This is why your bracket sucks

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C O T U S said:
you just have to stop playing wsg. it sucks, but that's the way it is. the mods on this forum should have also done a general information post stickied at the top of this forum a loooooooooooooooong time ago that instructs players to avoid wsg.

A post by a mod to tell people to avoid WSG

This would be worse than when 29s banned Aimshot.
Nicozy said:
Can someone ban this guy for saying I should be banned? and by doing so can you please ban me cuz I asked u to ban him?

????? really man? your troll posts aren't even funny. they're just stupid, a waste of space, and getting in the way of getting something halfway constructive done.

i reported this one; hopefully a mod can just lock you out of posting on this 20 f2p forum so you can go "contribute" elsewhere
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