Thinking about returning

not angry, just surprised that you are as dumb as your mag friends are (and you even told me an other ppl all they do is playing fotm shit)

in terms of p2p, maybe you should wake up and see the current state of the bracket
i played f2p when it was the f2p bracket, now the majority (except jajas) are vets or 29, so all you do with playing f2p is gimping you and your team down. this has nothing to do with pride or competition, if you get a few mroe braincells one day you might consider going vet and simply making 2 gear sets, one vet set if you face a lot of vets/29s and one f2p set if you feel like there are only f2ps on the opposite team (which wont happen, were not in 2013/2014 anymore)

edit: and ofc no one has a problem with f2ps as long as you dont bitch about everything else the whole day (like you, sneakybugger and other ppl on this forum do)

im not arguing or complaning, dont care so much with the current state of the bracket.

i aint got time for this, if u want to talk come to mag.
Well, you can outplay someone super easily by leading them to your direction, making him go to your team and you getting the kill. Then everything gets easier. By running to your team, you save yourself, which may be a needed presence in the future. As for the classes i play, i do play warlock as well. And i want to play the classes i mentioned, because i LIKE playing them, not because they are op.

now i agree with most of your opinions lenny

but feral is still fucking broken even for a f2p
fucking exponent opened on me while not in bear form with my stam set, and finished me off like 3 seconds after the CC went off, i had no CDs to escape that shit; now imagine a normal player with a none-stam set

fucking idiotic, just dont play fotm period
now i agree with most of your opinions lenny

but feral is still fucking broken even for a f2p
fucking exponent opened on me while not in bear form with my stam set, and finished me off like 3 seconds after the CC went off, i had no CDs to escape that shit; now imagine a normal player with a none-stam set

fucking idiotic, just dont play fotm period

Im leveling with cat form at as resto and currently lvl 13 killing lvl 17-18 mobs like they were lvl 13 mobs. xD
now i agree with most of your opinions lenny

but feral is still fucking broken even for a f2p
fucking exponent opened on me while not in bear form with my stam set, and finished me off like 3 seconds after the CC went off, i had no CDs to escape that shit; now imagine a normal player with a none-stam set

fucking idiotic, just dont play fotm period

Well, he finished you, but my counter argument here would be, Why did you let this happen? And, What you could have done to prevent it? These are 2 of the questions i make to myself, when i die or get outplayed. You basically could have saved yourself there. You would be like , how ? That is not possible, it is a feral druid... Yes, you could have, positioning is key. Asking team mates for help is key, letting them know and sometimes taking your time to type for 4-5 seconds, so someone can help. That 4-5 would be better than 1-2 min of rezzing and re-gaining position again.

If you were close to your team, that death could have been avoided. That is for sure.
Im leveling with cat form at as resto and currently lvl 13 killing lvl 17-18 mobs like they were lvl 13 mobs. xD

When it comes to PVE with BoAs, you can pretty much solo RFC at level 10.
Well, he finished you, but my counter argument here would be, Why did you let this happen? And, What you could have done to prevent it? These are 2 of the questions i make to myself, when i die or get outplayed. You basically could have saved yourself there. You would be like , how ? That is not possible, it is a feral druid... Yes, you could have, positioning is key. Asking team mates for help is key, letting them know and sometimes taking your time to type for 4-5 seconds, so someone can help. That 4-5 would be better than 1-2 min of rezzing and re-gaining position again.

If you were close to your team, that death could have been avoided. That is for sure.

You are very ... ironic... First you argue how to outplay people as a feral, now you argue how to outplay a feral lmao.
Please lenny, im not here to argue outplaying, F2P is still FOTM period. Put yourself in a normal perspective, you get opened on with no CDS your dead. especially if you dont have a very big health pool

Edit: it was in EFR while my team was mid
im not a broke ass bitch, and dont even start with "20 monks are as bad as ferals", please i always thought youre not as retarded as your magtheridon friends

From a mid based perspective, BM monk is a frontliner, and if he positions great, he can have the largest impact in the game along with an Arms Warrior. The impact a Frontliner can have on a game is larger than a Feral Druid. Period.

If you gain control of mid and sustain the enemy team at the GY, meanwhile sending 2 people to go for efc , then help FC, you for sure have won the game. But you should NOT let anyone pass form GY. If you let one, except their FC, you are pretty much in a bad spot. As they may begin wiping your team, and forcing you to send the 3rd person on D/O.
You are very ... ironic... First you argue how to outplay people as a feral, now you argue how to outplay a feral lmao.
Please lenny, im not here to argue outplaying, F2P is still FOTM period. Put yourself in a normal perspective, you get opened on with no CDS your dead. especially if you dont have a very big health pool

Edit: it was in EFR while my team was mid

Sorry if you find my argument ironic, that was completely NOT my point. I imagined you would be in EFR. That is why i told you to take that 4-5 second break to ask one of your teamates to break off mid and go help you. It would have been avoided, and if you had a view point on where that feral was standing most of the time, you wouldn't have died. It is OK to be outplayed, i HAVE been outplayed before, only to outplay him after, learning his/her tricks and strategy.

I'm not using heirlooms.

Also is there a armory I can look at for BIS gear? =)
And i for sure, am not arguing this. Feral is and will be a FOTM Class till blizzard decides to put its mind into it and nerf the class. Classes can be OP, but this should also change the way you are playing.

Also for resto Eyepatch or Fish hat? in mop fish hat was bis but since they removed hit and added crit on eyepatch me muchos curious about if fish hat still bis >.<
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Also for resto Eyepatch or Fish hat? in mop fish hat was bis but since they removed hit and added crit on eyepatch me muchos curious about if fish hat still bis >.<

Depends on your set, i for one would go for more stamina meanwhile healing, for a more balanced set.
Oh it dosnt? I really need to read up ^^

As i said it depends on your set. If you want a more mid-specified set, you'd go with more stam. I don't personally like that, but it would give potential in being aggressive as well.

It is your choice, after all. If you'd want it to heal, and be sometimes Tanky, as your heals aren't as great as other specs, go with LFH.
let me guess, you spend all your money on useless supps all those fakenattys on youtube promote so one day you might get in shape?

and please dont even start with real life, id tell you a few things about me but i dont need the respect from skinny bitches who think they "lift", glad to see youre no exeption to the other mag fags :cool:
fuck off mate, leave TI and train your chicken legs, just sad you skipped faceday for too long

/rant out

Hi Mad,

your post made me giggle.
"skipped faceday" is my favorite. I just don't think the average Wow-player gets the puns intended.
Somehow I always imagine 90% of US-players to be obese sugar junkies.
Perhaps lowering their LDL-level would also lower their rage-level. They should start here: Al Kavadlo

Ansonsten: Ruhe bewahren und drauflos dreschen;)

Liebe Grüße,

Also for resto Eyepatch or Fish hat? in mop fish hat was bis but since they removed hit and added crit on eyepatch me muchos curious about if fish hat still bis >.<

Get the eyepatch, the whole point to be being allaince. NOTHING can substitute it not even the BoA helms. Keep different sets. The riot stick is shit and so is the ring, they all have bad scaling once WoD hit
As i said it depends on your set. If you want a more mid-specified set, you'd go with more stam. I don't personally like that, but it would give potential in being aggressive as well.

It is your choice, after all. If you'd want it to heal, and be sometimes Tanky, as your heals aren't as great as other specs, go with LFH.

Well I spent some time researching what I want and come up that im going to go for int / stamina set.. Whats your standing on the haste vs crit shoulders?
Well I spent some time researching what I want and come up that im going to go for int / stamina set.. Whats your standing on the haste vs crit shoulders?

Honestly, haste was needed a lot in MoP, but now in WoD, Critical is one of the best stats to stack. It makes your Swiftmend crit more, and you crit a lot on your damage abilities. After all it is a chance, but i'd rather have it increased while FCing, and it would give me a 1k crit swiftmend crit than casting and receiving 100 more heal, from ticks. Someone may correct me on this, but this is how i personally feel, and how i actually play in-game.
Honestly, haste was needed a lot in MoP, but now in WoD, Critical is one of the best stats to stack. It makes your Swiftmend crit more, and you crit a lot on your damage abilities. After all it is a chance, but i'd rather have it increased while FCing, and it would give me a 1k crit swiftmend crit than casting and receiving 100 more heal, from ticks. Someone may correct me on this, but this is how i personally feel, and how i actually play in-game.

I dont really have any intention of playing FC tho ^^

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