Thinking about returning

Get the eyepatch, the whole point to be being allaince.

Why is this guy even a bracket manager xd

Play whatever you like Nodoka, but I wouldn't suggest an alliance druid atm seeing as they already have a shitload of them, and (at least imo) druid got really boring after wod due to every spec being able to 1-shot people.
I dont really have any intention of playing FC tho ^^

Either way, will still makes you do more healing, if you calculate the numbers of your Hots critting and the amount of healing you get from them with the haste procs, everything will be made clear. As you do not posses too much haste to make your rejuvenation tick 1 more time as a F2P druid.
Either way, will still makes you do more healing, if you calculate the numbers of your Hots critting and the amount of healing you get from them with the haste procs, everything will be made clear. As you do not posses too much haste to make your rejuvenation tick 1 more time as a F2P druid.

Fair enough ^^
Get the eyepatch, the whole point to be being allaince.

Well, of course. But in late MoP Hogger's Shiny scaled the most stamina, and was BiS for FC wise.

The choice is all yours. Now, it's pretty equal to the other rings, 7 stam, but its unique feature is that it has 7 dodge, which may be helpful.
Play whatever you like Nodoka, but I wouldn't suggest an alliance druid atm seeing as they already have a shitload of them, and (at least imo) druid got really boring after wod due to every spec being able to 1-shot people.

I see your point in having many of them. As you mentioned, he can play whatever he likes. And you added a fair... "Restriction", and this allows him to Follow that, or not. You have seen it in the negative manner, and the "damage" it does to the community. The positive part is, it brings more dynamic to the game, but if there are a lot of druids as you mention, the bracket goes into an Over-Dynamic state, to the point where the enemy team will dominate, and make the game, "much less fun" to play.
Either way, will still makes you do more healing, if you calculate the numbers of your Hots critting and the amount of healing you get from them with the haste procs, everything will be made clear.

I'd be interested on how you calculated this. Also you seem to be ignoring that getting a regrowth cast or roots cast off faster, you will be able to continue kiting faster. This is huge for FCing imo, and for balance too.

As you do not posses too much haste to make your rejuvenation tick 1 more time as a F2P druid.
There's no such thing as "additional ticks from haste" anymore. Or well, there is, but not in the way you used to; even if you had 0,1% haste, it will make your rejuvenation heal more. They changed how HoTs work in wod, there are no more breakpoints for haste, but rather you get an additional tick even if you had that 0,1% haste, it will just be a smaller one. The more haste you have, the more healing the additional tick will give.

But yeah, for a f2p I would gear int + stam and get haste where I can. Then again, I haven't played that much druid in wod but for me, a guaranteed faster cast etc will always be better than a small random chance to get stronger heal, especially for fcing.
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dude you even made a video how you (f2p druid) killed a fucking 29 bm during your opener, how should any class "outplay" this if they have cooldown on their pvp trinket (especially vs vet ferals)? ferals are aids, doesnt matter if bad or good ones

No trinket vs Fist of Fury you die
No trinket vs Hammer of justice u can die

Feral is not the only class that kill u easy if u have no trinket.

Feral is definitely more dangerous because of their damage tho.
Why is this guy even a bracket manager xd

Play whatever you like Nodoka, but I wouldn't suggest an alliance druid atm seeing as they already have a shitload of them, and (at least imo) druid got really boring after wod due to every spec being able to 1-shot people.

I don't like horde that much due to their 4 years of half p2p teams consistently but its not like f2p horde could actually tell them to leave. I know aggramar use to 5 man and 10 man a lot.

Ferals aren't that scary to me because most ferals rely on damage so much they don't have how to survive.
Dont forget to instantly trinket 8 second sap, you'll thank me later ;)

lol, I remember times where I would see a fc have to trinket sap or get 1 shotted , rogues had a huge opener in 5.4

I guess you would remember though.

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Hi Mad,

your post made me giggle.
"skipped faceday" is my favorite. I just don't think the average Wow-player gets the puns intended.
Somehow I always imagine 90% of US-players to be obese sugar junkies.
Perhaps lowering their LDL-level would also lower their rage-level. They should start here: Al Kavadlo

Ansonsten: Ruhe bewahren und drauflos dreschen;)

Liebe Grüße,

i didnt skip face day, u pervs want pics, good strategy.
cholesterol has any correlation with rage?

so me thinking germans only liked the massive freak bodybuilders, but no they are into the mens always in pants aka no legs aka upper body everyday.
I didn't even apply for the position, and I barely play once a week lol. Probably would be a better candidate though, at least I don't bullshit people here =/

You don't apply. Stop getting on my ass you know nothing of my personality within the forums and the game
I don't know why you lash out on me rofl
lol, I remember times where I would see a fc have to trinket sap or get 1 shotted , rogues had a huge opener in 5.4

I guess you would remember though.

View attachment 6052
That time when arms warriors can't do anything to sub rogues... All that dodge

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