This is big....

Like people before me have remarked: - I expect this to be an overall nerf, in particular for healers, who derive most of the numbers from base healing and sp is less of a factor, - I don't expect that some specs will suddenly become viable (shadow, fury, enh) because they don't suffer from scaling issues, but lack crucial abilities instead, - I also expect Blizz to implement this in such a way that favours p2p.
Naked dmg minus geared dmg atm + remove sum current agillity and dmg.
Feel free to disagree.
Frostbolt currently has a 150% SP ratio, I'm not quite sure how you got the idea it would do 100 damage if you remove the base damage. A mage with 150 spellpower (probably more since base intellect will give SP) would do 225 damage if they don't change the ratios.

Same goes for Arcane Shot, it has a 125% weapon damage ratio, I can't see it doing 30 damage.

Maybe you could share your math?
It's impossible to do the math at this time. In addition, I would take that tweet with a HUUUUGE grain of salt. If what that person tweeted is true, the entire system is changing, and in a very drastic manner.

We honestly have no idea what it will be like. All this speculation is just silly.

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I don't see how this makes a difference really. So Mind Blast will lose 100 damage. That's not the issue, the 190% of a chanted 24's spell power is.
The damage difference is going to be the same, but what this does is make specs like fury and enh viable.
i don't know what im gonna do if 24s get any stronger...
go back to CoD?
this bracket used to be so fun, ever since mop came into existence it has shat on f2ps

omg imagine getting cata f2p abilities + balanced pvp ...

Immagine giving me Ravage&Pownce on feral .... :( !
After MMO champion:

Are the health levels we saw at Blizzcon not a good indicator?

Not sure what was in the BlizzCon build. Important bit: Base health is gone. All HP = Stam.
And how does that work with freshly created characters who have no gear? Dumb idea.
No gear doesn't mean no Stamina. Characters have base Stamina.
Forgive me but I thought those things were exactly the same thing.
Nope, very different.
Can you link an explanation? The stuff I can find pairs the two terms together.
Not sure what you're asking. There's currently base health and base stam. Base health is going away. All health will be from stam

This means we will lose approximately 500hp.
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You guys don't seriously believe they are only going to remove base damage and leave scaling as is, do you?

Maybe they will, but it is certainly far more likely (following blizzard's past behavior) that they increase the scaling to compensate the removal of base damage.

Assuming that to be a fact (which it almost certainly is, IF they are going to remove base numbers), I would say that the net effect would be a positive one for most classes.

At the very least, this is a "rerolling" of the balance "dice". Which, given the state of our bracket, probably can't make things any worse than they are now.
Cata: the bracket can't possibly get worse:
it got worse.

Pre-MoP patch: it can't possibly get worse.
It got worse.

5.3: with these enchants, the bracket can't possibly get any worse.
Guess what? Yup.. it got worse.

To say 'it can't get any worse' is to demonstrate a HUGE lack of awareness about 1) how Blizzard operates, and 2) how they CAN and DO ALWAYS MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE.

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