and get the first shot off. In the 19 bracket, they are flat-out way more powered than any other class.

That is why my Tauren hunter twink, Buffchip and his spider, Webster, is parked at level 17, holding his Twisted Chanters Staff in one hand and Lil Timmy's Peashooter in the other and waiting for the 3.1 nerfs to happen, adapt and hopefully even things up a little bit. Bwuuuuaaaahahahaha! I just hope I can avoid the temptation to go melee with my squishy hunter....
Deimas said:
I found the best way to take down a hunter is actually with my twink hunter. Unlike most of the new horde hunter twinks that stack stamina/agility (yes there are many in the whirlwind battlegroup), a pure attack power/intellect build usually gets the job done.

One on one, you hit twice as hard and they usually OOM pretty fast if they don't manage their mana. If they have backup, its game over.

Hunters are a great way to get into twinking, but can get boring quite quickly.

BRILLIANT! everyone should just reroll hunters so we have 10v10 WSGs of all hunters!
Sosaye said:
From the 19 twink warrior persepective:

There is a difference in Hunter Twinks. As noted by someone above, the ones with attack power and intellect can eat you alive. If they stack stamina, they can be tough, but not impossible.

Most hunters, a good warrior twink can take them down. I use improved charge as a talent and glyph of charge for the added range. Of course, it all depends on who gets off the first hit. If I charge first, I win against a good hunter probably 75% of the time. If they kite me, I'm toast. I might survive a few of them by using pillars, buildings and other features.

With Enti's Quenched Sword, hunters, rogues and pally twinks were finally prey. Not easy prey, but prey. You could engage them and work in a few rends and they would go down readily. With that nerf and the sword going away, I went through withdrawal bad. Stopped playing for 2 months.

There is 1 ally hunter in my battlegroup, though, that I lose to 95% of the time. Female dwarf. Best friggin hunter I have ever seen. The only way I have ever won is to completely blind side her from behind. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no respect for the player, as he is a total ass. He verbally taunts with every macro so that he /laughs, mocks, whatever. To me it is no big deal, but for the lowbie non-twinks, he just destroys them and makes them never come back. He camps the GY, kills the lowbies, all the really nice things that give twinks a bad name and all the anger in the forums.

But, there really is, in my opinion, almost no way to kill a hunter 1 on 1 if they are good, twinked and get the first shot off. In the 19 bracket, they are flat-out way more powered than any other class.

That is why my Tauren hunter twink, Buffchip and his spider, Webster, is parked at level 17, holding his Twisted Chanters Staff in one hand and Lil Timmy's Peashooter in the other and waiting for the 3.1 nerfs to happen, adapt and hopefully even things up a little bit. Bwuuuuaaaahahahaha! I just hope I can avoid the temptation to go melee with my squishy hunter....

oh btw, Venomstrike > Lil' timmy's.

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